Freezing Saddles Side Bet #FSSB Week 1

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Freezing Saddles Side Bet #FSSB Week 1

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    @KelOnWheels 73393 wrote:

    148. I should’ve eaten way more junk over the holidays!

    147. Woo.

    Steve O

    @Mikey 73160 wrote:

    Side Bet #1 is a “Biggest Loser” contest, but since that’s probably trade marked I’ll just call it the “Fattest Loser” contest.

    I suggest “Greatest Loser” instead of “Fattest Loser”

    ….or “Mostest Loser”




    123.6-115.0 =8.6 lbs =7.0%

    With a week to spare.


    @acl 79499 wrote:



    123.6-115.0 =8.6 lbs =7.0%

    With a week to spare.

    That is impressive! It is hard to lose that much weight when you are so light to start. Great job!


    @dkel 73230 wrote:

    After I started all this cycling back in September, my goal was to get from 200 down to 185; about six weeks ago I plateaued at a few pounds off my goal, and haven’t been able to get the last few off yet. So, this is the perfect challenge for me! I weighed in this morning at 188, and will see how far I can get.

    That was Jan. 2. Today I weighed in at 180.5, so I passed my 185 goal, which is great. As for the side bet:

    188 – 180.5 = 7.5
    7.5 is %3.98 of 188

    If you’ll allow me to round that, it’s a %4 loss. Not great, but I’m happy about it, since I’ve done nothing to change my diet, except that I eat way more than I did before I started cycling!


    I haven’t kept close track, but I think I’m down from about 201 to 199 since Christmas. Leastest loser but at least not a gainer.


    @guga31bb 77291 wrote:

    202 on 1/2 (forgot to post) to 206 today — can there be a prize for largest weight gain? =D

    I’m up there with you — I think I went from 190~ to just over 200 (200.5) this morning. Food is good.


    @Phatboing 73380 wrote:

    Why not.

    174 as of 1/3/14. Target: Less than that.

    @Phatboing 75457 wrote:

    This comes as a surprise to me, but 169 today. Must be all those calories I burned cursing at the ice.

    Holding steady at 169 (3% drop), but my waning gibbous phase has reached the point where my pants don’t hold themselves up without a belt. My BAFS prize is going to be new jeans!


    @Phatboing 80049 wrote:

    my waning gibbous phase has reached the point where my pants don’t hold themselves up without a belt.

    Not only have I had to move in a notch on my belt, but two weeks ago I had to drill a new hole just to get the belt cinched enough to keep my pants up. Weird.


    @dkel 80079 wrote:

    Not only have I had to move in a notch on my belt, but two weeks ago I had to drill a new hole just to get the belt cinched enough to keep my pants up. Weird.

    Ha, I have beaten the tyranny of the belt holes. I have one of those claspy canvas belts that don’t have holes. Need to fine-tune your belt in preparation for a big meal? Done and done.


    @Phatboing 80113 wrote:

    Ha, I have beaten the tyranny of the belt holes. I have one of those claspy canvas belts that don’t have holes. Need to fine-tune your belt in preparation for a big meal? Done and done.

    An example of why I’m better off writing than in person: long-delayed metaphors.

    I have a friction belt, unlike your silly modern indexed belts.

    I’ll go get back to work now.


    No further loss after this post. But I won’t sneeze at a 4.8% drop over the course of BAFS.

    @cvcalhoun 77258 wrote:

    Something about this challenge is clearly having good effects. I’m down from 210 to 200 as of this morning. By comparison, I’d lost only 7 lbs. in the whole preceding year!


    @americancyclo 73198 wrote:

    Doesn’t skinny feel hungry?

    Do I get a pointless prize for maintaining my exact weight at the beginning?


    0.7% increase to 186.7

    Or maybe I was wearing heavier shoes.


    @dasgeh 73471 wrote:

    Sure, I’ll bite. 166 last night. Target: less…

    So, 160 as of 3/20 (didn’t get a chance to post pre-vaca). Not award winning, but down 3.75%


    @guga31bb 77291 wrote:

    202 on 1/2 (forgot to post) to 206 today — can there be a prize for largest weight gain? =D

    Finished at 208

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