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  • in reply to: Missed connection #981594

    Me: Coasting down Ridge Road in Rock Creek Park

    You: Also on a bike, checking your phone and taking the lane.

    When I hear shouts from drivers that I’m blocking traffic, I sometime think that the only way I could do that is if my bike was perpendicular to the flow of traffic. Maybe those drivers had encountered you before. There’s a nice, but parking lane on the other side of the road…you couldn’t go the extra 10 feet to stand there?

    in reply to: Missed connection #981489

    @baiskeli 64352 wrote:

    Also, jogger on the trail, don’t salmon, especially between me and pedestrians I’m passing. It’s stupid.

    Does this mean you were passing with oncoming traffic?

    in reply to: Federal Workers Urged to Telework Wednesday #979477

    There was a fence put up last week across Rock Creek Parkway and the trail just before the underpass for the ramp going up to Memorial Circle. However, the section across the trail was open when I cycled through on Sunday. This might be where access for the trail ends.


    @ronwalf 62071 wrote:

    I have a Shimano DH-3N72 hub with IQ-Cyo R front light and a BM Toplight Line Plus in back.

    This is the set up I have also and I love it. I’ve used the Schmidt hub for years and I never notice the drag on it.

    One thing that no one has mentioned on this thread is using a locking skewers to prevent the wheels from being stolen. I use the Pitlock skewers, also available from Peter White Cycles, but there are others available locally.

    in reply to: Bike lane for Beach Drive in Rock Creek Park #979205

    @dsilly 61810 wrote:

    I was trying to be nice and not take too much road

    I think one of the reasons why some cyclists complain of too close passes in the park is that they ride too close to the curb. My general practice is to ride about two feet away from the curb, usually where a car’s right tire would be. This mostly prevent drivers from trying to pass with oncoming traffic, but there is the occasional idiot.

    @dsilly 61810 wrote:

    it would be nice to have more stretches (if not the entire thing) redone on Beach like the tarmac they laid last summer on the short section of hill just North of Sherill…

    Yes, this short stretch of smooth pavement going up the hill to Wise Road is so nice. It’s too bad that the worst pavement on the road is on the right side, where we cyclists usually reside.

    in reply to: Bike lane for Beach Drive in Rock Creek Park #979087

    I commute daily through Rock Creek Park from Dupont Circle to Silver Spring. I take the trail to Broad Branch, then Beach Drive the rest of the way. Fortunately, since I’m going against the main flow of commuter traffic, I rarely have more than a dozen cars pass me. It’s been quite a while since I last encountered an angry driver, but there are plenty of careless or impatient drivers.

    As for the reconstruction of the trail, according to the District of Columbia FY 2013-2018 Transportation Improvement Plan, work will start in 2014 and go through 2015. If only the NPS would do any remedial work on the trail like grinding down buckled pavement caused by tree roots, filling potholes, repairing the crumbling edges, etc

    in reply to: Leading Pedestrian Intervals? #977323

    @jrenaut 59780 wrote:

    My real misgiving is that when cyclists filter to the front of a line of cars then use the LPI, we are essentially shoaling a faster moving vehicle, which we all know is super-annoying.

    It’s not only when the filtering cyclists use the LPI. I don’t filter forward since I don’t like shoaling faster vehicles. The one place it’s super-annoying for me is at Florida Ave and Massachusetts Ave. Going southbound when the light turns green, there’s just enough time to make it to P Street before that light turns red if there’s one or two cars ahead of me. But if a cyclist filters up, that slows everyone down and I get stuck at P Street.

    in reply to: We are back! #976977

    @PotomacCyclist 59400 wrote:

    How do you know the return of the forum isn’t the dream, and the previous situation is the ongoing reality?

    Because his totem is his bike.

    in reply to: Journalist looking for stolen-bike stories #976975

    It was my neighbor’s bike that was being stolen, so I don’t know what kind of gearing he has on it. I don’t think the thief had any experience in riding a fixie, though. He was really struggling to get going as I caught up to him and immediately fell over when I grabbed onto the seat and slowed him down. He did leave behind another bike (a pretty basic mountain bike) that also appeared to be stolen.

    in reply to: Journalist looking for stolen-bike stories #976809

    This story is in today’s Express (but without a link on their site yet) which features my story of foiling a thief.

    in reply to: I am… #976595

    …not as slick as my tires.

    in reply to: strava mileage messed up for anyone else? #974465

    Occasionally, the GPS will go absolutely bonkers on my phone, leading to some interesting tracks and results. Take this one, for example, which was a ride up to Lake Needwood. It cut off a good portion of the ride, but on the plus side, it clocked me at 109 at one point.

    in reply to: Changes along Capital Crescent Trail #973254

    One thing that the city should do is put up a large sign at the intersection of K Street and Wisconsin Avenue that essentially said “Dead End” for the westbound K Street traffic. There’s a “No Outlet” sign closer to the Key Bridge (maybe at Potomac Street?), but that isn’t very noticeable.

    in reply to: Missed connection #971286

    @TwoWheelsDC 53339 wrote:

    To the guy who yelled “you should get out of the trail!” while I was stopped to help a woman with directions, you truly are a great asset to the local cycling commuting and a bicycling ambassador of the first-rate. Okay, not really. You are actually a huge douche, because A) we weren’t blocking the trail; B) there were no other cyclists/peds around; C) it was in a flat section with long sight lines; and D) because yelling like that is really douchy, you freaking douche. If I EVER see you stopped along the trail…..I will probably stop and help because I am not a douchebag. BUT AFTER THAT, I will yell at you, you freaking douche.

    Next time, just shut your loud mouth and carry on.

    Oh, AND…..I’m pretty sure you are one of the pair of douchebags that passes me on some mornings, almost always under unsafe circumstances. So the yelling was Strike 2 motherf$&%&er.

    So were you on the trail while stopped and helping the woman with directions? If so, would have been that difficult to move off the trail? Regardless of how much traffic is on the trail, it isn’t very courteous to stop and just stand on the trail.

    in reply to: Post-apocalyptic cycling tips… #970778

    @jopamora 52862 wrote:

    There is a Zombie Zone on the Rock Creek Trail. It was marked in chalk between the P St. Bridge and O St. Bridge.

    This was from my running club’s Zombie run this past weekend.

    What time are we meeting: 10am
    WHERE: Pst & 23rd St
    ROUTE: Our regular Saturday Route
    WEAR: Regular running clothes or Torn clothes… Zombie-like!
    Runners will be issued a blue plastic tie-on belt and 3 orange flags. The flag must be free flowing and can be hung from any place around the waist. Runners will start from Pst & 23rd NW shortly after the announcements at about 10:15am. Their objective is to accomplish as many Missions as they can and survive the Zombie Apocalypse (by keeping at least 1 flag). There will be Zombies placed at various locations along the standard fun run route, their goal is to steal your flags and in turn make you a victim!
    Zombies can only steal your flag in Zombie Zones although they don’t have to stay in those zones. Zombies can only take one of your flags per zone but two zombies in the same zone can take 1 each leaving you with only 1 flag so watch out for zombie herds!

    Missions are as follows:
    MISSION 1: Homeless Zombie Attack! (1/4 mile into the run) Objective: Just get through alive!

    MISSION 2: First Aid – (1.5 miles in/ 3 mile turnaround)
    Objective: Pickup a Red First Aid Flag (if you can) it’s like an extra life but beware of Zombies!

    MISSION 3: Zombie Armory (2 miles in/4 Mile turnaround)
    Objective: Pickup your weapon and deposit in the next Zombie Zone – Axe or Bat – one will protect you and one is worthless!

    MISSION 4: Pickup Supplies (3 miles out/ 6 mile turn around)
    Objective: Touch 3 Supply Posts Before Moving Past the Zone! (Food, Radio, Water). Don’t forget to Deposit your weapon!

    MISSION 5: Save the Survivors! (Same Zone as Mission 3 but on the Opposite Side)
    Objective: Grab a Survivor Flag and don’t lose it! Zombie can take your Survivor Flag anytime even not in a Zombie Zone!

    MISSION 6: Military Evacuation (Almost at the end of the run – get through alive!)

    3 MILE RUNNERS – Will do Missions 1; Mission 2 & Mission 5 back to back; and Mission 6.

    4 MILE RUNNERS – Will do all Except Mission 4

    6 MILE RUNNERS – Will do ALL the Missions

    Have fun and try to get out alive!

Viewing 15 posts - 961 through 975 (of 1,032 total)