Freezing Saddles Happy Hour

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Freezing Saddles Happy Hour

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  • #964389

    Come celebrate your accomplishments (or not) and meet your teammates, rivals and new friends!

    The Freezing Saddles Awards Happy hour will be at Baileys in Crystal City (2010-A Crystal Drive) on Thursday, March 21 from about 5 pm to 7 pm. We have a separate room in the back that will be available from 4:30 pm, so feel free to come earlier if you like.

    At about 7 pm, for the awarding of the awesome first place prizes, we head en masse to the Phoenix Bike Show, just a few short blocks away at 251 S. 18th Street (12th Floor) – right across from the Crystal City Metro Station. Tickets to the Phoenix Bike Show are $25 in advance and $30 at the door, and go for a great cause. To purchase a ticket, go to, and click on the announcement regarding Extraordinary Possibilities: 2013 Phoenix Bikes Show. Please consider buying a ticket to help this worthy cause even if you can’t attend the Bike Show.

    Easy to get to: By bike – MVT to Crystal City, make left on Crystal Drive, go a couple of blocks. Baileys is on right, just past McCormick & Schmicks (good landmark).
    By metro – easy walking distance from Crystal City metro stop and then easy walking distance from Baileys to the Phoenix Bike Show, which is right across the street from the Crystal City metro stop.

    Parking: There are 4 bike racks (for eight bikes normally) and an underground parking garage directly next to Baileys (south of it). No charge for the garage after 4 p.m.

    25 kinds of beer on tap and about 50 others available in bottles. Individual checks.

    Please let me know if you plan to come! I have about 35 rsvps already.

    I encourage everyone in BAFS to try to make it!


    @Arlingtonrider 46006 wrote:

    More details will be posted soon but here are the basics:

    Happy hour at Baileys in Crystal City (2010-A Crystal Drive) on Thursday, March 21 from about 5 pm to 7 pm. Room is available from 4:30 pm, so feel free to come earlier if you like. At about 7 pm, we head en masse to the nearby Phoenix Bike Show.

    Easy to get to: MVT to Crystal City, make left on Crystal Drive, go a couple of blocks. Baileys is on right, just past McCormick & Schmicks (good landmark).

    There are 4 bike racks (for eight bikes normally) and an underground parking garage directly next to Baileys (south of it). No charge for the garage after 4 p.m.

    25 kinds of beer on tap and about 50 others available in bottles.

    Please let me know if you plan to come! I have about 20 rsvps already.

    I encourage everyone in BAFS to try to make it!

    I’m kind of bummed that I won’t be able to make it, but if it’s spring and it is Thursday that means it is soccer practice.

    Oh well, please post photos.



    “25 kinds of beer on tap and about 50 others available in bottles.”

    Can we find someplace that has a larger selection of beer? :rolleyes: Looking forward to it.


    LOL. By the way, attendance is mandatory for Badass Banditos. ;-) (- since it appears likely at this point that we all will be there)

    I’ll have nametags available, and team captains are welcome to come up with some sort of team ID if they like. Team 6 is covered.


    What about us slackers who didn’t sign up for Freezing Saddles, but did ride all winter, and love beer?


    Please join us! And for those BASF riders who haven’t ridden much – come to the happy hour anyway. There might even be special awards or prizes for you too.


    @Arlingtonrider 46061 wrote:

    Please join us!

    I’m working on it. I have a guys trip to spring training tomorrow through Monday, leaving my wife on her own with the kids, so my Husband Points are pretty low.


    Will there be complimentary wheelchairs available? – because I’m sure many of us will need them after Wednesday’s mad dash to get as many points as possible.

    Justin Antos

    @Bilsko 46150 wrote:

    after Wednesday’s mad dash

    See, now you’re just making me nervous.


    @Bilsko 46150 wrote:

    Will there be complimentary wheelchairs available? – because I’m sure many of us will need them after Wednesday’s mad dash to get as many points as possible.


    I may just end up at Bailey’s all day if the mad dash crazy happens.

    jopamora;46161 wrote:



    @Arlingtonrider 46061 wrote:

    There might even be special awards or prizes for you too.

    Lantern Rouges for everyone!


    Right now the difference between the first place team and the second place team is 14 points.

    Again, the deadline for First Place is 9.30 pm March 20. I will take a screen capture at that moment and declare the winner (make sure you upload your ride early enough so that it gets into the data).

    This is a great and tight race between team V and team Bollard Busters.

    You will receive your award at the Phoenix Bikes Show – it would be nice to know if you will be there. Can you send me a DM indicating that you will be at the Phoenix Bikes Show?? The idea is that the Phoenix Bikes kids who made the awards will present them to you.

    I am asking Phoenix Bikes to have the award ceremony as early in the program as possible.

    Oh and Henry says that New Belgium Brewing is a sponsor again! How does VVill say it? Beyahh!!



    @Arlingtonrider 46006 wrote:

    Come celebrate your accomplishments (or not) and meet your teammates, rivals and new friends!

    The Freezing Saddles Awards Happy hour will be at Baileys in Crystal City (2010-A Crystal Drive) on Thursday, March 21 from about 5 pm to 7 pm. We have a separate room in the back that will be available from 4:30 pm, so feel free to come earlier if you like.

    At about 7 pm, for the awarding of the awesome first place prizes, we head en masse to the Phoenix Bike Show, just a few short blocks away at 251 S. 18th Street (12th Floor) – right across from the Crystal City Metro Station. Tickets to the Phoenix Bike Show are $25 in advance and $30 at the door, and go for a great cause. To purchase a ticket, go to, and click on the announcement regarding Extraordinary Possibilities: 2013 Phoenix Bikes Show. Please consider buying a ticket to help this worthy cause even if you can’t attend the Bike Show.

    Easy to get to: By bike – MVT to Crystal City, make left on Crystal Drive, go a couple of blocks. Baileys is on right, just past McCormick & Schmicks (good landmark).
    By metro – easy walking distance from Crystal City metro stop and then easy walking distance from Baileys to the Phoenix Bike Show, which is right across the street from the Crystal City metro stop.

    Parking: There are 4 bike racks (for eight bikes normally) and an underground parking garage directly next to Baileys (south of it). No charge for the garage after 4 p.m. The Phoenix Bike Show site has a link to a parking map of Crystal City that indicates that they will have a bike valet set up very close to the show site.

    25 kinds of beer on tap and about 50 others available in bottles. Individual checks.

    Please let me know if you plan to come! I have about 35 rsvps already.

    I encourage everyone in BAFS to try to make it!

    Bumping this up, and will be adding info from time to time. You don’t want to miss this!


    For Freezing Saddles awards happy hour info, please see post above this one. I couldn’t get all the info to copy onto this post, so this is the bump up.

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