Fairfax City Happy Hour: June 28 @ Coyote Grille and Cantina 5:30-7:30

Our Community Forums General Discussion Fairfax City Happy Hour: June 28 @ Coyote Grille and Cantina 5:30-7:30

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    Since my helicopter is unavailable today and I don’t want to sit at the wheel in miserable traffic in a (gasp!) car, I’ve decided to try riding the 29K bus from Landmark Mall to the happy hour. The bus stop is at the back of the Mall (not sure exactly where).

    I’ve been advised that this bus stops directly across from the Coyote Grill, so it looks pretty easy. I plan to catch the bus at Landmark Mall at 4:22 p.m., and come back from Coyote Grill at either 6:45 or 7:49 pm. If anyone else’s copter is unavailable today, please feel free to join me.

    p.s. I can provide Shirlington bike parking and a 3:45 pm ride by car from Shirlington to the Mall if that helps anyone.


    @rcannon100 23709 wrote:

    I like the “You Might Ride a Fixie; But You’re Still Ugly

    That’s actually quite true. I ride a fixie and I’m hideously deformed. I don’t really need that sticker. :D


    Unfortunately I have to take my wife to the doctors at the last minute which makes my chances to be there tonight suddenly poor…. Bummed, been looking forward to meeting all of you….. next time I guess!


    @rsewell19 23753 wrote:

    Unfortunately I have to take my wife to the doctors at the last minute which makes my chances to be there tonight suddenly poor…. Bummed, been looking forward to meeting all of you….. next time I guess!

    Hope all is well. There will be plenty more opportunities to meet up. Rock on!


    Dr. Einstein forgot his lock this morning. Does someone have enough lockage to loop through the frame of the FatFixie?

    I actually didn’t really forget it… I just had a 35 pound pack and didn’t feel like pushing it up over 40. I suck.



    @Dirt 23779 wrote:

    Dr. Einstein forgot his lock this morning. Does someone have enough lockage to loop through the frame of the FatFixie?

    I actually didn’t really forget it… I just had a 35 pound pack and didn’t feel like pushing it up over 40. I suck.


    We’ll have you covered.



    I could bring one along with me. Nevermind – I see that you’re covered.



    @consularrider 23782 wrote:

    We’ll have you covered.

    Sir, thank you. Much appreciated.


    I’ll be attending a concert at Wolf Trap tonight. Have fun everyone! I think I’d rather be inside tonight drinking beer; at least the humidity seems to be holding off.


    Great happy hour! Great caravan! Thanks FABB and Ann! Y’all were awesome.



    +1 (actually +5)

    great time had by all. It was nice to see the spouses, you know the people who put up with our stinky post-ride selves.

    My son won the bell, and was so excited he rang it all the way home!

    Bruce Wright

    We had a great time at the Happy Hour. Thanks to all the Forum folks who attended. FABB will definitely be holding future Happy Hours. Thanks to Ann for a great job organizing the event.


    Thanks Ann and FABB! It was great time. Nice to see old friends and meet new ones, and to have a chance to learn more about the bike trails and lanes and riding in Fairfax City and County. I’m looking forward to exploring more there after the new bike maps come out. Special thanks to dbb and Mimi for a nice ride home with great company.


    I also want to thank Ann and FABB for setting this up, and Dirt for leading our small convoy into the wilds of Fairfax and back. :D


    I learned so much last night from people who bike in areas of Fairfax County I’m unfamiliar with. I learned ways to get around using some backstreets and I heard honest observations about what is and isn’t working out here in Fairfax as far as bike infrastructure is concerned.

    And my goodness it was just wonderful to see so many Forum people. I hope you had as much fun as I did. I look forward to the next one in Shirlington!


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