February 2016 Road and Trail Conditions – Is there still snow/ice out there?

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions February 2016 Road and Trail Conditions – Is there still snow/ice out there?

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    Getting ready for tomorrow morning’s commute for ya’ll. By the way, the forest roads just north of Kyiv are still ice/crusty snow covered, there’s been no plowing.



    Sort of desparate for news of S Eads Street in Arlington, especially heading north from the 4MR trail. Would very much like to resume my cycling commute. Anyone been there in the last 24 hours or so?


    @S. Arlington Observer 133788 wrote:

    Sort of desparate for news of S Eads Street in Arlington, especially heading north from the 4MR trail. Would very much like to resume my cycling commute. Anyone been there in the last 24 hours or so?

    Eads is in pretty good shape. Curb/bike lanes still have some blockages so there are stretches where you need to take the lane.

    Good opportunity to highlight the need for tail lights that are bright, redundant, and operating.


    pentagon to memorial still has problems, after 3 years, I might give up on it and permanently switch to the long bridge route and walk through the park if necessary no matter what

    dirt piles on the overpasses, some have to be climbed over because of the dangerous low walls:

    The S-curve trail to the foot of the bridge is still an ice sheet for the most part

    memorial bridge’s new semi permanent (from experience) sidewalk blocker:


    @S. Arlington Observer 133788 wrote:

    Sort of desparate for news of S Eads Street in Arlington, especially heading north from the 4MR trail. Would very much like to resume my cycling commute. Anyone been there in the last 24 hours or so?

    The bike lanes north of 23rd are partially snow clogged, but I wouldn’t let that deter you. I have found last week and this morning that the cars are fairly accommodating of bike presence.


    That cut in the sidewalk on Custis above Quinn has been patched.


    Morning report from the Crystal City Connector to the MVT to the 14th Street bridge:

    The Crystal City connector is clear to the tunnel, then a sheet of ice between the tunnel and the underpass:


    Past the underpass, the CCC is patchy ice until about halfway up to the MVT.

    The MVT is mostly clear, with a few bad spots in shady areas and on both sides of the northern airport bridge:



    The section between the northern airport bridge and Gravelly Point had some slushy singletrack, but was rideable even by me on a MTB with knobby tires.

    The underpasses for the railroad bridge and 395 are still bad, but I hope the warm temperatures and possible rain this afternoon will clear up most of that. This is underneath the railroad bridge:



    It will likely be weeks before the major VDOT trails/sidepaths in Fairfax are rideable. 10 foot glaciers at intersections are not uncommon. That much ice takes a while to melt, even with the predicted warm weather.


    Grove-Lee Highway (W&OD) to Westmoreland to Van Buren to W&OD to Custis to Twin Sisters then 15th-Quincy-Fairfax-Ballston Metro, 0755-0830:

    W&OD is rideable the whole way, with only scattered snowy patches through Falls Church. The worst bit is a crunchy snow patch about 5 meters long, near the shelter between Little Falls and Great Falls, but even that was no big deal.

    Mounds of snow at the W&OD crossing of Lee Highway — I ended up turning onto Lee Highway. Not the best placement of snow, blocking BOTH entrances to the trail there.

    From there on in, easy riding until the Fairfax chaos: blinking yellow light at Stafford + commute cars – bike lane = let’s choose an alternate.

    Happy riding everyone!


    Holmes Run Trail – clear from Chambliss to Eisenhower Ave

    W&OD Trail – mostly clear between Shirlington and Glen Carlyn (2 stretches of 10-20 feet that require flintstoning due to melting ice sheets that are VERY slippery); Park Dr trail access is still a sledding route a.k.a. not passable but looks a lot better


    Marina cut through was middies this morning. The wooden bridge was ok, mostly had a clear path. Some slushy icy stuff on the path in the grove, then the marina parking lot was fine. Trail connecting to the MVT required some walking. The real embarrassment was the Humpback bridge, which still has huge piles of snow. I’ll try to edit with a picture later. Then 14th Street Bridge was fine.


    The path connecting Commonwealth Ave and Route 1. Is it just a coincidence that a car dealership decided that the best place to pile their snow was on a bike/walking path? Perhaps that mountain of ice will be gone by April.


    I headed northbound on MVT about to cross the bridge next to the Merchant Marine Memorial. I saw this little path on the right side and thought “okay, I can do this!”

    Then, I biked around the first turn and was met with this nightmare. Thank you to whoever began shoveling out a path but perhaps you should have added a sign at the foot of the bridge that read “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”


    This is the sidewalk next to the 395 on-ramp from East Potomac Park. Looks pretty good, right? I’m zooming right along, and then….

    Hey DDOT, go f*** yourself!


    These two are the worst spots of the upper MVT that I see not resolving for days. Was snow from the Parkway dumped onto the trail at Humpback Bridge?


    @huskerdont 133797 wrote:

    That cut in the sidewalk on Custis above Quinn has been patched.

    I received an email response from Arlington Parks letting me know that a temporary patch was made and that a more permanent solution was possible. I kinda love Arlington.

    Tim Kelley

    @huskerdont 133819 wrote:

    I kinda love Arlington.

    Arlington HEARTS you.

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