2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

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  • #1133935
    Aaron bikes

    3/12/24 HEAVE

    Sometimes, root HEAVEs are ground down. Other times,  they’re just highlighted.



    Fisherman preparing to heave his anchor into the water.


    3/12/2024 – Heave

    That’s a lot of dirt to heave! (You can see a small part of the mound behind the sign).


    3/12/24 – Heave – You might need to heave a lot of bags of mulch to prepare your gardens! This place has literally tons to heave.



    @serdar To be fair, @drevil found the wind as his “pesky.” Jo was just helping him illustrate the wind? It’s a technicality call, I think.


    3/12/24 – HEAVE

    Marianne had a flat on today’s ride. John, the birthday boy (turned 80 two days ago) did most of the work changing the tire and then HEAVEd her bike upright again.

    He also kept an eye on the people in the back even though he’s strong enough to ride faster.

    Have I mentioned, I’ve met the most awesome people in this 🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏼🚴‍♀️ community 🤩💕🎊


    3/12/24 HEAVE

    This guy is clearly about to heave that discus.

    Aaron bikes

    @cvcalhoun no [NSFW] warning on your tasteful photo? 😉


    @serdar, my analysis of the NSFW thing is that it often relates to the caption. @nadine referred to “naked” trees in her original post, so the photo got deleted. And once it has been deleted once, the forum recognizes the photo and won’t let you upload the same one, even without a caption. So @nadine had to make a minor change (it really didn’t matter what) to upload her photo.

    Interestingly, the forum does NOT recognize the photo if someone else uploads it. @bikingjenn had a photo of the Finnish flag that the forum found NSFW, even after several tries. I grabbed the photo from her Strava and uploaded it myself with no issues.

    So this time, I was careful not to refer to the discus heaver’s, ahem, state of undress in my caption. And the forum let it through.

    Oh, and this isn’t my first “offense.” The pipers were similarly unattired. But I have tried to help out victims of the forum’s prudery, which is why I’ve been analyzing it so carefully.


    3/12/2024 – heave

    The builders of the Washington Monument had to figure out how to heave the marble blocks using a system of pulleys, block and tackle systems, and a mounted derrick to hoist and place the stones in place to create the 555 feet, 5.125 inches tall obelisk.

    Sophie CW

    3/12/24 – There’s no doubt that a lot of HEAVE ho-ing is done at this donation site for Habitat for Humanity ReStore

    Boomer Cycles

    3/12 – Heave Heave


    3/12 heave – Could someone use this massive rope to heave me back up the trail when my panniers’ grocery haul is overambitious?


    @cvcalhoun, it’s great to be dedicated to the contest, but please put your health first! Hope you’re healing goes quickly and smoothly!

    @chill-dad wrote:

    , is this related to your extra mile post yesterday?

    Can we bring you anything? And is there a kidical- like category for hauling inured FS’ers?

    Yeah, when one leg swelled up to twice the size of the other, they wanted to make sure I didn’t have blood clots. But I was able to bike there and back (stopping to get #scavhunt and #flag along the way), and the tests were negative, so I don’t really need help.

    As I was checking out, the doctor said, “I’m going to advise you to rest. But I know you won’t actually do it.” 🤣


    3/12/24 HEAVE(ns), will this game ever end? Heave the heavens in the Potomac.

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