
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: BAFS Opening HH 1-9-2024 #1128433

    I think I’m coming. Might bring a friend.

    in reply to: Protected bike lane in Georgetown – close call #1126660

    @Steve O 225893 wrote:

    And thus we should expect that the percentage of people cycling as a transportation option will forever remain in the low single digits.

    This is unfortunately true. Reading neighborhood chatter in the suburbs it’s all about the dangers that prevent people moving up from round-the-block-ers to transportation bikers.

    in reply to: Helmet mirror recommendations #1126153


    Whoops, meant to like this post. Ignore my dislike. Super helpful, thanks.


    Centralized for us living in the Wild, Wild Western Suburbs! Thanks, committee, for bringing the party to us.


    We can celebrate my birthday concommitantly. ;)

    in reply to: Pointless Prize Thread 2023 #1122206

    Shira and I are co-sponsoring a tandem pointless prize. Tag your tandem rides with #tandem and we’ll award a prize to whoever has done the most tandem rides. Photos of tandems on strava or on this thread are great but aren’t required.
    We’ll award bonus points if you ride a tandem with a blind or visually impaired stoker (tag #tandemVI), or a partner age 15 or under (#tandemchild). We’ll post information about rides that the Metro Washington Association of Blind Athletes (MWABA), the Tuesday Night Tandems, or Fairfax Squirrel Dodgers are organizing on this thread. If you let us know, we can potentially connect you with someone who wants to ride. This is also a way to ride a tandem if you don’t own one! Let us know if you have any questions.


    photo credit Dirt Bicycle Components

    in reply to: Socks fs 2023 #1122168

    This is my second favorite contest. Let’s sock it to winter this year! *ba-dum-tss*

    in reply to: Switching to tubeless #1122167

    Perhaps you should try YouTubeless?

    in reply to: Pointless Prize Thread 2022 #1115229

    Question: Are you disqualified from winning a prize if you sponsor it??
    Motive: I so, so, soooo want to do the tandem contest again, but I also want to win it again! (Since its the only prize I have ANY chance of winning).
    Cautionary tale: If there’s no restrictions, I’d like to sponsor a #beingGA contest, cause I could win that one, too.

    in reply to: Another Cyclist Fatality #1115227

    I love how the focus of the blurb is for motorists to avoid the scene, presumably to not be inconvenienced. I know, I know, its a traffic report, but…


    Me, pick me! I’ll come. brought the kidlets last time, but can skip if too crowded.


    Quick question: Do we sign up per person or per bike? Does a Tandem need one ticket or two?

    @komorebi 211816 wrote:

    It’s that time of year again! Join BPAC and the Alexandria Spokeswomen for a free, family-friendly bike ride or walk around Del Ray to see the holiday lights. This’ll be our eleventh year doing the holiday lights ride. We’re also bringing back last year’s popular walking option!


    When: Friday, December 17 or Saturday, December 18. Register for the 6:00 p.m. ride at, or register for the 6:30 p.m. walk at

    Where: For the ride, we’ll meet at the traffic circle at the south end of Main Line Boulevard, just off the Potomac Yard trail (directly behind or east of George Washington Middle School, and 0.25 miles from the Braddock Road metro station). The biking route is about 5 miles, very flat, and on neighborhood streets. For the walk, we’ll meet at 1316 Mt. Vernon Avenue. The walking route is about 1.5 miles, very flat, and on sidewalks along neighborhood streets.

    Who: Riders and walkers of all ages and abilities are welcome, including children and youth. We ask that children younger than 10 be accompanied by an adult. Families with strollers or well-behaved dogs on leashes are also welcome to join the walk.

    For everyone’s health and safety, we’ll be taking the following precautions:

    • asking everyone to self-screen and not attend if they’ve experienced symptoms of covid or been exposed to a known covid case within the last 14 days
    • asking people who are not fully vaccinated to give others space while riding or walking, and also to wear a mask at the start if it’s not possible to socially distance
    • for the ride, breaking into smaller groups to make the groups more manageable
    • keeping an eye on local covid conditions, and cancelling the event if needed

    Many thanks to the Forum members who volunteered to make this event possible! I’m still looking for a few volunteers, so if you’re willing to help, please let me know.

    in reply to: FS Newbies — introduce yourself here! #1114957

    Oh, my love, if your saddle will be blazing you must be dialing in from somewhere else…

    in reply to: Great Pumpkin Ride 2021 #1114795

    I could go as a taco. Are you all starting together and riding together, too?

    in reply to: #tandemstyle Pointless Prize #1113680

    @elizsnyder 209880 wrote:

    Points spreadsheet has been updated. No pic = no points. Next round of points calculation based on March 15 and forward rides. So let it be written, so let it be done”

    Thanks so much for updating this. This is a fun challenge, thanks for offering it. I completely understand “no pics, no points”, but I’m just having trouble parsing this phrase: Repeated use of personal tandeming after first point awarded = points disallowed. Could you just rephrase it?

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