Shirlington Happy Hour: July 12 at Cap City Brewery

Our Community Forums General Discussion Shirlington Happy Hour: July 12 at Cap City Brewery

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    As always Dirt, you were just faster getting there than the rest of us


    Thanks to Kathy for organizing and for the appetizers! For those that rode, don’t forget to log your rides for the 2MileChallenge to get WABA some moolah.


    Kathy, that was the best one yet! Thank you, had a great evening.


    Thanks to Kathy for organizing, and thanks to everyone for guiding me to and from. Great happy hour. I’m actually starting to put names to faces to forum names, finally . . .

    Justin Antos

    Great to put names to faces! Thanks Kathy for organizing, and here’s a view from one end of the table… [ATTACH=CONFIG]1346[/ATTACH]


    Thanks, again, Kathy for a wonderful evening!!!

    Justin Antos

    Also, Certrifried is much less scarier in person than his forum picture would suggest :).


    Big thanks again to Kathy for organizing! I think I actually recognize more than 50% of you now :D


    @Justin Antos 25108 wrote:

    Also, Certrifried is much less scarier in person than his forum picture would suggest :).

    shh! They all float down here!

    Those wings were really good too, Kathy! Thanks so much.


    Kudos to Kathy for all of her hard work organizing this fun event and chaperoning us when needed. You kept us from being blacklisted from Cap City I’m sure.

    Many thanks to Cap City Brewery for putting up with the lycra crowd once again. How about Fat Tire beer to go along with the theme next time? We won’t tell anyone.

    Thanks to Megan for patiently explaining the ins-and-outs of the Tour de France and competitive racing. I learned a lot and will enjoy watching the races much more from now on. I am now actively seeking my own personal domestique; must be willing to clean/lube my bike on a monthly basis and clear Gravelly Pt of all peds whenever I ride through.

    Lastly, thanks to the gnats and assorted flying terrors for leaving me alone on the late ride home. Why can’t you do the same at dusk? Is that really too much to ask?! Do you take bribes?


    Chaperoning . . . what chaperoning?? Thanks to everyone for coming! I had a great time and really enjoyed everyone’s company. It’s wonderful to find out who is who and to actually meet a few more of the great group of people who have found their way to their way to this forum and shared interesting and helpful information and stories with us. I always enjoy our get togethers, both our planned ones and the accidental ones along the roads and trails. So glad you all could come! Hope to see some of you next week at the Potomac Pedalers event, perhaps including some of those who couldn’t join us last night.


    @Justin Antos 25106 wrote:

    Great to put names to faces!

    I didn’t find anyone that would let me write their name on their face. I tried though. ;)


    @Dirt 25124 wrote:

    I didn’t find anyone that would let me write their name on their face. I tried though. ;)

    You left before people had a chance to drink enough to let that happen:p


    Thanks to Kathy for such a great event, and such a pleasure meeting the rest of you. Wish I hadn’t attacked the Walter Reed hill with beer courage, those sliders nearly made a second appearance!


    Thanks Kathy for getting us all together!!

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