2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

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    @bikingjenn, I’m not looking for public art all the time. But I am hoping to check out some I didn’t want to look for during the pressure of the competition. I was always nervous that what I found online a) would have been moved or destroyed, b) would turn out to be indoors or otherwise inaccessible to my bike, or c) would be in a large park where I couldn’t find it by stumbling around in the dark. And I didn’t want to risk that when I was trying to get a piece of public art every day.

    See, for example, the bear doing sit-ups on my Strava today. First off, Lake Needwood is huge, and there were no signs indicating where this sculpture was, so I doubt I would have found it after dark. And second, it turns out Lake Needwood is closed at night because they are practicing sharpshooting there.  I will do a lot of things to compete in Freezing Saddles, but standing in the way of a sharpshooter is not among them.

    But now that the competition is over, I can go look for public art that looks interesting, and not worry if I get there and can’t find it or can’t take a photo of it with my bike.


    3/31/24 – taboo

    If I could take pictures WHILE riding I woulda taken one of the guys I rode with today riding up a clearly marked one -way street going the other way. Unfortunately I’m not that talented.

    So I got one of me tryna go into the men’s room. Except my arm is only long enough to show either the door or the sign in the selfie, so I’m by the sign. 😁🤷🏻This is the bathroom on Joyce & Beach


    @nadine, clearly I need to share some of my equipment. I have front and rear video cameras that record continuously while I ride, which could have picked up that guy going the wrong way on a one-way street. I can also capture a single frame from one of the videos they take. (The video cameras got quite dramatic videos of my getting hit by that jeep!) And I have a selfie stick that turns into a tripod, so I can take selfies from farther away than the end of my arm.


    Great stuff @cvcalhoun! Jessica too has lotsa cool gadgets. You guys have in common that you have /had high earning jobs (she was a surgeon.) While I succeeded in finding the job of my dreams, my dreams didn’t were all about helping people and getting like I was making a real difference – and lotsa that kinda work tends not to be high earning…. 😁 Thus, fewer gadgets 🤷🏻


    4/1/24 – FROND

    I started today out thinking of all the palm FRONDS I saw in FL a week ago, and ended up with multiple fronds right here to choose from!

    One was a nice cluster on the w&od in between the Custis turnoff and @consularrider’s trail exit – half a mile from my house. I found  another in a yard across the street from a gathering I was going to – but I guess the best one is David’s headscarf decorated with marijuana leaves & fronds.

    David is the partner of fallen Babe Lisa Shepard. He hosted a memorial ride for her this afternoon, and a gathering in her memory at their house. I biked to the ride, and home from the gathering.



    @nadine, understood. And the video camera was expensive. (I justify it to myself because I don’t own a car, and I can buy a whole lot of bike gadgets for less than the price of a car.) But a selfie stick with a tripod is currently $15 on Amazon after a coupon. Not saying you should buy one, but if it’s something you want, it’s here:  https://a.co/d/iA9GJeW


    4/1/24 FROND

    Not terribly imaginative, but definitely fronds.


    4/1/24 FROND no joke, the frond I found was near the end of the memorial ride in the tile art outside La Pirouette cafe (which I have always wanted to try). The entire art piece was in a public art entry of mine during FS several years ago.


    4/2/24 SERUM

    Facial serums from GLO30 in Bethesda.


    4/2/24 SERUM is used in health science studies. We had a rainy adventure to find the new NSF location. Lots of laughs. Found some fun public art to add to the Alexandria Art Ride too.


    4/3/24 PLAIT

    This figure from the “Aspiration and Literature” sculpture in the Arlington Memorial Bridge Plaza either has plaited hair or is wearing a plaited wreath — I’m not sure which.


    4/4/24 CLIMB

    Google bicycling directions told me to keep going straight at this point, but my bicycle can’t climb stairs!

    This was, by the way, only one of many ways Google bicycling directions failed me.  It took me on a two-foot wide path up a hill so steep I could barely walk it, much less ride it, even before I got to the stairs.  Then when I got to the stairs, it assured me that my destination was only 0.2 miles away, so I figured I’d walk the rest of the way and would be back soon enough so I didn’t even need to lock up the bike.  But when I got to where it took me, I was rather sternly informed that this was private property and I should get off it.  So then I tried again using the name of the building (New Hampshire Estates Elementary School) instead of the address.  It then took me to a different wrong address.  I finally asked around until someone told me where the school was.  Once I found it, I discovered that they had renovated the playground where the piece of art I’d come to see was, and it wasn’t there anyway.  But meanwhile, I ended up walking 2.6 miles instead of the less than half a mile I anticipated. I was relieved that a) I even managed to find my way back and b) my bike was still there when I got back there.


    @cvcalhoun, I will be playing again soon. Overdid it for a few days so foot needs rest. Keep the fun photos coming…


    @bikingjenn, take all the time you need! I’ve spent several years trying to think up ways to motivate myself to get out there outside of Freezing Saddles time when I have nowhere in particular to go–typically looking for a past scavenger hunt or bingo item each day–without anyone else participating at all. It’s more fun when there are others doing it, regardless of whether they manage every day.


    4/5/24 WRIST

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