Bundle up on Tuesday!

Our Community Forums General Discussion Bundle up on Tuesday!

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    @dcv 41253 wrote:

    Had to bust out the balaclava this morning, wasn’t too bad. I saw a guy riding westbound on the Custis in shorts (at the 2 sisters), made me feel like a wuss.

    I saw that guy too. Maniac.


    Insulated water bottle success this morning. No slurpy slushy stuff all the way in.

    Justin Antos

    I saw a half-dozen or so riders on the PA Ave bike lanes this morning. One guy going eastbound was wearing shorts too – crazy.

    Also saw my Bob as usual on East Capitol.


    About 4°F with the windchill, probably worse as a headwind coming up the Potomac! I counted 24 others on bikes between 7:15 and 8:15 taking my usual extended commute route (13 miles on the W&OD/4MRT/MVT combination). I was feeling a bit of a slug since I was riding my winter setup to take advantage of my BarMitts, but that meant riding with the unneeded studded tires. Also I have a pair of cheap small googles that I got in Tokyo three years ago. Unfortunately they tend to fog up, but I was hoping with the lower humidity and wind it wouldn’t be so bad. Wrong, I was riding right into the rising sun for the length of Four Mile Run from Madison Manor and was frequently blinded by the glare. It was a good thing there weren’t too many runners out.

    The only person I saw in shorts was a runner on Walter Reed.

    Tim Kelley

    The 2 year old was whiny on the way to daycare, but she was whiny before we even left the house.

    She wanted to wear her summer moccasins today, so she did. With snow pants.


    @ShawnoftheDread 41259 wrote:

    I saw that guy too. Maniac.

    I saw that guy. I was wondering how he was able to ride with his gigantic balls, but then just figured that they had frozen off at some point. I felt bad for a lady down at TR Island and ended up changing her car tire, MISTAKE – froze my ass off the rest of the way in.


    You missed the great blue heron just to the left of the picture. He/she was cowering in the underbrush. Not a happy camper.


    I saw you struggling with the lug nuts. You get bonus points for helping her.


    Weather like this is a good time to bring along a few of those disposable chemical warming packs in case you break down and have a long wait for a ride or have to walk your bike a fair distance. Even having to take your gloves off for fifteen minutes to fix a flat is enough to start you on the road to frostbite.

    I once suffered the beginnings of frostbite in my feet (non-bike related) and I can assure you that the blood returning to one’s feet is one of the most painful things you can feel plus your feet blow up like balloons. Not fun.


    Saw no other cyclists on my ride in down Clarendon Blvd. this morning. I suppose Tim was out there somewhere with his very warm-blooded child, but it was quite lonely when I was riding down the street…

    By the way, the lobby of our building is about 20 degrees. I felt colder getting my breakfast this morning than during my ride in. But, wearing a ski mask really doesn’t fit “business appropriate” attire…


    Freezing Saddles? No, it wasn’t my saddle. It wasn’t my toes. It wasn’t even my fingers. It was the two tender discs of flesh on my chest. I’ll have to strategically position my scarf on the way home.


    @ronwalf 41278 wrote:

    Freezing Saddles? No, it wasn’t my saddle. It wasn’t my toes. It wasn’t even my fingers. It was the two tender discs of flesh on my chest. I’ll have to strategically position my scarf on the way home.

    was it a bit nipply outside?


    The thermometer on my Garmin bottomed out at 14.6 in downtown McLean, and the winds were steady at probably 15-20mph. I actually felt overdressed and was getting a bit sweaty, but I attribute that to fighting the wind up the hills on Westmoreland. I decided to go with snowboarding goggles, which I think was a good choice. My hands, however, got sweaty in my thick snowboarding gloves (but my heaviest cycling gloves wouldn’t have been enough), so I was wishing for BarMitts. I saw two other cyclists, one on Washington Blvd who looed way underdressed, but I’m guessing he was just doing a quick ride to EFC Metro. Saw another on Westmoreland that I thought maybe was Will, but it was hard to be sure.

    Tim Kelley

    Anyone thought about doing this to their bike? http://www.advrider.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13125566&postcount=18

    It’s the DIY version of moose mitts/bar mitts!


    @Tim Kelley 41283 wrote:

    Anyone thought about doing this to their bike? http://www.advrider.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13125566&postcount=18

    It’s the DIY version of moose mitts/bar mitts!

    I use plastic bags on the outside of my Moose Mitts when it is raining and I want to keep my hands dry.

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