Good News on Infrastructure thread

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    @lordofthemark 226153 wrote:

    I took a walk around today from 4th to NJ, and yes, I saw the work on the floating bus islands. It’s not clear from looking that this will mean a change to bike infra (from the existing shared bus lanes), but I will take your word for it.

    The project website is at

    Short version: north side of the curb will have a westbound bus lane, and south side of the curb will have a two-way protected cycletrack in lieu of the bus lane.


    Note, with the I66 trail opening, this will be a more bikeable area. And not too far from the W&OD of course (and hopefully improvements on Gallows)

    And thanks to Supervisor Palchik (and FABB?)


    Last Sunday I rode on the new Pennsylvania Avenue SE PBLs (I had ridden on them before, but this was my first time after they were officially open) Pretty decent.

    What’s impressive though is the growing connectivity of the network. My next stop was in Adams Morgan with a stop at REI along the way- I rode back up Penn to 3rd – no infra on 3rd, but not terrible. From REI I rode on M Street NE PBL to 1st NE, then on that PBL to K Street PBL, to New Jersey, then on the New Jersey PBL to R Street (door zone bike lane to Adams Morgan)

    From M Street by the MBT all the way to New Jersey and R Street it was PBLs the entire way. Still room for improvement (like on R Street!) but better than any other jurisdiction in the region, better than it was only a few years ago. The fruit of patient but persistent advocacy.


    The gap between the 14th St Bridge and the 15th Street Cycletrack has been filled thanks to a recent repaving by NPS. The Cycletrack is useable but not yet complete.

    Here’s a video if you’d like to experience it vicariously:


    It was full of trucks about two hours ago but otherwise quite lovely.

    @Judd 226421 wrote:

    The gap between the 14th St Bridge and the 15th Street Cycletrack has been filled thanks to a recent repaving by NPS. The Cycletrack is useable but not yet complete.


    “The gap between the 14th St Bridge and the 15th Street Cycletrack has been filled thanks to a recent repaving by NPS. The Cycletrack is useable but not yet complete.

    Here’s a video if you’d like to experience it vicariously:”

    The Cycletrack is nearly complete. The flexposts have been installed. Much of the cycletrack is still blocked with contractor vehicles, so be careful.


    The first contra-flow bike lane in Alexandria has been installed on Glendale Avenue, providing a connection from Mount Vernon Avenue towards Potomac Avenue and the Potomac Yard Trail. Double yellow lines are still to be installed. You can see the planned location for the yellow lines on the last photo – the dashed lines to the right of the arrow. For more information, see


    The double yellow was installed when I rode it a couple of nights ago. Good to see Alexandria adding contraflows to the tool kit.

    The first contra-flow bike lane in Alexandria has been installed on Glendale Avenue, providing a connection from Mount Vernon Avenue towards Potomac Avenue and the Potomac Yard Trail. Double yellow lines are still to be installed. You can see the planned location for the yellow lines on the last photo – the dashed lines to the right of the arrow. For more information, see


    “The double yellow was installed when I rode it a couple of nights ago. Good to see Alexandria adding contraflows to the tool kit.”



    The all-powerful bike lobby is now (mostly) open on the Metropolitan Branch Trail at Florida Ave (where the temporary ramp briefly was before the second building got funding).  Not necessarily designed for riding, but I imagine a few people will be able to easily handle the stairs/runnel…


    The bike lanes on Van Dorn Street in Alexandria from Braddock Road to Menokin are now protected in both directions, the first real PBL (IMO) in the City of Alexandria.

    There is also a very short protected bike lane (SB only) on King Street from Masonic Temple Drive to Callahan.

    As noted in a separate thread , in Arlington what some are calling the Lagoon Trail, from Long Bridge Drive, along Boundary Drive, thence around the Lagoon Yacht Basin to the Mount Vernon Trail near the Navy-Merchant Marine Memorial, is complete and open.
    It’s been a while


    I was hoping to post that the new W&OD bridge at Wiehle Avenue in Reston is open, as it was supposed to have a ribbon cutting the past Tuesday, but there is a (hopefully minor) delay. No new opening date set yet. (edit: FABB says probably not till Autumn)


    I was hoping to post that the new W&OD bridge at Wiehle Avenue in Reston is open, as it was supposed to have a ribbon cutting the past Tuesday, but there is a (hopefully minor) delay. No new opening date set yet. (edit: FABB says probably not till Autumn)

    To follow up – Fairfax County Supervisor Acorn has announced, and NoVa Parks has confirmed, that the bridge has passed electrical inspection, and is now open. Yay!

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