Fairfax City Happy Hour: June 28 @ Coyote Grille and Cantina 5:30-7:30

Our Community Forums General Discussion Fairfax City Happy Hour: June 28 @ Coyote Grille and Cantina 5:30-7:30

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    We talked about moving some happy hours to areas outside the general DC bike commuting range to invite more people to participate.

    Fairfax Advocates for Better Biking (FABB) http://fabb-bikes.blogspot.com/ invites the biking community to come to a happy hour.

    June 28th at the Coyote Grille & Cantina http://www.coyotegrille.com/



    Anyone who rides on a saddle under their own power is welcome. Come if you bike commute, ride to do errands, or just simply enjoy the CCT.


    Expanding the reach of these so more riders can go to one is a great idea! Some of us had been thinking of another happy hour at Cap City in Shirlington for that same evening, but that could easily be deferred in favor of FABB.

    (Or we could still have a much smaller one in Shirlington for people who wouldn’t be able to get to Fairfax City from work in time for the happy hour regardless – it’s an hour and a half bike ride away. Thoughts?)


    I’d love to come out to Shirlington for a happy hour because I have a lot of friends out there. Could you pick another date so I don’t miss it? And yes, moving one out to Shirlington is a great idea.


    Consider it done! And for those of you I had already spoken to about the 28th (I was going to check the weather forecast before posting the invitation on the forum), please support FABB’s first happy hour if you can.


    As always you are kind and gracious. Thank you very much.
    The Coyote Grille is definitely a popular place with an enormous patio area and plenty of room for bikes. I was over there on Friday to look at it.


    Anybody going to link biking directions from Arlington? After all, it’s only and hour and a half each way. ;)


    @consularrider 21754 wrote:

    Anybody going to link biking directions from Arlington? After all, it’s only and hour and a half each way. ;)

    I think I’ve got that Friday off, so I’ll ride with you out there. It isn’t *that* far. Plus I’ve never eaten coyote before. I’m guessing it tastes just like chicken.

    Just looked at the route. 10.5 miles from the W&OD in Falls Church to Grilled Coyote. Part of it is on Old Lee Highway, which I’ve never had problems with, but I know some people don’t like it much. There’s also a little jaunt on Gallows Road to cross over the Beltway. Last time I did that, they had installed sidewalks and a cross walk. I took the road anyways. The route has some dirt path as part of it, but generally it is relatively domesticated. I’ve ridden it with roadie tires and not had a problem. Cross tires would be more enjoyable.



    Count me in, I think I can get the family to join as well — All on bike.

    Here is how I commute from FFX thru Arlington to DC. MVT – Custis — W&OD out to Adahi (first left after Cedar crossing) Left on Adahi, Right on Glynndon, Left on Tapawingo, take Tapawingo to it’s end (just past light with Nutley) Take trail ahead into the woods and turn left (Nottaway Park) follow the trail to a cul-de-sac (Vaden Street) Follow Vaden past the Metro station then follow the trail on the right side into the woods (East Blake Park) to where the trail drops you out at the circle towers and Lee Highway. Cross the street, up on the left is the continuation of the trail which leads to the intersection of Pickett and Fairfax, blvd. Cross to the left and follow Picket to right on Old Picket, to Left on Old Lee, up the hill to FFX city. Coyote grill is in the Walgreens shopping center near the corner of Old Lee/ and Main street. (The enterance is on the left across the street from the public library.) There are probably other ways to go but this works for me.


    A convoy from the EFC Metro? What time to start? I expect I’ll be on my hyrid so a little dirt won’t hurt, just slower. ;)


    @consularrider 21771 wrote:

    A convoy from the EFC Metro? What time to start? I expect I’ll be on my hyrid so a little dirt won’t hurt, just slower. ;)

    Sounds like a plan. I’ll be on my fixie touring bike, so that should mix nicely with your hybrid. Most people find me painful. They cringe in my presence at least. ;)


    If I can make it I’ll join the EFC convoy, on my hybrid (comfy 700×32 tires).


    Is a 5pm meet-up time possible for an EFC Metro convoy? That will get us there between 5:45 and 6pm. Later is acceptable. Just wanted to see what people’s schedules are like.

    Dirt. :D


    Works for me. I could do earlier even.


    @vvill 21817 wrote:

    Works for me. I could do earlier even.

    Early is better for me too. I thought I’d check and see how people do with that.

    On a slightly different note, For those who have non-cycling spouses, my wife often comes along to these things… she shows up on her way home from work to join in. I’m relatively sure that the FABB people won’t kick out people who arrive by car, bus or parachute.

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