Does the new W&OD bridge over Rte 29 have a name?

Our Community Forums General Discussion Does the new W&OD bridge over Rte 29 have a name?

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    Just rode over it for the first time. I had on idea, and on reflecting, it seemed like the only possible name.


    @lordofthemark 211423 wrote:

    Just rode over it for the first time. I had on idea, and on reflecting, it seemed like the only possible name.

    It does not. I asked VDOT about the this and it is a complex process involving the Commonwealth Transportation Board acting on behalf of a local jurisdiction’s request to name something. Said jurisdiction must first agree to pay for all signage, too.

    This would likely need buy-in from the NVRPA.

    I also suggest starting with any surviving family members to make sure they are ok with it.

    Here is the reply I got from Heidi Mitter at VDOT:

    Hi Henry,

    So far, it seems possible to name the bridge – but VDOT treats bike/ped facility naming the same as highway naming, with a process that requires locality support, funding of naming expenses, and CTB approval. Find the webpage link below with further details.
    I still need to ask NOVA parks for their resolution on facility naming. If this moves forward, we’d need to figure out what role that would play. I’m also guessing that Leah/other County staff would be good to consult with.

    The commemorative namings of VDOT transportation facilities needs a county resolution supporting/requesting it to the CTB. More information can be found here:
    Please be sure to follow the Examples Template for the namings (linked within the above web page) as including certain information and the county agreeing to pay for everything are very important.

    Happy to talk off-line if there is a desire to proceed.


    Steve O

    @lordofthemark 211423 wrote:

    Just rode over it for the first time. I had an idea, and on reflecting, it seemed like the only possible name.

    I give up.


    @Steve O 211473 wrote:

    I give up.

    Dirt. I saw that Bikenetic is now sponsoring the nearby Beautify Virginia section of I-66.


    @Henry 211471 wrote:

    It does not. I asked VDOT about the this and it is a complex process involving the Commonwealth Transportation Board acting on behalf of a local jurisdiction’s request to name something. Said jurisdiction must first agree to pay for all signage, too.

    This would likely need buy-in from the NVRPA.

    I also suggest starting with any surviving family members to make sure they are ok with it.

    Here is the reply I got from Heidi Mitter at VDOT:

    Hi Henry,

    So far, it seems possible to name the bridge – but VDOT treats bike/ped facility naming the same as highway naming, with a process that requires locality support, funding of naming expenses, and CTB approval. Find the webpage link below with further details.
    I still need to ask NOVA parks for their resolution on facility naming. If this moves forward, we’d need to figure out what role that would play. I’m also guessing that Leah/other County staff would be good to consult with.

    The commemorative namings of VDOT transportation facilities needs a county resolution supporting/requesting it to the CTB. More information can be found here:
    Please be sure to follow the Examples Template for the namings (linked within the above web page) as including certain information and the county agreeing to pay for everything are very important.

    Happy to talk off-line if there is a desire to proceed.


    Of course if the family did not support it, that would be the end of the story.

    I would think a resolution of support from the ArlCo BOS would be easy. Not sure how much signage costs, or if a fundraiser would be a possibility.

    Glad someone seems to be moving it forward, and that the idea occurred to others. In my mind it already has the name, signs or no signs.


    @lordofthemark 211480 wrote:

    Of course if the family did not support it, that would be the end of the story.

    I would think a resolution of support from the ArlCo BOS would be easy. Not sure how much signage costs, or if a fundraiser would be a possibility.

    Glad someone seems to be moving it forward, and that the idea occurred to others. In my mind it already has the name, signs or no signs.

    I’d pay for the signs, no fundraiser needed (but contributions gladly accepted if and when the time comes). Thought about “lumberjacking” a temporary sign as I rode to Bikenetic this afternoon.

    Tim Kelley

    @lordofthemark 211480 wrote:

    Of course if the family did not support it, that would be the end of the story.

    Lemme check on that–brb.

    Steve O

    @consularrider 211486 wrote:

    I’d pay for the signs, no fundraiser needed (but contributions gladly accepted if and when the time comes). Thought about “lumberjacking” a temporary sign as I rode to Bikenetic this afternoon.

    I had exactly the same idea on Thursday. Shoot, I was thinking of ordering a sign that looks real and just putting it up.


    Not to burst any bubbles, but anyone who states that there is only one possible choice for the name of this bridge is engaging in either hyperbole or myopia. Arlington is a county of 200,000+ people, at least some of whom may have other ideas about who most deserves this kind of honor. Of course, sometimes the early bird gets the worm, so maybe the bike community can grab naming rights before anyone else does.


    As far as I’m concerned, it already is and always will be the Pete Beers Memorial Bridge. After all, we named Trollheim, right? (Or did Pete do that?) Not to mention the Intersection of Doom, which Pete surely named.


    @Arlingtonrider 211505 wrote:

    As far as I’m concerned, it already is and always will be the Pete Beers Memorial Bridge.

    Also known as the Hello Kitty Bridge.


    @accordioneur 211503 wrote:

    Not to burst any bubbles, but anyone who states that there is only one possible choice for the name of this bridge

    This is what I stated: on reflecting, it seemed like the only possible name.

    I would hope the difference between what I stated, and what anyone might have stated is, in literal meaning, and emotional content, clear.


    Did Pete live in Arlington, and if not would that be an issue for the Arlington Board? After all, Bikenetic is in Falls Church city.


    @bentbike33 211510 wrote:

    Did Pete live in Arlington, and if not would that be an issue for the Arlington Board? After all, Bikenetic is in Falls Church city.

    Pete was Bike ambassador for Bike Arlington, so he gets at least honorary resident status. 😎


    @bentbike33 211510 wrote:

    Did Pete live in Arlington, and if not would that be an issue for the Arlington Board? After all, Bikenetic is in Falls Church city.

    Arlington keeps trying to name things including schools and roads after the Lovings, who were not Arlington residents and whose family wants no part of it besides – so Arlington residency is apparently not a requirement. Recent naming trends in the county have highlighted civil rights and abolitionist trailblazers.

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