2024 Pointless Prize: Street #Treats

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2024 Pointless Prize: Street #Treats

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    after weeks of looking, I finally found money! Not enough for a cup of coffee, but I included the money found when I rounded up my payment at the grocery store today.


    2/18/24 Found this leather tag on the ground when @boomer was teaching us about shipbuilding in Alexandria. Learned s few new things


    #treat – 2/19/2024 – Another ear warmer band, a Smartwool merino one on Ohio Dr by the John Ericsson Memorial


    #treat – 2/20/2024 – Today’s ear band warmer was on top of the 7 mm on the W&OD’s Citizens Bridge over W Broad St in Falls Church



    I found a hat today up near Langston & Glebe. Put it on the cone to be found

    I’m thinking it’s probably okay to post 2 pictures on one post if they’re different views of the same found object – but lmk if I’m off about that.

    This pic I’m including  cuz it has the cross street


    2/20/24 three treats–a pink silicone doodad that I have no idea what it’s for other than to adorn my bike; a bic lighter, a drill bit

    Sophie CW

    2/20/24 – Another crazy treat found on the Carl Henn Millennium Trail. When I picked it up, it completely feel part. The only useful part was possibly the stick.


    treats – 2/21/2024 – Looks like somebody left the bow behind from their Valentines Day TREAT on E Columbia St in Falls Church

    Laurie E.

    2/21/24 #Treats

    I found hair scrunchies that I can use to hold together my spare inner tubes.

    Sophie CW

    2/21/24 – See a penny, pick it up, all day long have good luck!


    2/21/24 you can’t make this up. I found a drivers license on the ground this morning. I came home and telephoned the person I had googled. She would be at work Near where the license was lost later today. So, that was the beginning of my second ride today. Not only did I get to return the license. We chatted, and we come from the same part of the country. She is relatively new, and Arlington, and is interested in biking, so I told her all about her lovely community and plan to have her join me on some rides. We hit it off immediately, so I could be making a another new friend because of Freezing Saddles. The happy meetup for the return of the treat found in the photo below.


    #treats – 2/22/2024 – Ball! on the Holmes Run Trail next to Brookvalley Park.  It didn’t belong to any of the kids there (I did manage to return a tennis ball at Bluemont Park yesterday, but I had already claimed the treat from an earlier ride)


    2/22/24 Excited for this hat and curious where I posted the drivers license yesterday???

    Will take to my grandson the Cat in the Hat hat found during my bike ride on a table marked as free in someone’s front yard. Left some other worthy items behind


    <hr />



    2/22/24 – Chair

    Does this count as a street treat? When it has a “FREE” sign on it like this? Idk cuz it’s kinda large 🤔🤷🏻or 🤔 maybe it’s a moot question cuz I forgot to put my bike in the pic? But lmk anyhow cuz if it’s OK except it needs a bike I’ll see if it’s still there tomorrow 😁


    2/23/24 – glove

    I found this wet glove on the W&OD just below Carlin Springs rd.

    I put it on a mile marker post to be better seen

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