Freezing Saddles Happy Hour

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    Freezing Saddles ends on the last day of Winter. That is March 20.

    Phoenix Bikes annual bike show happens to be on Thursday March 21, in Crystal City.

    As you know, Phoenix Bikes make our first place prizes!


    This seems like opportunity. Now first, the 2013 Phoenix Bike Show is a fund raiser so tickets are $30 bucks at the door, or $25 ahead of time. (Since Freezing Saddles was free – perhaps thats not too much of a burden?)


    (a) We have a happy hour before hand, near the Phoenix Bikes bike show – perhaps have Phoenix Bikes present the awards – and then many of us can head over to Phoenix Bikes bike show after wards. or

    (b) Just do the whole thing at Phoenix Bikes. Have the award of the first place prize at the Phoenix Bikes show. Would have to talk to Henry about this. He might object severely to us bringing a herd of folk over to a fund raiser, you know, contributing money to the good cause. :rolleyes:

    I went to the bike show last year. It was great. Sat next to Libby Garvey for a little and got to talk bikes with her. And that is also where the idea for the Freezing Saddles award came from.

    Thoughts? Still could use a volunteer to lead up the happy hour.


    Phoenix Bikes is on board. So tentatively first place will be awarded during the Phoenix Bike Show.

    Henry says

    New Belgium is going to sponsor us again, so there will be ample “happiness” on hand.

    Should we just have our whole happy hour at the Bike Show? There is a silent auction, and a raffle for a phoenix bike, and VIPs say VIP things. Last year was great.

    Thoughts? ACL? Ron? Others?


    @rcannon100 43168 wrote:

    Thoughts? ACL? Ron? Others?

    My wife’s due date is three days before. I have this foreboding feeling that if I went, I’d need to find permanent lodgings.

    Tim Kelley

    @rcannon100 43168 wrote:

    So tentatively first place will be awarded during the Phoenix Bike Show.

    Can you expand on this a bit more? Are you going to gather everyone in a group in the corner, or will you take the microphone from Henry and do some MCing yourself?


    @rcannon100 43168 wrote:

    Phoenix Bikes is on board. So tentatively first place will be awarded during the Phoenix Bike Show.

    Henry says

    Should we just have our whole happy hour at the Bike Show? There is a silent auction, and a raffle for a phoenix bike, and VIPs say VIP things. Last year was great.

    Thoughts? ACL? Ron? Others?

    You had me until that VIP babbling part. Good God, can’t the VIPs ever just shut the hell up?


    Aren’t happy hours supposed to be non-(high school) kid friendly?:rolleyes:


    My wife’s due date is three days before. I have this foreboding feeling that if I went, I’d need to find permanent lodgings.

    Sounds like the best possible pointless award. PLEASE PLEASE name the kid MONGO

    Can you expand on this a bit more? Are you going to gather everyone in a group in the corner, or will you take the microphone from Henry and do some MCing yourself?

    As soon as someone volunteers to organize this, will let you know. :rolleyes: Ah hell! Tentatively (as in I need to hear from Henry) let’s just do this thing at the Bike Show – I will step up and organize this. I know we are doing first place. More I dont know. What I would love to see is First Place Awarded up front with the kids who made the awards giving them to the first place team. I also think Tim that Bike Arl going up there giving out awards would be cool too. But you and I and ACL are in a separate thread trying to get a concept there. (no one has really volunteer to organize an individual pointless award – saying that you will do an award but that someone else needs to do the data research – means no one is doing it. If you would like to do a pointless award, speak up and you have to do the full thing).

    You had me until that VIP babbling part. Good God, can’t the VIPs ever just shut the hell up?

    The VIPs are people like the Phoenix Board of Directors and the Arlco board of directors. Phoenix is in expansion period, looking to build a new facility. Libby Garvey has been a big supporter and is I believe on the Board. Phoenix is an important youth program in Arlco. This people have done yoemen work and really its a fantastic community effort with support from volunteers to political leadership. Last year was a pretty impressive experience.

    Aren’t happy hours supposed to be non-(high school) kid friendly?

    Not sure I understand. Phoenix Bikes is of course a youth org and a lot of the volunteers running the event will be kids from the program – at least they were last year. The Phoenix Bike Show is a kid friendly event.

    Tim Kelley

    @rcannon100 43202 wrote:

    As soon as someone volunteers to organize this, will let you know. :rolleyes: Ah hell! Tentatively (as in I need to hear from Henry) let’s just do this thing at the Bike Show – I will step up and organize this. I know we are doing first place. More I dont know. What I would love to see is First Place Awarded up front with the kids who made the awards giving them to the first place team. I also think Tim that Bike Arl going up there giving out awards would be cool too. But you and I and ACL are in a separate thread trying to get a concept there. (no one has really volunteer to organize an individual pointless award – saying that you will do an award but that someone else needs to do the data research – means no one is doing it. If you would like to do a pointless award, speak up and you have to do the full thing).

    Okay, I just wanted to make sure that Henry realized that you wanted to take over part of his event.


    I said (non-verbatim) “ain’t happy hours s’posed to be non-kid friendly?”

    @rcannon100 43202 wrote:

    Not sure I understand. Phoenix Bikes is of course a youth org and a lot of the volunteers running the event will be kids from the program – at least they were last year. The Phoenix Bike Show is a kid friendly event.



    Ah…. ooooooooooooooooh!!!! I get your drift Dismal. Yes, clearly. Non kid friendly. That’s the ticket.


    @rcannon100 43202 wrote:

    .. and the Arlco board of directors. ….

    Yeah. Politicians. I stand by my previous snide remark.


    Okay, here’s the latest after consulting with many smart and wise people

    Phoenix Bike Show is Thursday March 21 in Crystal City starting at 7 pm. The Freezing Saddles 1st place awards will be awarded during the pheonix bike show.

    The Freezing Saddles Happy Hour will be before the Bike Show, somewhere in Crystal City. That way, as Tim noted, we can bestow all the inside joke awards to our own delights.

    We need a volunteer to organize a happy hour in Crystal City. Anyone have a favorite place that might be premo?


    Is this happy hour official yet? If so, exactly when and where?


    @jrenaut 45997 wrote:

    Is this happy hour official yet? If so, exactly when and where?


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