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  • #960998
    Jason B

    Ok, so let’s get back on track. In an ode to a recent thread about worn-out bike shorts.

    Lycra Scarred:when you inadvertently look up riding behind someone who is wearing worn-out bike shorts that should have been retired in the 80’s and to top it off, he is going commando. Oh, the humanity!!!
    Carry on

    i actually think we can think of a better name than Lycra Scarred, but I haven’t had my Tazo Awake Tea yet, so this may need multiple edits.


    Veloworking: Telling your boss you are teleworking and then going for a nice long ride on your bike.


    @Rootchopper 41790 wrote:

    Veloworking: Telling your boss you are teleworking and then going for a nice long ride on your bike.

    What a horrible thing to do. I have never done that. No, really, never. I swear.


    @fuzzy 41783 wrote:

    All this reading about lights and being blinded by the light…. I started thinking about the song, so how about calling them Manfred Manns…. ( no I have never ridden on a trial in pitch black, I’m still a bike noob )

    Or calling them The Boss. Bruce Springsteen wrote the song and recorded the first version. It wasn’t a big hit like the Manfred Mann version was. But fortunately Bruce went onto bigger and better things.

    I have to admit that I like the Manfred Mann version better.

    I guess I should add something bike-related here. Springsteen doesn’t appear to be a cyclist, but a recent documentary about Springsteen and the E Street Band was used to raise funds for the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.


    @Jason B 41789 wrote:

    Ok, so let’s get back on track. In an ode to a recent thread about worn-out bike shorts.

    Lycra Scarred:when you inadvertently look up riding behind someone who is wearing worn-out bike shorts that should have been retired in the 80’s and to top it off, he is going commando. Oh, the humanity!!!
    Carry on

    i actually think we can think of a better name than Lycra Scarred, but I haven’t had my Tazo Awake Tea yet, so this may need multiple edits.

    Lycravated Assault?
    Spandexual Harrassment?


    @PotomacCyclist 41792 wrote:

    Or calling them The Boss. Bruce Springsteen wrote the song and recorded the first version. It wasn’t a big hit like the Manfred Mann version was. But fortunately Bruce went onto bigger and better things.

    I have to admit that I like the Manfred Mann version better.

    I guess I should add something bike-related here. Springsteen doesn’t appear to be a cyclist, but a recent documentary about Springsteen and the E Street Band was used to raise funds for the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.

    Manfred Mann’s pronunciation of “deuce” leaves a lot to be desired. There’s no H in there, guys.


    @Jason B 41789 wrote:

    … he is going commando…[/I]

    Only because it’s been over seven hours and no one has pointed it out yet…
    There’s a very good reason bike short manufacturers go to all that trouble to eliminate or flatten seams.
    Wearing gear past its useful life is another matter entirely.


    @ShawnoftheDread 41798 wrote:

    Manfred Mann’s pronunciation of “deuce” leaves a lot to be desired. There’s no H in there, guys.

    Might be his New Zealand accent.

    Tim Kelley

    Making this a sticky!


    Bikefurloughfirst – a holiday celebrated on any Oct. 1 upon which the government shuts down for lack of funds and out-of-work employees do alot of cycling and drinking.


    Gawkways – Multi Use Paths with particularly good scenery. Pedestrians, often tourists, take to these gawkways and promptly become enraptured by the sensory smorgasboard around them, completely forgetting rules, etiquette and common sense as they wander in every direction over every square inch of said MUP. See: Gravelly Point.


    @Jason B 41789 wrote:

    Lycra Scarred:when you inadvertently look up riding behind someone who is wearing worn-out bike shorts that should have been retired in the 80’s and to top it off, he is going commando. Oh, the humanity!!!

    Yeah, this is horrible, but does provide passing motivation!

    …. But everyone does know that you are not supposed to wear underwear under Lycra bike shorts, right? (So the commando thing is a given.)


    @hozn 65701 wrote:

    …. But everyone does know that you are not supposed to wear underwear under Lycra bike shorts, right? (So the commando thing is a given.)

    Clearly not everyone knows …


    One thing to point out: there are padded lycra shorts which are designed to be worn under regular shorts and are typically a thin mesh fabric. These should also be worn without additional underwear, but MUST BE WORN UNDER REGULAR SHORTS.

    There are some things you can’t unsee.


    @mstone 65720 wrote:

    One thing to point out: there are padded lycra shorts which are designed to be worn under regular shorts and are typically a thin mesh fabric. These should also be worn without additional underwear, but MUST BE WORN UNDER REGULAR SHORTS.

    There are some things you can’t unsee.

    Yes, that is a very good point! I have seen several offenders of this (common-sense, no?) rule this summer. Recently there was a not-so-fit, gentleman cyclist that was wearing undershorts (possibly even just underwear) also taking off his tank top off, stretching/contorting himself and then putting it back on repeatedly in front of the young woman waiting ahead of me at the light. It was really disturbing. Never has that Gallows light seemed longer.

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