Steve O

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Nationals Fan Club Ride – Sunday, May 26 #1134734
    Steve O

    As of Monday, May 20, I have not received any interest in this ride. It is hereby canceled.

    in reply to: Pointless Prize Thread 2024 #1134633
    Steve O

    I also awarded Bicycle Icicles to the 5 participants who cycled when the temperature was below 10 degrees F

    They are:

    • too slow crowe – 8.9 degrees
    • Mitch Temoche – 8.5 degrees
    • Scott Binde – 6.9 degrees
    • Kris Stein – 0.2 degrees
    • Joshua Hanson – minus 4 degrees

    On the opposite side of this, I announced the FS24 Hall of Shame: the 14 riders who never once cycled when it was below actual freezing, 32 degrees F. From least shameful to most:

    • Joan Bickelhaupt
    • Denitsa Apostolova
    • Kurt Becker
    • Nat Chait
    • Andrew Moore
    • John Tonetti
    • Wade Sheppard
    • – m –
    • Sylvester
    • Lana Duran
    • Junior Alvarado
    • Colleen Geasey
    • Lucy Thomas

    and a certificate to the one participant who never rode below 40 degrees:

    Anyone who would like their certificate or their bicycle icicle, please let me know.


    in reply to: Pointless Prize Thread 2024 #1134632
    Steve O

    I awarded some pointless prizes at the final happy hour, including these:

    Team Meh-Diocrity awards



    And the individual Meh-Diocrity Awards



    in reply to: Pointless Prize: Wandrer’ About #1134458
    Steve O

    @steveszibler – you can have wandrer reprocess rides if, for some reason, they are incorrect or are not showing up.

    Steve O

    Quite an excellent turnout for the FSLNHPP – especially given it was on a school night. Evidently 5 members of my team (Bollard Busters – Back off, You Impostors) were there, but I just saw three others.

    Thanks to drevil and Jo M for bringing some yummy snacks and their usual joyful nature. Actually, everyone was in a great mood, despite the wind (it was slog on the backside!).

    See you next year!!

    (Well, hopefully I’ll also see you at the happy hour.

    And at Coffee Club and on Midnight Saddles rides and Fan Club rides or the 50 States Ride or the Great Pumpkin Ride. Or at Vigilante or Cafe Amouri or Caboose or out on the trail.)

    in reply to: Weekly Coffee Gatherings #1134450
    Steve O

    Join us for a special Cherry Blossom Edition of Hump Day Coffee Club on Wednesday, March 20, 2024

    Bring your own coffee and snacks.

    Time: 7:15 gather, 7:30 wheels up

    Place: Jefferson Memorial

    We’ll ride around Hains Point at a moderate pace in order to enjoy the blossoms in the morning light, before all the tourists flock in.

    Hope to see you there!

    Steve O

    Gotta like that the county’s all anxious to replace those signs announcing gold rather than taking care of installing all the signs that actually would help it legitimize its gold rating.

    in reply to: 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words #1134246
    Steve O

    1/16 – toxin

    Toxins in our food and environment are likely contributors to the increasing number of people who get colorectal cancer. These flags were placed on the mall to increase awareness

    in reply to: Meh-diocrity Pointless Prize #1134068
    Steve O

    With just a few days to go in this year’s Freezing Saddles, one wonders, “I wonder who is leading for the Meh-Diocrity Pointless Prize?”

    Well, your wondering is over. Here are the current leaders:

    For the team prize, the two teams in the meh-dle are Team Shiba and Team 24-Dead Last.  Not dead last at all, I will point out: pretty much just meh

    And leading the individual Meh standings, believe it or not, April DeRome is still there. She was there on the middle day of FS, and she still is, joined by another meh-diocre rider, Mitch Temoche. But there’s still plenty of time for others to slack a bit or step up their slightly-less-than-average effort and take the Meh-dal!


    (I will point out, in all seriousness, these median riders have ridden almost 900 miles since January 1. That is, in fact, quite an accomplishment. Pretty much all FS participants are actually badasses, not meh-asses.)

    in reply to: Pointless prize: Fire bad! #1133409
    Steve O

    Milton DE fire department

    in reply to: 2024 Pointless Prize: Street #Treats #1133407
    Steve O

    Found this glove on the Dzhoy Memorial ride. Brought it home, washed it and am keeping an eye out for a compatible partner.


    in reply to: Freezing Saddles Merch #1132915
    Steve O

    Evidently the jerseys and other gear have been showing up in mailboxes all over. Komorebi modeled this at last Friday’s coffee club


    in reply to: 2024 Pointless Prize: Street #Treats #1132914
    Steve O

    Found this glove on the Dzhoy ride. It’s a nice rightie glove, so I will keep an eye out for a lefty

    in reply to: Freezing Saddles Merch #1132665
    Steve O

    We can reopen if there’s plenty of interest. I think we’ll need stronger commitment than hearsay. Those of you who can commit to a purchase, respond here with a rough dollar amount of what you’ll buy.

    Steve O

    If you feel inclined to donate to the Cheasapeake Climate Action Network and sponsor my plunge, the donation page is here:

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