Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWait… we have to go HOME?!
No one told me this. It’s not called “Bike to Work and Back Day”!
I was expecting limo service! That’s not included with my free t-shirt?
I think it would be entertaining to see 12,000 people with bikes on the Metro
My legs actually feel pretty strong (ask me again when I get on the bike) but the top half of me would REALLY like a nap.
I wish there were more afternoon stops, that would be fun to meet up and hear everyone’s stories of their day.
ParticipantIf it’s not too much trouble, thanks!
That way eminva can have the last 2/3 of her name back
Participant@dasgeh 19942 wrote:
Maybe some nice moderator can help you change it (though not today — I think all the nice moderators are out at Pit Stops!)
As they should be – and doing an awesome job!
Participant@PotomacCyclist 19982 wrote:
We need to have a Bike to Bike Week. Or Month.
Yeah, if there were pit stops with coffee and snacks every morning, EVERYONE would bike to work.
Then in the evenings we could have little sandwiches and cocktails…
It was my first time commuting by bike – in fact pretty much my first time back on a bike at ALL in three years (except for last week’s class).
I did 11.8 miles – stopped at Crystal City, Reagan Building, and Mount Vernon. SO MUCH FUN.
Got a water bottle and a patch kit and some bananas and my t-shirt. Was tempted by the vuvuzuela but wasnt sure where I was going to stash it.
I think I may have been the slowest thing out on the trails but at least I was OUT THERE!
Things I learned/rediscovered:
I was sitting WAY too far back on my saddle last week.
Unclipping on the side you are leaning toward is helpful at stop lights.
I need to fix/replace my bike computer because my cadence was bouncing between eleven billionty and zero.
The front strap holder thingy on my messenger bag snagged my shirt all up
I want panniers.
BIKING IS CRAZY FUN AND I WANT TO DO IT ALL THE TIME!Then I got to work and found out I have to work in Fairfax all next week. 😡 I was all psyched to ride to work next week!
ParticipantRayGun Building! Fancy coffee![ATTACH]1069[/ATTACH]
ParticipantMade it to Crystal City! Got a banana and a patch kit. [ATTACH]1068[/ATTACH]
ParticipantDo I get disqualified for wearing a marathon shirt with bike shorts?
ParticipantWell it’s a good thing I bought an “extra” helmet, I just checked my old one and it’s from 2002.
ParticipantAlso, why the heck didn’t I make my username “KelOnWheels”?
ParticipantDarn it, I knew I should have gotten the pink tire levers instead of the yellow ones…
@consularrider 19894 wrote:
That explains Dirt’s secret powers.
Participant@Dirt 19838 wrote:
Gonna roll nice and easy on the fat, squishy bike.
So only 20 MPH then?
ETA: Pretty sure I would have to be on fire to go that fast.
Which would make for a short ride.
ParticipantMan, that’s sad. Rivendell makes gorgeous bikes.
ParticipantOK. I think I’m ready.
Home to CC stop via 4 Mile Run & MVT: 5.3 miles
CC to Ronald Reagan Building stop via MVT, 14th St Bridge & 15th St: 4.25 miles
RRB to Mount Vernon Triangle stop via Penn Ave & 7th St: 1.3 miles
MVTri to work via 5th St: 1 mileIt sounds much less alarming broken up into little pieces
I’m going to give myself LOTS of time for wrong turns & such – planning to hit CC at 7 AM and then just mosey on in.
I am firmly avoiding thinking about the return trip tomorrow evening…
ParticipantOK, I have plotted my Tour de Pants.
Alexandria to Four Mile Run to MVT, hit the CC stop, over the 14th St bridge, up to Freedom Plaza stop, down Penn Ave, up to the Mount Vernon stop, and back down to work.
Roughly 12 miles. I can do 12 miles, right? :confused: