2025 Photo Scavenger Hunt

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  • #1135893
    Alison M

    1/13/2025 – CLOAK

    Every winter, the owners of this enormous wooden dragon sculpture cloak it in tarp to protect against the elements. Each spring it emerges from its waterproof lair to terrorize the neighborhood again.


    Results for the week ending 1/12/2025:

    1/6 CYBER
    Alison M made us smile, that bikes will outlast Cybertrucks.
    CVCalhoun’s photo was dramatic, especially the clouds and hill.
    Serdar’s mention of contactless paying is a good example of cyber.

    1/7 SPRIG
    DCAKen’s Sprig Sprout phô store did look inviting and he got a somewhat synonym with ‘sprout’.
    CVCalhoun’s holly was seasonally appropriate.
    Serdar’s snow-covered sprig was very appropriate on a snow day.

    1/8 ATLAS
    CaseyKane50’s reference to Atlas Shrugged was good.
    Serdar’s showed an eye for a nice photo that was right on point for a snowy day.
    CVCalhoun’s Atlas bulldog made us laugh.

    1/9 DRAFT
    Alison M’s photo in front of Cinema N Drafthouse and the placement of the bicycle was great. The venue has hosted several bicycle themed movies and events.
    consularrider’s nod to the first African-American chosen in an NFL draft was a good reminder of history.

    1/10 WAFER
    Fiona’s really captured the thin, flat nature of a wafer of ice. Also, she had to notice it while riding, stop and pick it up, and take the photo so it captures the serendipity of a scavenger hunt.

    1/11 CRAWL
    Alison’s ants photo was whimsical and colorful.

    1/12 DINGY
    Indiana’s dark, gloomy, dirty street (with a trash can, too) was great.


    Reminder that your photos must be in before midnight of the day that word was the subject of the hunt. If you have a technical difficulty posting, please let us know.

    Great job, everyone. You are making judging difficult.

    Kelley and Glenn


    1/13/2025 CLOAK
    This car wears a CLOAK to protect it from the elements.


    13/01/2025 – Cloak

    Cute pup with a white nose and paws staying warm and stylish in red cloak.


    1/13/25 The little guy on the right is wearing a CLOAK


    1/13/2025 Cloak

    This historic building, with an infamous past, wears a cloak to protect the inside of the building during renovations. It now house the Freedom House Museum


    #scavhunt 1/13/2025 – The Little 500 track and Jerry Yeagley Field at Bill Armstrong Stadium wear a CLOAK of white snow


    1/13/2025 Cloak

    The spy game must have been too much for this bar since it’s now closed


    1/13/25 – CLOAK

    Little snow CLOAKed cabin on the plowed part of Beach Drive.

    It’s opposite the bathrooms near the corner of Beach & Joyce (which btw were locked today 🤦🏻‍♀️ because who bikes in the winter 😒👎🏼😤)


    1/13 cloak

    Saint Dominic in cloak, poised to catch Venus before the cloak of darkness falls

    (Venus is that small speck of reflected light. I had to kneel in the snow to catch the right angle. This is outside the House of Dominican Studies across from Catholic University, where I thought I might find some living cloaked figures.)


    1/13/2025 CLOAK

    A famous cloak and dagger operation happened here. Betrayal by traitorous CIA officer Aldrich Ames brought death sentences to several U.S. spies in the Soviet Union. Ames delivered secrets for cash to his Soviet handlers through a series of dead drops located throughout the Washington area. One was under this pedestrian bridge. (I assume it was less well lit back then, but it still looks pretty spooky now.)

    Fernando Gracia

    Cape, CLOAK, or poncho?


    1/13/25 CLOAK

    Cloakroom Gentlemen’s Club
    476 K St NW, Washington, DC 20001

    This isn’t the room you remember from grade school, hopefully. Poles and dancers, according to Google.




    Sophie CW

    1/13 – the CLOAK on this car doesn’t hide much

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 705 total)
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