2025 Photo Scavenger Hunt

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  • #1135531

    1/4/2024 Relax

    After your ride, relax and have a cold one


    sszibler – no  worries, it only uploaded once. I love the idea of a cheap date with butterflies. So romantic!


    @kbikeva, so far the main leaderboard 2025 tab is not showing any participants at all.  Am I looking the wrong place, or is judging just lagging?  (It’s fine if the latter is the case; I’m just trying to make sure I don’t have a user error on my part.)


    1/4/2024 Relax

    After a day of riding, hunched over handlebars and braced against the cold, this will relax those sore shoulders

    Alison M

    01/04/2025 – RELAX

    After a chilly ride under his own power, my passenger decided to relax in his warm winter lair for the ride home. I was less relaxed lol. 


    04/01/2025 – Relax

    People relax in the recently opened Alexandria location of Paris Baguette.

    Sophie CW

    1/4/25 – you will probably RELAX well with a massage by Crystal


    #scavhunt 1/4/2025 – Alfred C Kinsey’s research probably helped people RELAX


    I have no idea what you’re looking at. At this link, you can see who is playing the daily participation game:  https://freezingsaddles.org/pointless/hashtag/scavhunt

    Glenn and I have a spreadsheet we use to keep track of the main prize points on which we have added the names of everyone who has posted at least one photo here. I don’t know if that was public last year or not. Let me consult with Serdar.

    We plan to do a summary each Sunday evening as we’re able.

    — is there something else I need to do so Carol can keep track of who is leading?


    1/4 relax

    My bike wanted to stop and relax on this street sofa, but I made her keep going. And lucky I did because we ran into another freezing saddler, which helped boost energy levels.



    Sorry, @kbikeva. My bad. I fixed the link. Now, anyone on the internet with the link can view the spreadsheet that keeps track of the main prize points.

    Fiona Grant

    1/4/2025 – RELAX

    Today’s awesome discovery: I can relax; I can ride POGGIO even on a #decasleaze. 1_4_25 Relax


    1/4/2025 RELAX

    Hard to RELAX on a ride when there are icy patches on the roads!


    Thank you Serdar. The correct link is now in the rules as well.

    Glenn and I will attempt to post here each Sunday giving a little blurb about points awarded. Last year I tried to post the updates on Facebook as well, but most people using the Facebook group aren’t playing this game, so updates (with explanations) will only be here. If you are just watching the numbers, use the link to the spreadsheet. If you want to try to figure out what appeals to us, read the blurbs.

    Everyone be especially careful these next few days. No game is worth frostbite!



    1/4/25. RELAX

    Relax, folks, it’s a snow storm, not a pandemic ( yet).

    Egg section at Springfield giant

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 613 total)
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