Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAnd it was in MD and their laws are written such that it was the decedent’s fault….
@JorgeGortex 145859 wrote:
Speaking of crosswalks…
ParticipantI’m going to go ahead and submit a complaint using this form.
If anyone suggests a better means, I’m happy to do that as well.
ParticipantSo the intersection of Veitch and Wilson in Courthouse has a no turn on red when pedestrians are present sign. That sign may not as well be there at all given how often I see it ignored.
Today was especially flagrant and annoyed me more than usual. Why? Because there was a cop car two cars back from the intersection. But even more so, there were children IN the crosswalk when this Prius decided to turn right on red.
Maybe ACPD can take a walk to this intersection during the AM/PM rush to collect some revenue.
Participant@lordofthemark 143637 wrote:
The majority (I would say) of cyclists heading west on Eye, wanting to go south on 7th(SW) towards Maine, stay in the bike lane and turn left from there. In this case all the traffic in the general travel lane to their left also must turn left (since this is a t intersection) and drivers seem to expect cyclists to do that. And it avoids a sometimes difficult lane change. What say ye?
I think that’s a different scenario since Eye street ends there at 7th. You’re left with two travel lanes at the T intersection One that has to go left (vehicle lane) and one that can go left or right (bike lane). Cars need to enter the bike lane to make a right, as is designated by the broken lines for the bike lane. There’s no straight option, and no on-coming traffic.
Then again, I’m no traffic engineer, or an engineer at all.
Participant@elbows 143585 wrote:
Sorry this happened to you, Jam, although better than an accident.
Is this Option 2? (That’s what I do at that intersection but I’m not sure I follow.) The going left on Wilson does not require a light, correct? Or does it? I’m never sure about that.
Yep, that is Option 2.
On the light question, I would say wait for a light to be safe from tickets and I’d vote for safer from cars.
Though you’re going to have dangers with or without the light. With the light you have people turning left and right from Veitch and the yield to pedestrian is questionable. The cars are busy trying not to hit other cars.
Without the light there are folks coming around a long curve with some odd sight lines and generally speeding.
Participant@Steve O 143578 wrote:
I would go to court exactly like KLizotte suggests.
A couple of ways to navigate this that may be better:
– Take the lane instead of staying to the right. Just get out in the lane and put your arm out. Then you won’t have to worry about right hooks or the straight running cars.
– If the light is red at Clarendon, cross like a pedestrian to the SW corner of Veitch/Clarendon. On the walk signal, cross like a pedestrian to the SW corner of Veitch/Wilson. Go left on Wilson when you get a clear opening. This takes you out of conflict with vehicles entirely but may put you in conflict with some pedestrians. Treat them respectfully, of course.
– You could also do a traditional pedestrian left: straight through to Wilson on the green; Turn your bike left in the Wilson bike lane and proceed westbound when the Wilson light turns green.
I’m a fan of options 1 & 2 here. I usually do #1 and take the lane.
It’s an odd intersection for cars too. Oncoming left turn and straight traffic from Veitch to Clarendon Blvd sometimes encroaches on your travel. When I do take the lane, you also have the issue of trying to turn all the way into the bike lane, or one of the car travel lanes.
I’ve only done #2 once (not that constipated). It went okay, but I have seen other riders not go on the sidewalk, but salmon the bike lane.
Conclusion – this intersection sucks for bikes.
ParticipantI used to live on 2nd St NE and go down R st NE to get to work in Dupont. I’d have to echo huskerdont’s thinking that the city can’t/won’t do anything about it, and FedEx will care even less.
That street is just a narrow mess with people parking on both sides and going over speed humps too quickly. Take the sidewalk when it’s bad and just ignore the people who think they ‘know’ the law. There’s nothing they can do to stop you from riding there that wouldn’t break the law.
I’ll say I don’t miss living in that area and biking through there. That intersection with N. Capitol has some interesting characters that I also don’t miss.
Participant@Zack 142968 wrote:
Anyone get stuck in “bike traffic” lately? A few years ago, I would have laughed at the possibility but riding across the 14th St Bridge and Mt Vernon Trail, my commute has been become pretty crowded in the evenings.
I’d say I’m more often not alone than alone these days. It’s a problem I’m happy to have.
July 5, 2016 at 3:05 pm in reply to: Help improve Transportation in Northern Virginia – take this very short survey #1054780annoyedindc
ParticipantIt was certainly an odd survey and I wonder as well how they’ll use it. I put in my $0.02 for protected bike lanes.
ParticipantGot sweaty and my glasses got nasty. Took them off and thought I stuck them in my jersey pocket. Only to get to work and now I can’t see them anywhere!
If anyone happens across a pair of eyeglasses along this route they could be mine! I took them off on Buckeye Dr SW, but not sure if that’s where they met pavement.
ParticipantThere’s construction work on the north side of the RT 50 trail by the 10th St ramp. Sad to see the nice new pavement torn up. I hope vdot/Arlington make them do a very good job fixing it.
ParticipantI wonder if the satelite images on Google Earth would go back further than what’s available on maps. I don’t have it on my work computer but can check later tonight.
ParticipantI’d say so. Maybe they forgot to put down the turn arrow paint.
I can’t think of anywhere else where you’d have a bike lane marking like what you see leading to the intersection, where the far right lane isn’t a turning lane only. Submit a ticket to Arlington county maybe?
ParticipantThe good news is that you have pretty easy access from your hotel to the 15th Street bike lanes to take you down to the national mall. From there you don’t have to be on the road at all as you will be out of the Central Business District and can ride on the sidewalks. There is a direct connection from the paths along the Mall to the Rock Creek Park (RCP) trail. You all should be fine from there on out.
I haven’t been on that trail during the day in a long time, so I can’t speak to how busy it is now. But I’d imageine it will be fine.
April 19, 2016 at 1:53 pm in reply to: Who to contact about broken glass in an Arlington bike lane? #1051036annoyedindc
ParticipantQuote:My girlfriend likes wine too much and would never forgive me if I did! This seems more like auto glass anyway.The Franzia!