Freezing Saddles Happy Hour

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Freezing Saddles Happy Hour

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    @Greenbelt 47157 wrote:

    That Bike Arlington scarf rocked this morning.

    Good for blocking drafts (window and otherwise)?


    Happy hour was fun! Thanks, Kathy! And it was great meeting everyone.

    Unfortunately, the pointless prize coordinator was slightly less coordinated than she should have been. This resulted in a couple pointless prizes being pointlessly forgotten or confused.

    I accidentally combined two awards in my brain last night into one. Mark Williams was supposed to win the most circuitous route home for his ~ 130 mile trek on Wednesday (Justin correctly identified as runner up for the second stack of maps for his 90 Tuesday ride). Meanwhile, Christopher was supposed to win an award for his ~150 mile ride over the weekend for the longest ride in the competition. Too many miles. Numbers too big. Brain doesn’t work. Anyway, they were all impressive rides–congratulations.

    Another prize didn’t get awarded because I accidentally left it at home. Will, I have a children’s book about a time travelling bike that is supposed to be yours, in honor of your rides in Australia, which by the magic of time zones resulted in your having ridden for 3 days already on January 2 (from our perspective). Would you like it?

    And I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with the world’s ugliest flaming bike shorts, so Trish, if you’d like your prize for biggest sandbagger, let me know how to get them to you. (not that i’m sure what you’ll do with them, either… :cool:)


    Thanks everyone for a great BAFS winter. Thanks (in abstentia) for all of the great pointless prizes. I missed not being there last night, I was so close to just cancelling soccer becuase it was freekin’ cold last night. I hope everyone had a great time. My cubical is rocking the sweet Bike Arlington scarf, and chain candle sticks. I’d show a picture but my office is behind hush hush closed doors.

    See you out on the trails in the Spring, whenever it gets here.




    Sideways Kel and her “bowl of sleaze”

    Thanks everyone who organized both the event and the happy hour!


    Just another thanks from me to the many organizers, you went above and beyond to make the night fun and inclusive for all. I had no idea there would be so much loot and so many inventive awards. Great to meet lots of new people as well as recognize so many faces.

    acl: the time-traveling-bike kids book sounds cool. I’m happy to take it unless you have a better purpose for it – I typically do read to at least one of my kids every night.


    One more picture of the group – maybe more later when I d/l from the camera



    I do not have any other purpose for the book. Just need to figure out how to get it to you.


    Some team photos:

    Team Ocho/The Underdogs:


    Team 9 Bollard Busters (2nd place):


    Team V is for Victory (1st place):


    Team S and M:


    I Crit My Pants:



    Team FourCuatroPho:


    Another configuration of Team V — at the Phoenix Bike Event, receiving their first place trophies:


    Finally, thanks, Dickie, for my Dirty Mustache award!


    Sorry for all the red eyes and closed eyes, and sorry I didn’t get all the teams.



    Woo – another gift! A developer for ebay just forked the scoreboard code for their own internal challenge. I’m happy to see it reused (especially as a way to encourage cycling).


    Sorry for all the red eyes and closed eyes, and sorry I didn’t get all the teams.


    Sad fact: that’s the best pic I’ve taken since middle school.


    @Bilsko 47178 wrote:

    One more picture of the group – maybe more later when I d/l from the camera

    As promised a few more:



    Tim Kelley

    Why so serious Mark?




    Greenbelt delivered my BAFS prize a week or so ago – just in time for Ben to fit it!
    And the best part about my new assistant is that he hasn’t figured out how to escape.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 92 total)
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