2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

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    @ChristinaSwartz – I never knew that a memorial for the Holodomor existed outside Ukraine! I googled it and now have the location to go see it when I return to DC. Thank you for posting this!




    3/18 – SPELT

    I wandered around the ‘hood to take a pic of flour, but I spelt it wrong. (BADUM, TSSS) 😀


    Spring Sprung


    Thank you Kelly and Serdar for your time, thought, and care you put into the Photo Scavenger Hunt again this year!


    3/18/24 SPELT

    Given that all the words on this sign are spelt correctly, one can hope (though not really expect) that drivers will pay attention.


    3/18/2024 – spelt

    This 19th century barn at Cherry Hill Farm (Falls Church, VA) may have been used to store or grind SPELT, although they may have called it dinkel wheat or hulled wheat. (SPELT was introduced to the US in the 1890s.)

    Aaron bikes

    3/18/24 and thus it ends with SPELT

    We eat vegetarian at home and love spelt. But finding it in the wild is hard. After stopping at Heidelberg bakery (closed on Mondays, but has some great bread with spelt), I went to Lebanese Taverna Market (but they only use Bulgar Wheat). Eventually I made my way to The Italian Store where they absolutely have SPELT, though they SPELT it wrong (they spell it F-A-R-R-O).


    3/18/2024 – Spelt – Aka, a version of the past tense of the verb “to spell”, more commonly used in England.

    If one has spelt a word wrong, one might call it a typo.

    I found this graffiti tag in only two spots today – one was on the ART on an overpass. The other – not nearby – was sprayed on a fence on the MBT. Though not quite as wide-spread as Pezboi, this person gets around!


    3/18/24. SPELT

    The amazing cookies at Dolci Gelato are made with wheat that might be SPELT and, more importantly, are half price after 3pm.  They are a vital part of my rides home when I take the long way.


    Laurie E.

    3/18/24 – Spelt

    Miller Farms bakery didn’t have any chocolate ‘spelt’ cookies.


    3.18-24 SPELT I entertained myself by creating a route I called “Spelt Tour” of embassies, consulates, and cultural centers of countries associated with the Ancient spelt grain.

    In my early a.m. research, I learned that the oldest known spelt came from Mesopotamia (now Iraq). There was also early evidence of spelt in Syria with much later discoveries and production in Poland and Germany and N Spain cultivars.

    I designed a route that started with the Iraq Embassy and then Germany in Foxhall-Reservoir Rd areas. I then went up by National Cathedral to the Polish Consulate and Embassy (the oldest Embassy in service).  I biked past the Syrian Embassy but missed it because I was fascinated with the Macedonia Embassy.

    Last stop before a quick tour of the cherry blossoms was supposed to be the American Wheat Growers Association but I missed the turn and had to use the restroom so bad that I couldn’t backtrack.

    At the Polish Consulate, an employee at the gate thought I was so strange for taking a picture of the bldg when I tried to explain why I was taking a picture there. She did not know of “spelt.”

    I took lots of pictures but my favorite is of the old Polish Embassy.

    The route is public on RWGPS and will hopefully have the highlights and POIs added one day.


    3/18/24 Spelt – This custom cake store is sure to have Spelt in many of its baked goods


    3/18/2024 – spelt

    It was a cold, dreary, and very windy night. And of course like @mtansill, I found graffiti spelt like this:


    3/18 SPELT

    en route to haines point realized i needed to #scavhunt so i ask the first customer i see coming out of whole foods if he can help me out with a scavenger hunt to find someone with a loaf of bread.  “Hoy dog buns close enough?”


    and i take this blurry shot!

    i consistently find that strangers always want to help me, just some rando on her, bike, when i say I’m on a scavenger hunt!



    A light and airy ingredient to add to a cake recipe is smelt flour.


    Kelley and Serdar, thanks for a fun and quite creative way to select the photo of the day. It was interesting to see how others “captured” the word in their photo. Certainly do appreciate your hard work, especially with the challenges with the new Forum.


    3/18/24 – SPELT

    Well you guys are into creativity & I like playing with my words, so I decided to take the S  off of the beginning of the word & stick it on the end. That makes PELTS.

    And here we are again, after a nice warm  few days (when we could even open windows!) back to wearing our PELTS 😁🤷🏻 This is me, Joan, Marie & Annmarie, all back to wearing jackets (only those of us on the left half of the pic are playing FS.)

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