W&W London Bridge Pointless Prize Log

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition W&W London Bridge Pointless Prize Log

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  • #1124285

    It hurts to hit the pavement! I am so sorry. I recommend Calmoseptine ointment on road rash. Not close to the eyes though.


    #londonbridge – I stopped in New Castle, IN to ride the Wilbur Wright (he was born in Henry Co), but the trail really hadn’t been cleared, lots of ice patches.  On one of the first I was putting down my left foot to start “Flintstoning” and it slipped and I went down backwards, breaking the bottle cage and pump holder on the down tube and landing on my back on the non drive-side rear axle quick release.  Nice bruise coming up.  Photo is about a quarter mile later.  Bike sculpture looks like an endo in progress


    Sorry about your fall, heal fast.

    You ARE aware that no one has given this prize since 2019, right?


    Of course.  😉

Viewing 4 posts - 271 through 274 (of 274 total)
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