FS2021 #PublicArtFinder pointless prize

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition FS2021 #PublicArtFinder pointless prize

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  • #922080
    Boomer Cycles

    Post your #PublicArtFinder pic here! But please do so responsibly by using the “small” option on your Tapatalk menu!!

    Rules (which are more like general guidelines [emoji849]):

    1. Ride your bike a least a mile to any art form (loosely defined) that is freely accessible to the public

    2. Take a picture of said art with a bicycle somewhere in the frame, and upload to this thread, Strava and/or the FS Facebook page (but please include the link here so that it can be found).

    3. Hashtag your ride #publicartfinder (not CaSe SeNsItIvE) on Strava if you want to appear on the FS2021 PP leaderboard https://freezingsaddles.org/pointless/hashtag/publicartfinder

    4. Public Art rides/pics must be posted within 72 hours, so as to allow all a fair chance to play, and avoid sandbagging at the end of FS2020 to game the PP competition.

    Entries will be judged by some faceless cabal on totally subjective criteria that may include use of creative objects (like a bike), composition, light, artistic flair, witty captions, great stories, # of quality submissions, and/or # likes, kudos or dislikes. Extra points if you disclose the exact location of the art form so that others may enjoy it.

    Now go find your Public Art form!

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Boomer Cycles

    Example #1 (doesn’t count since I’m sponsoring)4d03f24d93db46ce835a06d3c1f0c68c.jpg

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk


    An electrical box near where the NW Branch Trail crosses route 1 in Hyattsville (aka– by the Meadworks).


    This one’s for all the #tandemstyle riders out there:


    At Ascend Cycle in Alexandria, 2903 Mt. Vernon Ave.


    A power box near where the NW Branch Trail crosses Route 1 in Hyattsville (aka: by the meadworks) [ATTACH=CONFIG]21917[/ATTACH]

    Boomer Cycles

    @komorebi 203512 wrote:

    This one’s for all the #tandemstyle riders out there:


    At Ascend Cycle in Alexandria, 2903 Mt. Vernon Ave.

    I like the creative use of incorporating a bike as part of the public work of art!!!

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Boomer Cycles

    @historygeek 203513 wrote:

    A power box near where the NW Branch Trail crosses Route 1 in Hyattsville (aka: by the meadworks) [ATTACH=CONFIG]21917[/ATTACH]

    I C that you use “bar mitts,” too, to accentuate the curved lines. Great artistic interpretation!;-)

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Boomer Cycles

    Found some cool murals up for grabs at Dewey Local Pack in Montgomery Country (since I can’t win my own prize;) hint, hint!)d25489b147ac5314dad1755ac418cb45.jpg

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/eIMcetmgJcb


    Public Art in Dewey Park at 11720 Dewey Road, Silver Spring, MD
    Spotted today on my ride from Shady Grove metro station to West Alexandria. https://www.strava.com/activities/4556848302

    Boomer Cycles

    @BigBaldy 203647 wrote:

    Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/eIMcetmgJcb

    Checked it out, but if no pic, then it didn’t happen!:-0

    Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Sophie CW

    I forgot to include my bike in this selfie… Art off the Carl Henn Millennium Trail at 355 and West Gude Drive in Rockville.

    Sophie CW

    I forgot to include my bike in this selfie… Art off the Carl Henn Millennium Trail at 355 and West Gude Drive in Rockville.

    Steve O





    Art on a power box at 38th Ave Neighborhood Park, Hyattsville

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