My Evening Commute

Our Community Forums Commuters My Evening Commute

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    Was not my finest. It started OK as I stopped off at Bikenetic to see Dirt and talk new cross/commuter tires as mine are completely shot and flatting all the time. Dirt was not around but Jan was glad to help out. I left informed but without new rubber for now. Back on the WOD and being careful to elude the dreaded FCPD I slowed at the Grove St. crossing only to be passed by a dude with absolutely no regard for the stop sign. He flew through the intersection just as I was getting clipped in without even a look. He then pulled the ultimate DB move, passing (and nearly clipping) two woman with strollers as they crossed paths with a gentleman walking towards them… yep, four abreast with him at speed. The gentleman yelled and put his hands out for protection and the ladies screamed. I slowed, apologized for his behavior and chased the scum down. As I got next to him (and gestured for him to remove his headphones) I became possessed by a sudden calmness (weird). I decided to politely explain what I had just witnessed and suggested better methods for future situations… he tolerated my intrusion and then I flatted. DANG IT! Luckily it was directly in front of the “Free Air” station on the WOD so I rolled my bike to the station, leaned my steed against the air machine (you can see where this is going), started taking off my back pack when I watched my bike slowly roll forward and fall against the pole…. result:


    Needless to say, wasn’t a great ride home.


    No good deed will go unpunished. :(


    Must have just missed you, I stopped by Bikenetic too and saw Pete and culimerc there! Sorry to hear about the dent.


    You’re a mensch, Dickie!

    (just want we need, foreigners roaming our trails telling us Ahmeerikans how to cycle!)


    That’s such a bummer.

    That being said, I would like to think any ding to your metal or carbon bikes should push you one step closer to buidling wood bikes, and that I think is worth celebrating! So here’s to the story that starts Dickie’s new bike company!


    @Dickie 82742 wrote:



    Yikes, is that aluminum?


    @mstone 82777 wrote:

    Yikes, is that aluminum?

    Yep…. the picture makes it look worse than it really is. It’s only about 5mm long, 1mm wide, and 3mm deep, Hopefully more cosmetic than anything, but my OCD is raging.


    …was mostly the breast stroke… I have nicknamed my bike Nessie!



    Is that sticker like a bandage to cover the dent and add structural integrity?

    Harry Meatmotor

    @consularrider 84015 wrote:

    Is that sticker like a bandage to cover the dent and add structural integrity?

    sticker = +5rwhp


    Was not stellar last night. Got a flat in front of the Lincoln Memorial at which point Glargon Lord of Sky Tears decided to rain more of his despair down upon me. The culprit – a fricking shark tooth – EXPLAIN THAT ONE SCIENCE!


    2 explanations

    1. Some poor Touron kid is missing his trip souvenir.
    2. #waroncars trap setup by sharks

    @pfunkallstar 84070 wrote:

    Was not stellar last night. Got a flat in front of the Lincoln Memorial at which point Glargon Lord of Sky Tears decided to rain more of his despair down upon me. The culprit – a fricking shark tooth – EXPLAIN THAT ONE SCIENCE!


    Prelude to sharkanado. You have been warned.


    The Sharks didn’t want the Jets that are always flying into Dirt’s head to have all the fun.


    Due to some changes of plan involving rain, and some forgetfulness, I ended up with more clothes at work than I wanted, so for the first time I took a full set of clothes including shoes in my backpack along with me on the evening commute. Despite that I felt good on the hills, though a LOT of people passed me on the Mason Bridge. Never saw so many cyclists at the Pentagon bus station before – besides me, I noted five others.

    bad news – first time I’d looked at my bike since my spill on Friday (I had left it at work all week) and it was not completely unscathed – some very visible scratches on the left shifter, some more minor ones on the right shifter and the bell.

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