Forum Replies Created
ParticipantNo complaints. Even set up for a water bladder (works great with my camelbak)
Participant02/20/14 about 4ish PM, you heading north on your bike at 7th and R street NW, slammed on the brakes for the red light and went over your handle bars into the intersection. Me, stopped and asked if you were ok. I didn’t think to ask if you knew how to avoid doing that again, if you dont as here, plenty will tell you how.. Some of us will show you if you want (including me)
Participant@Tim Kelley 70152 wrote:
Location listed as the UK
+ Profile homepage goes to a UK hair curler product
+ IP address based out of Portugal
= Banned.(Thread not removed since there was some legit discussion)
Thanks. I did buy into the spam as I usually trust a post listed on this site because I trust the site.
My bad… And I’m not all doom & gloom all the time
ParticipantThe environment is screwed. We have things that make us feel good- trader joes, Wholefoods, recycling, electric cars etc etc.
Electric cars still have brakes and rubber tires that creat brake dust that goes straight into the ecosystem /environment via run off when it rains and in our lungs as part of the dust we breath from outside. Where do you think material goes when it wears away? Same with shoes!
I have an idea, dry cleaners. So what that we have organic dry cleaners in the area now. You still walk out with your clothes wrapped in a plastic bag, hanging on a metal hanger with paper wrapped around the clothes on the inside. How many people use the dry cleaners everyday?
Costco- have you seen the amount of waste in materials this place produces? Why can’t they be zero landfill like Subaru- which is probably a lie that I’m surprised none has called them out on.
Enjoy what we have, the future generations will not be able to experience the way things are now- its already trashed, but I guess it couldn’t hurt thinking you’re making a difference by recycling a few cans and bottles…..
ParticipantYes people do drive more like ass-holes the closer they get to home- the comfort factor sets in….
ParticipantIt changes when culture changes.
how old was that driver? Did she get her license in 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004? Earlier? What was being taught then & now? You get your license and pay the state XX$ to renew and aren’t aloud to smile in your new photo. That’s it!
How about instead of looking pissed of in the dmv line, and in the photo, you have to take some sort of written or practical test? No- I know why we will not be doing that- because no one has the time for it, so until then folks like you will be getting creamed out there. The only beneficiary to this system is the insurance company & medical service providers.
A few days after I took the WABA safety class I followed the advice of one of the instructors. He said that he finds during the day he is more visibly if he ride with his front light on. A few days later I almost got creamed by a car turning left in-front of me opposite my direction. The driver stopped when she saw my headlamp. Perhaps you could run a red rear and clear flashing lamp on the bike of the bike, something flashing on the ridiculous side of things…Photon torpedoes or something.
ParticipantPost may get moved to appropriate part of forum, BUT lets see some pics of what-ya got!
Participant12 YEARS!! That’s harsh man, here in the District we love you and will show the love by letting you go on probation for things of that nature!!
October 22, 2013 at 7:41 am in reply to: Is bike riding safe? Yes. No. Maybe. All of the above. None of the above. #984052fuzzy
ParticipantYou could get killed walking your doggie!!
October 18, 2013 at 6:54 pm in reply to: Kolkata (Calcutta) not trying for Copenhagenize list of bike friendly cities #983949fuzzy
Participant@DismalScientist 67028 wrote:
It’s nice to know that bike riders don’t complain about minute BS.:rolleyes:
yeah, I’m rethinking what I typed;)
October 18, 2013 at 6:38 pm in reply to: Kolkata (Calcutta) not trying for Copenhagenize list of bike friendly cities #983947fuzzy
ParticipantWhen I was in Kolkata/Culcatta, however you want to spell it, EVERY NIGHT I blew my nose the snot had black shizz in it. I’m sure I shortened my life span spending time there and it was only 1 week. Rickshaws everywhere, everywhere! The air quality is terrible. I took pictures with a 35mm camera and you could see all the grainy crap in the air from the flash. There seems to be no regulation on what exhaust small engines can emit.
Its a shame, we have it so good here in the states and most, except bike riders-they tend to usually be happy folk, complain about the minute BS and over there people are living piss poor but they, for the most part, still are happy people.
ParticipantYou- walking in the bike lane on 15th street near NY ave.
Me- biking in the bike lane coming up behind you, ringing the crap outta my bell.
Glad froze in place while I went around you on your left. Had you hopped over you would not be feeling well & I would not be posting a ‘missed connection’.
ParticipantI got caught out in the rain yesterday, why is it that only my right shoe got drenched? Even when I rode thru puddles, it was only my right shoe that kept getting the worst of it, seems like its because of the crank.