Freezing Saddles Scoreboard backend "soft launch"

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Freezing Saddles Scoreboard backend "soft launch"

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  • #991520

    @rcannon100 75066 wrote:

    I think we are going to have to start charging $1 for every request to Honz. We could make him a very rich man.

    Wouldn’t that go to buy beer at the awards ceremony?

    On a more serious note (yeah sure), I have been trying to come up with a completely off the wall request to make this even more pointless.


    @Mikey 75065 wrote:

    hozn, thanks for all of your hard work.

    Not to nit-pick, but I noticed that my score is off 17 days +226 and I have 386 points. Shouldn’t that be 396? Did I screw up an entry somewhere?

    Is it possible you haven’t gotten your “day” points for today, but today is counted in the day’s tally already? Seems like the most obvious explanation for being off by 10.


    @cyclingfool 75061 wrote:

    It’s funny that Strava lets that kind of ridiculous elevation data through w/o question

    Agreed. It happens with distance/speed too occasionally:

    For elevation, there is at least a “correct elevation” button, and rides can be trimmed using Strava.


    @dcv 75046 wrote:

    Dasgeh, whats going on here?


    My husband has joined the competition. :-)

    I have no idea how the data could be so off. The ride in question was on a bike with a Garmin, no less. I’ll have to ask the Mr.

    BTW, his points will go up soon — he has a lot of #kidical rides around town from the early days of the month, where he wasn’t part of the competition so he didn’t Strava them. He’ll manual enter though.


    @dasgeh 75069 wrote:

    Is it possible you haven’t gotten your “day” points for today, but today is counted in the day’s tally already? Seems like the most obvious explanation for being off by 10.

    Actually I noticed it yesterday when I had exactly 200 miles (easy math). I thought it might be a data caching error or something and that my entry today might fix it. No Joy.


    @Mikey 75072 wrote:

    Actually I noticed it yesterday when I had exactly 200 miles (easy math). I thought it might be a data caching error or something and that my entry today might fix it. No Joy.

    To test my theory, look at someone who hasn’t ridden (yet) today. I’m guessing that the algorithm adds the day points at the end of the day, but displays that you’ve ridden a day as soon as you ride.

    Justin Antos

    I did some exhaustive and highly sophisticated market segment analysis, and I’ve concluded this graph divides us neatly into two groups. I added some labels.


    @Mikey 75072 wrote:

    Actually I noticed it yesterday when I had exactly 200 miles (easy math). I thought it might be a data caching error or something and that my entry today might fix it. No Joy.

    Ha, the reason for this is actually sort of hilarious if you’re a math/computer nerd. On January 12th, Strava has you down for riding 0.999972641468048 miles, which is less than 1, so you didn’t get your 10 points for that day.


    @dasgeh 75071 wrote:

    My husband has joined the competition. :-)

    I would suggest he get a one year (lifetime?) ban on route selection for kidical mass, given your concern about the gradients of the routes!


    @jrenaut 75080 wrote:

    Ha, the reason for this is actually sort of hilarious if you’re a math/computer nerd. On January 12th, Strava has you down for riding 0.999972641468048 miles, which is less than 1, so you didn’t get your 10 points for that day.

    Rules are rules. Mikey stopped 1 3/4 inches short of a mile and the rules say he should be punished. His failure is clearly obvious. Next time, remove your Garmin in a forward sweeping motion. His wimpering seems to be a Rule 5 violation. Don’t the rules include deduction of penalty points for rule violations? Maybe next year.

    Strava was clearly developed by people who grew up in the post slide rule era where significant figures stopped mattering.


    @MattAune 75031 wrote:

    Hans, do you pull daily precipitation totals? A chart for number of riders vs. daily precipitation would be one I would like to see.

    So, there is the daily riders vs. avg low temperature chart — which includes that data. I think we could have more total-daily charts, sure. Greg also wants to see distance leaderboards for indiv (and team?). The requests are stacking up :)


    @dasgeh 75071 wrote:

    My husband has joined the competition. :-)

    I have no idea how the data could be so off. The ride in question was on a bike with a Garmin, no less. I’ll have to ask the Mr.

    BTW, his points will go up soon — he has a lot of #kidical rides around town from the early days of the month, where he wasn’t part of the competition so he didn’t Strava them. He’ll manual enter though.

    This is hilarious! Maybe Grant can fix that one (using Strava’s auto-correct? If that’s even a thing anymore?) so it doesn’t skew the graph.


    @dbb 75082 wrote:

    Rules are rules. Mikey stopped 1 3/4 inches short of a mile and the rules say he should be punished. His failure is clearly obvious. Next time, remove your Garmin in a forward sweeping motion. His wimpering seems to be a Rule 5 violation. Don’t the rules include deduction of penalty points for rule violations? Maybe next year.

    Strava was clearly developed by people who grew up in the post slide rule era where significant figures stopped mattering.

    To be fair here, Strava stores this with only a 2-decimal precision, but it is storing meters. We don’t truncate the precision or otherwise round the data when converting to miles (we store floats). When we converted that to miles, it fell short. While there may be an argument here to truncate our precision such that we’re not more precise than Strava, I’d say that this “counts” (or doesn’t count, as the case may be). I wouldn’t be fully opposed to rounding, but when we start throwing away data it can pile up. If we round, that also means rounding down, which could be equally confusing for multiple rides not adding up to 1.0 miles. In the end, I’d vote to leave the logic as is but recognize that Mikey might feel cheated of those points.


    @MattAune 75050 wrote:

    -2,084.3% grade sounds seriously scary. But the 40k feet of elevation gain in .2 miles sounds like an intense climb.

    must have a triple on the box bike


    @hozn 75085 wrote:

    To be fair here, Strava stores this with only a 2-decimal precision, but it is storing meters. We don’t truncate the precision or otherwise round the data when converting to miles (we store floats). When we converted that to miles, it fell short. While there may be an argument here to truncate our precision such that we’re not more precise than Strava, I’d say that this “counts” (or doesn’t count, as the case may be). I wouldn’t be fully opposed to rounding, but when we start throwing away data it can pile up. If we round, that also means rounding down, which could be equally confusing for multiple rides not adding up to 1.0 miles. In the end, I’d vote to leave the logic as is but recognize that Mikey might feel cheated of those points.

    I am completely cool with leaving the logic as is. My obligatory rides were, according to my Garmin, 2.1 miles to eliminate any rounding issues.

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