Fairfax City Happy Hour: June 28 @ Coyote Grille and Cantina 5:30-7:30

Our Community Forums General Discussion Fairfax City Happy Hour: June 28 @ Coyote Grille and Cantina 5:30-7:30

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    @Dirt 21818 wrote:

    Early is better for me too. I thought I’d check and see how people do with that.

    On a slightly different note, For those who have non-cycling spouses, my wife often comes along to these things… she shows up on her way home from work to join in. I’m relatively sure that the FABB people won’t kick out people who arrive by car, bus or parachute.

    My wife says I’m becoming “one of those people.” She means it in a bad way. I think multiple bikes and spandex would be deal breakers. I’m not sure if bringing her to a happy hour would be helpful or harmful.


    @ShawnoftheDread 21824 wrote:

    My wife says I’m becoming “one of those people.” She means it in a bad way. I think multiple bikes and spandex would be deal breakers. I’m not sure if bringing her to a happy hour would be helpful or harmful.

    If you look up “one of those people” in the dictionary, it has my picture. :D Lucky for me I was one of those people a decade or two before I met my wife. She loves me anyways. I’m quite fortunate for that.

    I know it is probably a topic for another thread, but we all find a balance for cycling in our lives. Each of us has different demands on our time based upon work, family, kids, home, etc. The balance is rarely a static thing too, but balance is the key. I think a topic thread will come of this soon. I need to hit the road since I’ve been in the office since way too early this morning.

    Hope to see you at Happy Hour. :D


    Oh for heaven’s sake, I drive to bike events all the time and besides Tim Kelley teasing me, I don’t care. There’s plenty of parking for cars at the Coyote Grille because that’s the way it is out here in the suburbs.

    The wonderful part about the bike and cycling community is there is room for everyone. And I mean everyone. Bikes don’t care about your age or gender or color. They don’t care if you rode ten miles this week or three hundred. We all ride on the same streets. We all live in this community. Everyone is welcome at a bike happy hour even if and especially if you don’t say the word bike once the entire evening.



    @acc 22039 wrote:

    [Bikes] don’t care if you rode ten miles this week or three hundred.


    Then why was mine mocking me as I climbed in the car this morning and left it in the carport?


    [Bikes] don’t care if you rode ten miles this week or three hundred.

    Ohhhhhh! You dont want to B around my bike when it hasnt seen miles on the trail. No way. Unpleasant! Talk about Rode Rage!


    Because I have a recurring fantasy of waking up to the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen and because I know bikes work better when their engines are well fed, two copies of The Feed Zone will be given away at FABB’s Happy Hour @ The Coyote Grille & Cantina. The Feed Zone has simple recipes developed with professional cyclists in mind. Even if you can’t ride like a pro, you can eat like one.

    Elsewhere on this site the topic of bells has come up. There will be four bells, the nice ones Mark wrote about, given away.


    I love waffles and tater tots too. Now I really need to try to make this.


    If riding all the way out to Fairfax City seems Like FAR-Fax City; too far or too time consuming here are some biking/transit alternatives:

    Bike to Pentagon (MVT to humpback bridge, under west portal around marina and LBJ park, then left on Boundary Channel, Right on connector road, takes you to the PNG transit station (metrorail/bus).

    Take 29X or 29E bus (annandale line) to Little River Turnpike near Olley road. Ride west 2.5 miles down LRT toward FFX city, the restaurant is on the right just before you hit downtown. (bus will take around 30-40 minutes, ride should take 15)

    Take 17G bus to George Mason University (along chain bridge road VA-123) Take 123 north to downtown FFX, then right on Main street, restaruant is ahead on left. (bus will take around 50-60 minutes, ride will take around 5)

    Return Trip: Ride out Olde Lee Highway to Fairfax circle, then Lee highway to Circle Towers, turn left at the light just after Pickett/Blake road, then down the wooded East Blake Lane Trail to the Vienna Metro (if after 7 take bike on metro for trip back to the city.)

    Driving out to FFX at rush hour could take 90+ minutes, and wil make you very sad/angry especially if you usually bike commute home. But if you insist, 395 to 495, to little river turnpike, take LRT west, it will become Main street, Coyote Grille is ahead (6-7 miles) on right. Or I-66 west from ARL (with a friend since HOV-2) till 6:30 to Nutley Street (south) Turn right at Lee highway to FFX circle, then Old Lee Highway to downtown, Coyotee grille is in Wallgreens/Ace hardware shopping center on left across from the FFX City Library.

    See you there!


    I forgot, you could also ride down the MVT to Alexandria, catch the 29K bus at Royal and Pendelton streets. The 29K will drop you off right infront of the restaruant, you could take this as a return trip to Alexandria.

    Bike on Metro bus = cheap and easy! I’ll leave the Cheap and Easy jokes up to you.


    Since I commute to fairfax from Rosslyn anyway I will make my way there early and grab a bevy on the patio and await the convoy! Looking forward to meeting the gang.


    It wouldn’t be Happy Hour without reflective straps! We have them to giveaway!

    And I’m bringing more than 100 assorted bike stickers, small enough to go on frames unless, of course, you ride a very fancy bike.

    For the kids there will be scratch and sniff pizza, bubblegum, and banana stickers. I also have a few tongue tattoo stickers unless I use them all myself before Thursday. :roll eyes:

    So put Thursday, the new Friday, on your calendar for a FABB Happy Hour 5:30-7:30!

    Reminder: Happy Hours are for everyone, novice to expert. Even if the word bicycle is something you never bring up in polite conversation, please come. There will be more than 100 years of combined riding experience at this event. If you have a question about bikes, riding, safety, or equipment there will be cyclists who can give you an answer.



    The long-range weather forecast for Thursday predicts sunny and sweltering, such a nice combination.

    The potential for finding a cold cerveza at the Coyote Grille is excellent!
    On draft:
    Blue Moon
    Dos Equis
    Negra Modelo

    The other way:
    Sierra Nevada
    St. Pauli Girl
    Sam Adams
    Bud and Bud Light

    It’s important to conduct in-depth research. I stopped by the Coyote Grille and tried out some appetizers.
    Exhibit A: Nachos. The Black Bean Nachos are vegetarian
    Exhibit B: Combination Platter showing Calamari Aioli, Beef Taquitos, and Shrimp

    On Thursday Black Bean Nachos, Beef Taquitos, Calamari Aioli, and two kinds of chip dips will be available.


    I’ll be leading a ride out to Happy Hour if y’all want to join. I’ll be rolling from East Falls Church Metro (Kiss and Ride, of course… Kissing is probably not gonna happen. Sorry. Y’all can go to town if you want.)

    This is the route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1303020. It is about 12 miles each way. It does use some of Old Lee Highway which has a fair amount of traffic on it. The shoulders are pretty good. There’s a short section of gravel trail to get to the CCT. I ride it regularly on my road bike and have never had a problem.

    Bring flashy lights… full lights and reflective gear are a MUST if you’re staying late. I’ve got a long day, so I will likely only be there until 6:30 or 7.

    Let me know if you’re gonna show.



    Rats! I always miss the kissing part.
    I will have my small SUV at the Coyote Grill and will be there until the end if anyone decides the ride home is too much.



    @Dirt 23396 wrote:

    This is the route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1303020. It is about 12 miles each way. It does use some of Old Lee Highway which has a fair amount of traffic on it. The shoulders are pretty good. There’s a short section of gravel trail to get to the CCT. I ride it regularly on my road bike and have never had a problem.

    I’ve never tried grilled coyote. Can you get that on the nachos? I should be able to make it and join your convoy.

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