Forum Dictionary

Our Community Forums General Discussion Forum Dictionary

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  • #1066800

    @hozn 155746 wrote:

    It sounds like you’ve never ridden on the dark on one of the MUPs? People (at least 99% of them) don’t fully cover their lights; you can always see some light around gloves, etc. And people cast enough light in front of them to see obstacles.

    This is a lot safer than being completely blinded and plowing into the back of a pedestrian/dog/slower-cyclist.

    Wrong – I ride on the MVT after dark most days during winter, and see people cover their lights in their entirety or mostly in their entirety. I think at this point it is clear that there are number of differing opinions on what is safe and reasonable, and people are unlikely to be swayed by what others say.


    @MFC 155749 wrote:

    Wrong – I ride on the MVT after dark most days during winter, and see people cover their lights in their entirety or mostly in their entirety. I think at this point it is clear that there are number of differing opinions on what is safe and reasonable, and people are unlikely to be swayed by what others say.

    Yes, but discussions on this forum can go on for years after that point has been reached!


    For a minute there I thought I had clicked on my ArlNow bookmark by mistake.;)

    Steve O

    @secstate 155731 wrote:

    Dude, look it up in the forum dictionary:

    Because of the awesomeness of the Forum software, this is actually rather difficult. I have adjusted my settings such that I don’t even have a page 10 on this thread, so the link does not work. Doing a search on “ljw” returns no results.


    @Steve O 155760 wrote:

    Because of the awesomeness of the Forum software, this is actually rather difficult. I have adjusted my settings such that I don’t even have a page 10 on this thread, so the link does not work. Doing a search on “ljw” returns no results.

    Does this link work?


    @Steve O 155760 wrote:

    Because of the awesomeness of the Forum software, this is actually rather difficult. I have adjusted my settings such that I don’t even have a page 10 on this thread, so the link does not work. Doing a search on “ljw” returns no results.

    Here it is:

    @Harry Meatmotor 155231 wrote:

    Lumen Justice Warriors.

    (And to the fellow who deems it necessary to sling f-bombs at me and my 200 lumen, sharp-cutoff headlight




    I hope you can take solace in the fact that a light much brighter than mine will soon be rising above the horizon at the same time as your commute. It would only be prudent to curse at the low-angle glaring sun, too.)


    @Steve O 155760 wrote:

    Because of the awesomeness of the Forum software, this is actually rather difficult. I have adjusted my settings such that I don’t even have a page 10 on this thread, so the link does not work. Doing a search on “ljw” returns no results.

    You posted about your settings some time ago, and I liked what you did, so I made mine the same. It doesn’t help in situations like this, when the link is by page (links by post number work, though, for all you link-makers). For the purpose of this thread, though, the post you were looking for was only one page back. Just sayin’.


    @SolarBikeCar 155676 wrote:

    i dislike people who cover their light. My eyes can adjust to an increasingly bright light. Instead I get this flickering dim light until 20 feet in front and then bam, full brightness and my eyes can’t adjust. I suspect it is a passive aggressive assault on the oncoming traffic with the plausible deniability that one is trying to be “nice”. If people would mount the lights low instead of high (helmet lights are the worst) they could have brighter lights and everyone benefits from the lighted trail. One doesn’t rely solely on the light from ones own lamp but all ambient light so hiding one’s light to rely on the opposing traffic providing light is less light for all.

    They’re doing it wrong. One should uncover/reorient their light after going by – otherwise what would be the point?

    FTR, I’ve never had trouble getting by for a few meters on the light from streetlamps, etc. supplementing the peripheral shine from my own light (which I swivel to face the side of the rail instead of covering, because I can).


    @Steve O 155760 wrote:

    Because of the awesomeness of the Forum software, this is actually rather difficult. I have adjusted my settings such that I don’t even have a page 10 on this thread, so the link does not work. Doing a search on “ljw” returns no results.

    I had no idea! I looked for a way to link directly to the post but couldn’t quickly find one.


    @secstate 155830 wrote:

    I had no idea! I looked for a way to link directly to the post but couldn’t quickly find one.

    Each post has a number in the upper right hand corner; that number is also a link. Copy the link. For example, here’s the link for your last post:

    Harry Meatmotor


    Namaste the f–k up!

    For use when HTFU fails to embody the desired state of spiritual enlightenment. See also: Channeling your inner Dirt.


    Flustered Forumite:
    “Can you believe some guy in spandex trying to be Lance Hamstrung rode right behind me on the MUP and didn’t say a word! I think he was trying to draft me!!! The nerve!!!”

    Resplendently Unaggressive Rider response:


    I can get behind NTFU.
    But…gotta say it…if you are on a geared bike and need to draft me on my fixie, a little HTFU may be in order.


    Because it just appeared in a post and isn’t defined here yet: PBL=Protected Bike Lane.


    @baiskeli 41527 wrote:

    retrogrouchy (adj) – speaking in a manner that indicates dissatisfaction with change, such as how the mechanics of a bicycle used to be simpler or more reliable or easier to maintain. Also see “old man ranting on front porch.”

    (I speak as a ranting old man myself. Stupid kids today don’t know how to say “on your left!”)

    Perhaps the quip “On your right!” while they’re passing would be a nice reminder.

    Audrey Ava

    While I don’t have information on a forum dictionary, I can share details about Umrah Packages Multan if you’re interested in embarking on a spiritual journey.

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 135 total)
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