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  • in reply to: Pointless Prize – Bicycle #Bingo #1127274
    in reply to: Steepest climbs in the DC area #1088978

    Neither the steepest nor the longest, but Teen Barnes Road in Jefferson (just off 340) is a fun little lung buster.


    in reply to: Bike access to federal triangle during innauguration week #1064359

    @tnelson 153127 wrote:

    So “street closure” does include the pedestrian path along the Potomac? That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.

    For the record, Park Police informed me over Twitter that there WILL be bike and pedestrian access on Memorial Bridge tomorrow.

    My only data point is that all pedestrians and cyclists were being stopped from using the Rock Creek trail south of Virginia Ave (at Watergate) by police this morning. The PDF map doesn’t list this restriction, but the online interactive map does include it ( http://dcgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/PublicInformation/index.html?appid=0471855f739d45e8afd9b3eab9573823 ). Presumably there’s a way to access the Memorial Bridge from city streets, but honestly I’m skeptical and not inclined to try.

    in reply to: August 2016 Road and Trail Conditions #1058153

    @VA2DC 144897 wrote:

    14th/15th St N from Rhodes to Taft was just repaved, meaning there was clean, unblemished pavement from curb to curb. I swear that by the next day, there already was broken glass in the westbound bike lane in front of the garage entrance to the building on the corner of 15th & Scott. There is always broken glass in that spot. Whenever it gets swept up, fresh broken glass appears again within days. This spot baffles me, because it’s not in front of a bar or restaurant, and it’s not close to a crosswalk or a pedestrian doorway. Is there some sort of broken glass fairy that makes the rounds to ensure that certain spots are always covered? :confused:

    I work in the Bayou building a block further up the road, so I hit this glass patch pretty much every day. The spot is right in front of the loading dock for the Odyssey condo building, so I suspect it’s detritus from trash/recycling service that accumulates in the bike lane. Seems to be disproportionately Heineken bottles, not sure what to conclude from that…

    in reply to: 2016 Grinduro California #1051254

    I’m signed up. Have a lot of coworkers / friends in SF so the logistics should be a bit easier to work out. I’d be glad to have some DC company though!

    in reply to: Stokesville Strade Saturday March 5th #1048895

    I hope you’re healed up Tania. If you do make it out, say hi to me: I’ll be on the S&S coupled Ti bike w/dyno lights wearing a blue Road Holland jersey.


    @fredmeews 133258 wrote:

    Does anyone know if the sidewalks are clear? Thanks.

    At about 8am: the west side (upstream) had seen some plowing but most of it was a slushy mess of footprints that’s still several inches deep. Not rideable but given the warm temps it may be clear by this evening. Approaches onto the bridge from both sides looked clear to pavement, just the span of the bridge that’s not good.

    I didn’t see the opposite side which IIRC usually gets more attention because of the higher ped traffic so I’d suspect it’s in better condition.

    in reply to: Best bike fitting options within 30min of DC #1032119

    Also greater than 30 min away, but I’ve had both road and tri fits with Stu at Parvilla Cycles in Edgewater. He has the full Retül + dynamic fit bike which allows for fit changes while you’re pedaling. I know that’s just a tool and it’s the fitter’s skill that matters most but I don’t think I’ll ever have a “static” fit again. Being able to quickly toggle between two different positions makes it much easier to give feedback on what feels better or not.

    Bottom line: both my fits feel incredible plus the experience with the fit bike was a geeky cool time.

    Downsides: expensive, can take a while to find an open appointment slot, you need to commit to a few hours of a weekday, and Stu has a cool demeanor that might not be to everybody’s liking.

    in reply to: Anybody in for Rough Roubaix (and carpool)? #1027752

    I could swing heading down on Saturday, I’ll PM you to try and bang out details.

    in reply to: Jeremiah Bishop Gran Fondo #982261

    Hi, occasional lurker coming out of the shadows.

    I’ll be doing the full Alpine loop, wearing a very orange Opower jersey. Say hi if we happen to be puffing uphill at the same time and pace.


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