Lets hope the weather forecast is wrong…

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    After a very long couple months at work (which ended yesterday — happy dance), the family was not recovered enough to get out early this morning. We made it for the tail end of Rosslyn, and it was great to see so many smiling, friendly faces.

    I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all the pit stop volunteers, and an extra high five to all of the volunteers who talked up Kidical Mass Arlington. It’s really awesome that family biking, and especially Kidical Mass, has so much support from the cycling community around here. Thank you.

    And we may have a ton of people at the Kidical Mass Arlington ride to Taste of Arlington this Sunday, meeting at 11am at Lacey Woods Park. We’d love for you to join us. Especially if you’ll be alone on your bike and are willing to help shepard the kidical masses and/or take pictures.


    Oh, and I’d really love it if Arlington did another event next Friday, maybe just in Rosslyn, to entice those who didn’t want to float out today…


    Can someone post a pic of the official 2014 BTWD shirt? Would at least like to know what I missed out on :)


    [ATTACH=CONFIG]5630[/ATTACH] @jamilkb 85632 wrote:

    Can someone post a pic of the official 2014 BTWD shirt? Would at least like to know what I missed out on :)



    @ERandall 85577 wrote:


    I love that Rule #5 has its own website and domain name.




    Wrinkly from folding into bag. Also, sorry, no idea how to rotate it.


    By the time (7:45) I left for work in my car, it was raining, but not too hard certainly not too heavy to ride in. Judging from the sound of the rain outside my window as I was still in bed, and from the amount of water on the roads, it was raining quite a bit harder when I would have been heading out on my bike, though. There was enough water still on the roads that driving past larger vehicles was a bit unpleasant. I don’t think it would have been much fun being passed repeatedly (and at times too closely) by cars and trucks while on my bike.

    Splashing through puddles and minor flooding on the trail at lunch time, on the other hand, was awesomely fun. 😎;) I am not regretting my decision at all. Even without a t shirt.


    My BTWD AM riding was a two parter. I hit the Del Ray pitstop from 6:30 until just after 7. I got my t-shirt and patch kit, a banana, coffee, and several coconut waters to take home, but won nothing in either of the two raffles I was around for – a u-lock and a rear pannier rack. It was pouring down rain, most of the time, but there was a steady population of 5-6 riders milling around during the time I was there. Respectable given the weather and the fact that it’s a new pit stop for this year.

    Then I headed home so we could take cyclingfool, jr. to a doctor’s appointment at 8. Back from the appointment and another stop we made while we were out in the car, my wife offered to drive me to work, but I pointed out that would be blasphemy on BTWD, especially since the rain had stopped. So I got on my bike around 10:30 for the actual “to work” part of BTWD. The breeze was picking up and drying stuff out, and I took the long way to work through Long Bridge Park, past the Pentagon and the marina by the LBJ Memorial. Much nicer than the ride would have been three or four hours earlier.

    I was pleased to see so many cyclists out respecting rule #5 all morning long. We’re a dedicated bunch. :D


    @ERandall 85622 wrote:

    Is that from east falls church?

    The Metro shirt was from East Falls Church. I’m not sure why I got that shirt, because my wife got the same bag of swag at the same time, and hers was a BTWD shirt. Not disappointed, though: I should get my BTWD shirt when they reschedule the Falls Church stop (if I can’t score one at East Falls church this afternoon).


    They should have a design contest for next year’s BTWD shirt. Not that I don’t appreciate the shirt, I do. Just think you are missing a fun opportunity to make something cool and interesting, sourced from the community.

    subby;85651 wrote:
    they should have a design contest for next year’s btwd shirt. Not that i don’t appreciate the shirt, i do. Just think you are missing a fun opportunity to make something cool and interesting, sourced from kids.



    @dasgeh 85652 wrote:

    sourced from kids.

    Speaking of which, did anyone besides my family make BTWD a #kidical ride? I know my older son loved getting props from the Bikenetic crew (and a donut): made him feel like he was exemplifying Rule 5 and Rule 9 (yes, he knows what both of those mean).


    Yep – I’ve ended up with 2 BTWD shirts, but remember our family of 5 set out this morning looking for goodies and I think we only have a total of 2 BTWD shirts right now. I also ended up with water bottles, blinkies, a U lock, a bandana, a lot of wet clothes and an imprint of my pedal on my leg. FABB tweeted this picture of phatboing and me in Tysons (he caught me going up Gallows). Then my office re-tweeted it. Keeping it classy.



    @dkel 85657 wrote:

    Speaking of which, did anyone besides my family make BTWD a #kidical ride? I know my older son loved getting props from the Bikenetic crew (and a donut): made him feel like he was exemplifying Rule 5 and Rule 9 (yes, he knows what both of those mean).

    Yep. I set out with the whole family to Rosslyn. The kids were comfy under the rain cover in the bakfiets — until they stepped in the swamp around the tables. There were some moments.

    Oh, and Buck (the Bullitt guy) was there with a kid, and I’m pretty sure I saw 2 other parent-kid combos while we were there.


    Some guy in a poncho was chasing around his daughter who was having a blast on her bike.

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