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  • in reply to: Bad cyclists giving us all a bad name #939831

    I ordered myself a bright orange waterproof messenger bag. Then I felt better :)

    in reply to: Hello! #939825

    So you’d have to see how many laps of Heinous Point you could do before the 30 minutes on your CaBi rental is up? ;)

    in reply to: Bad cyclists giving us all a bad name #939816

    Dear dude on a Bianchi at 6th & D who decided it would be a good plan to do circles in the crosswalk until traffic was clear enough to run the red: I make scowly face in your general direction. :p

    in reply to: Hello! #939793

    @TwoWheelsDC 18756 wrote:

    OMG, this could be a goldmine…sell/rent clip on bar ends/drops/aero bars/power meters for CaBis and you’d make a killing.

    Shut up and take my money! :)

    Finally got the helmet. My head now looks like a dinosaur egg. Good bike clinic :)

    in reply to: Hello! #939784

    Well having CaBi-ed over to BicycleSPACE and back without getting flattened, I have discovered:

    1. One should eat a good lunch before attempting physical tasks at which one is severely out of practice.
    2. Pencil skirts were not designed to ride a bike in.
    3. No matter how much you try to ride in the drops on a CaBi to make it go faster, there will be no drops.
    4. Unlike the young lady I saw riding up New York Ave while making a phone call at the same time, my smoove city biking skills are WEAK. I hope I didn’t do anything too egregious. (well, I did ride on a few sidewalks. I got a bit lost at one point.)

    Didn’t manage to get a helmet as BicycleSPACE was having problems with their Square card thingy, but it seems like a nice shop. They did offer to let me take the helmet and pay for it later which was very nice of them.

    in reply to: Hello! #939776

    Alright, got two more people coming to the bike commuter clinic tonight! :D And I joined WABA.

    Think I’ll CaBi over to BicycleSPACE in a bit – I can’t look at their website from work since we block everything with “space” in the URL :p

    With any luck I won’t get run over on 7th St.

    in reply to: Hello! #939772

    Yup, the guy at CityBikes said the same thing ;) No one can afford to buy gas! :P

    in reply to: Hello! #939770

    @KLizotte 18721 wrote:

    I bought my first bike from Spokes. I would have to say their salespeople are kind of useless but their service people are great.

    Good to know ;) They worked on my poor old MTB a couple of years ago and I bought some shoes & pedals there, but that’s been the extent of my experience.

    in reply to: Hello! #939767

    I will check out Bikenetic :)

    I live really close to Spokes but it’s always good to shop around. I’ll try riding some steel & aluminum frames and see what I actually like as opposed to what I THINK I like ;)

    in reply to: Hello! #939766

    Oh cool – yeah, I was staring over at Pentagon City today as the bus sat on 395 going “Well, I COULD just walk over there and get a CaBi…” :D

    in reply to: Hello! #939760

    Yep, thecyclingeconomist will be one street east of me :) And I think Arlingtonrider works in my building!

    I was wishing for a bike this morning, it’s gorgeous out!

    I got my ticket for the bike commuting clinic at the Bike Rack tonight – looks like there are a couple of handy CaBi stations over that way. Maybe I’ll go pick up a cheap helmet somewhere at lunch.


    Hey, we’ll be neighbors then! Once I get a working bike I can wobble along slowly in your dust as we commute ;)

    in reply to: Hello! #939748

    You guys are awesome :D

    in reply to: Hello! #939739

    Bike reviews appreciated! I need all the advice I can get.

    Otherwise I’ll just run off and throw a lot of money at that Electra Cruiser with the sugar skulls on it that I keep looking at online and then be sad later ;)

    I suspect once I get properly hooked that I’ll be asking you all how to fit multiple bikes into a one-bedroom apartment…

    in reply to: Hello! #939738

    Thanks for the warm welcome & great advice, all!

    Ah, I need to search for “Pentagon Maze” and not just “Pentagon”, got it.

    I forgot to mention the Judi Square CaBi station is right by my work so I was thinking I’d get a membership and start riding around on my lunch hour for fun :)

    I’m at King St & Menokin Dr – I take the 25A or 25C bus to Pentagon and then hop on the Yellow Line. Is Shirlington on the list to get CaBi? Then I could grab a bike right at work and drop it off there (or vice versa) :)

    I definitely want to try out lots of bikes! I suspect bike technology has improved since 1993 ;)

    I was thinking the Coda looked pretty versatile for street & trails since it has the wider tires, and I can lift it with one hand! :D (until I slap fenders on it and a rack and panniers and a couple of bottle cages and and and…)

    I’ll see if I can make it to the Bike Rack seminar tomorrow, that sounds great.

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