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  • in reply to: W&W London Bridge Pointless Prize Log #1047059

    @rcannon100 134131 wrote:

    Pictures or it didnt happen

    Just trust me… it’s better for everyone.

    in reply to: W&W London Bridge Pointless Prize Log #1047027

    Make that three! Hit the slush last night at speed near the tennis courts at Shreve on the WOD….it was dark, I was rolling too fast, and I’m an idiot. Got sideways and ended up in the ditch…. which was filled with ice cold water and slush. I emerged half soaked and really cold. Had to strip down on the trail and put on the spare clothes from my backpack…. well at least the ones that were on the dry side of the back pack….. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF*&K

    in reply to: Pointless Prizes 2016 #1046977

    11 YTD, 39 all time


    @Tim Kelley 134071 wrote:

    Just ask Bob and Shawn. They seem to have it figured out.

    Looks like Bob needs to post 5 more dog threads so SteveO can catch up on dislikes


    @Tania 134045 wrote:

    W&OD Just east of the tennis courts by Shreve it’s still bad BUT the snow field has shrunk so I’d say there’s maybe only 25-30 yards you have to walk (I did try to ride it with my studs but I’m too chicken to keep speed). There’s still snow right along the tennis courts but that’s rideable.

    Tried riding it at speed this morning with studs…. didn’t end well.

    in reply to: W&W London Bridge Pointless Prize Log #1046951

    2 for me (so far)… both this morning. First on the WOD between Carlin Springs and 50. My bike followed an ice rut directly into the snow bank which didn’t end well…. did the exact same thing near the tennis courts at Shreve.

    in reply to: Rule Question #1045915

    @rcannon100 132964 wrote:

    BTW The reason for having captains originally was not to have team cheerleaders, it was, once the game began, to clarify any kerfluffles. If we are having moments of lack of clarify, then, as originally designed, it should go to the Captains and they should attempt to reach consensus.

    Agreed, but perhaps allowing captains who; don’t participate in the forum, log onto Stava only once a week, or have never participated in BAFS before, sort of defeats the intent

    in reply to: Rule Question #1045910

    I agree with hozn. Dragging a stationary bike outside while on vacation in the middle of the night in the cold is more in line with the spirit of this game that many of the rides counted each year. Lets be honest, try as we like to make this a “serious” event, shouldn’t we allow exceptions that celebrate the true intent of this game… to have fun cycling in the winter? I suspect those folks who are insane enough to ride tomorrow are exactly the folks that would applaud jwetzel’s efforts. Please donate 11 of my points, hell give him all my points for all I care…. I’d rather BAFS stay true to the spirit of the game.


    THAT SUCKS! So sorry, we’ll keep an eye out for you. She was a beauty, especially being nearly 30 years old. Hope it turns up.

    in reply to: Monday Morning Pancake Club #1045504

    @ginacico 132525 wrote:

    Answer: 8:30 AM, though nobody knew that in advance. We circled around in the cold for awhile, then saw someone inside doing prep; Steve O sweet-talked her into letting us sit inside for 10 minutes before they started taking orders. Great food, cheap coffee, unpredictable holiday hours.

    MLK @ Mike’s participants: ginacico, DismalScientist, GB, Steve O, rcannon100. FFG and someone else (beard, face mask?) had tried earlier and given up.

    Did a spin-by around 7:45….lights off not a sole in site…. could have used the coffee just to pour on my feet!

    in reply to: My Morning Commute #1045503

    Yeah, ditto on DrP’s thoughts….. it was really quite this morning. Spotted only two other cyclists of which one was DCV. That headwind was brutally cold this morning.

    in reply to: MLK Day Coffee Club? #1045502

    Passed Best Buns at 7, Mikes at 7:45 (closed)…. not a sole in site…. boooo


    @mstone 131973 wrote:

    Also, waving around a bunch of ridiculous stereotypes (strava? really?) in an attempt to avoid the actual point verges between the silly and the stupid.

    WOW… for a few months there you were being pretty pleasant, then again I wasn’t around much so maybe I’m wrong…

    in reply to: My Morning Commute #1045038

    That might have been my most miserable on a bike in a while…. the combination of a total power outage in my legs, cold headwind, false flats, and absolutely no sleep the last two nights totally did me in! Each metro station tempted me to just quit. Seeing Chris Watson, FFG, and Greg helped lift my spirits though… thanks gang!

    in reply to: OneEighth Sighting #1044899

    Whoever was the masked rider yelling “Dickie Dickie Dickie” this morning as we passed each other…. much appreciated, couldn’t quite figure out who you were besides an awesome mystery motivator!

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