Bundle up on Tuesday!

Our Community Forums General Discussion Bundle up on Tuesday!

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    @JeffC 41342 wrote:

    After this morning when my fingers and toes alternated getting really cold, I contemplated bailing and riding Metro home. However, I stuck with it and biked home. Even though it was only a few degrees warmer and the wind was just as intense, for some reason my body is better at staying warmer later in the day, not sure why. Any theories?


    My hands were getting too warm under my gloves and moose mitts on the way home, but were cold in the dark morning.


    My ride home:



    Funny thing, I was whiny too. Forget it, I rode from the parking garage and only because the places I work are so far apart I wasn’t going to walk. Sometimes bringing a bike to work in the car still makes sense if I have to run errands during the day. For me riding in this weather means being absolutely sure I have a warm place to bailout. If I get hot in the summer I can find shade and sit down. If it’s cold, getting inside becomes an urgent matter.


    Wow, was it cold in the evening! And I didn’t even ride. It didn’t feel as bad in the morning when I was walking.

    I saw some guy commuting on an ElliptiGo on M St. in the evening.

    Re feeling like it’s 72F, that’s actually a sign of hypothermia. Some victims of severe hypothermia have been known to start taking off layers of clothing because they think they are overheating. That happened back in 2006 when that CNET editor, James Kim, got trapped in the Oregon backwoods with his family as they tried to drive over the mountain roads. (He didn’t survive.)

    Cold temps for the rest of this week. But the early forecast for next week? Tue. 53F, Wed. 59F!, Thur. 51F. Just get through this week. Then enjoy the springtime weather next week.


    @vvill 41314 wrote:

    Yeah it’s strange, every picture I’ve seen (including on their website) has them like that.

    My reflective bits are on the outside. Perhaps they heard enough complaints and switched? That said, I’m not so sure mine show up so much given their location.

    Tim Kelley

    @JeffC 41342 wrote:

    After this morning when my fingers and toes alternated getting really cold, I contemplated bailing and riding Metro home. However, I stuck with it and biked home. Even though it was only a few degrees warmer and the wind was just as intense, for some reason my body is better at staying warmer later in the day, not sure why. Any theories?

    Body temperature fluctuations throughout the day?


    @PotomacCyclist 41349 wrote:

    Cold temps for the rest of this week. But the early forecast for next week? Tue. 53F, Wed. 59F!, Thur. 51F. Just get through this week. Then enjoy the springtime weather next week.

    Mother Nature must be going thru menopause and having hot flashes. Just sayin’…


    HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL you all are hardpersons of cycling.

    I just went out for 10 minutes and froze my face and hands off.

    Definitely need warmer gear before I can commute in this weather!


    Did not ride today. Did not even bother with a sleaze ride. Guess I am gonna have to ride tomorrow just cause this week might be my only chance at winter riding this year (or next, or next….) !!

    You know….. I hate to say it but starring at Wednesday’s weather forecast….. I just might chicken out.


    Jason B

    I am unworthy of this forum. Heck it was even too cold to use my trainer in the basement. I’m going to eat a gallon of Ben and Jerry’s and hibernate.


    And remember this! Spring Training begins in one month!



    I actually did a HP loop during my commute home, It was nice and warm down to the point, with the strong tailwind, but then turning around to come home it was absolutely miserable. At that point I had to ride it or die there of hyperthermia; if the wind had been blowing the otherway, I’m sure I would have bailed just after the CSX rail bridge.
    I only saw 2 other riders out there, one looked like he trained there everyday and wouldn’t let a little wind stop him, the other was pulling a red (Raleigh I think) out of a trunk. I mumbled through my balaclava, You are brave too!, She said Yep. it may have been one of you guys.

    Stay warm out there.


    This is just to say

    I have eaten
    the cyclists
    that were in
    the icebox

    and who
    were probably
    for breakfast

    Forgive me
    they were delicious
    so sweet
    and so cold

    Tim Kelley

    Looking back at the past three weeks, we’ve had a good cross section of temperature and weather.

    Here are the numbers from the trail counter at the top of the Rosslyn hill on the Custis:

    Tuesday, 1/22 – 518 daily total riders,
    8am – 9am peak: 108 riders
    High of 32 degrees
    Low of 19 degrees
    Precipitation: 0.0 inches

    Tuesday, 1/15 – 438 daily total riders
    8am – 9am peak: 80 riders
    High of 42 degrees
    Low of 37 degrees
    Precipitation: .79 inches

    Tuesday, 1/8 – 986 daily total riders
    8am – 9am peak: 167 riders
    High of 53 degrees
    Low of 30 degrees
    Precipitation: 0.0 inches

    So, the moral of the story? What most people know anecdotally is confirmed–more riders will ride when it is very cold than when it moderately cold and rainy. 20 degrees and windy is preferable to 40 and raining.


    I had a distinct superiority complex going this morning huffing frozen ice pelts out of my nose along the GW parkway. Also, my coworkers think I’m nuts, whatever.

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