2025 Photo Scavenger Hunt

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  • #1135566

    @alison-m, are you tracking your relaxed Saddlito for the Pointless Kid prize?


    Edit: I found my answer.  Go roo!




    1-4-25 – relax

    I was out riding with Jenn and look what someone set out for us! Obviously these chairs were just sitting here waiting for someone to sit down & RELAX in. So Jenn did. (Obviously just what anyone would wanna do in 30° with 20+ mph winds 😆)just


    @Kbikeva, last year’s main competition leaderboard was at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kzvi8AI6kNAqx3_cviFKqCOrQuR9nd8u/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110513558266826733267&rtpof=true&sd=true.  The rules post at the beginning of this thread says it is still there.  And in fact although the spreadsheet is called 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt Leaderboard, there is a tab in it named 2025.  However, that tab has no information on it.


    Carol, you might want to refresh. Serdar and I fixed the rules link earlier this evening and the hotlink is now correct as is the title.

    Laurie E.

    1/4/25 – Relax #scavhunt

    I found this tree with blue light to be very relaxing to look at.


    <p style=”text-align: right;”></p>

    1/04/2024 “Relax” Anthony Bowen YMCA V St BT 13&14th

    The dry sauna, pool, weights and yoga classes are very relaxing!


    January 5



    As of 01/14

    01/01 NERVE

    Cvcalhoun – Very nice photo of artwork on glass – difficult to do. And Henson – wow, that’s a lot of NERVE!

    Nadine – trees as neural pathways – awesome and evocative

    Alison M – 1 point for being a first timer

    Fiona Grant – 1 point for being a first timer

    01/02 CHOSE

    Chill-dad – who can resist Robert Frost with such a moody photo?

    01/03 CHEAP

    Laurie E – the lighting and seediness of this place was immediately recognizable as everyone has seen one of these types of places along the road somewhere that promises CHEAP but great bargains!

    01/04 RELAX

    Consularrider – Kinsey? You made us laugh

    Nadine – cold buns for a photo but definitely made us smile.

    Karenbikes2 – yikes – icy roads are definitely nothing to relax on! Thanks for the timely, well composed photo


    Reminder that your photos must be in before midnight of the day that word was the subject of the hunt. If you have a technical difficulty posting, please let us know.

    Great job so far – these are NOT easy words! The next update will be on Sunday, Jan 12.

    Alison M

    First one to the Tesla dealership wins 🙂

    Alison M

    01/05/2025 – CYBER

    When the Cylons come, only one of these machines will survive, and it won’t be the cybertruck. So say we all. 


    1/5/2025 Cyber

    lots of cyber activity in this building


    05/01/2025 – Cyber

    During our ride on the Arlington Loop with Paul and Carol, I was looking everywhere for something to show the word Cyber. I didn’t find anything special and was thinking to just take a photo of a technology company sign. But then, when we stopped at Astro Doughnuts in Shirlington for coffee and doughnuts, Carol showed me the touch-free payment device. That device wouldn’t be possible without cyber technology.


    #scavhunt 1/5/2025 – I’m sure there’s lots of CYBER learning going on here


    1/5/25 – CYBER

    I was gonna post a tesla pic but then we rode by a yard with CYBER dudes decorating it! I mean what were the chances? I hope the pic doesn’t forum blur too much for you all to see R2D2 and C3PO!

    Thanks to Jenn for noticing them as we rode by!


    1/5/2025 Cyber

    Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash was one of the first books to introduce the concept of the metaverse and virtual reality and covered other topics such as computer hacking and viruses.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 615 total)
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