Wilson Blvd protected bike lane video

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    I checked out the new protected bike lane in Rosslyn today! It doesn’t look like drivers (parkers?) quite understand yet… anyone know if they’ll be adding flexposts?



    There does not seem to be any indication that it is a bike lane, e.g., bike symbols.


    I saw one “Bike Lane” sign, but other than that, there really is no indication that it is a bike lane versus a parking lane. Once it is properly marked, I am sure that most drivers will stop parking in the lane. They will probably mark it and flex post it like the one in Crystal City, hopefully at some point in the near future.


    Wow, that video showing so many cars parked in the bike lane is just unreal! They should put cones there in the meantime because drivers are clearly just taking advantage of the situation.

    Tim Kelley

    It’s not done yet!


    @btj 147527 wrote:

    I checked out the new protected bike lane in Rosslyn today! It doesn’t look like drivers (parkers?) quite understand yet… anyone know if they’ll be adding flexposts?

    On the plus side, at least the unoccupied parking spaces are like having a SUPER-WIDE bike lane…at least until they get everything sorted out :)


    Thank you for making that video!


    Here is the news article about it. Make sure you read and take seriously every single article comment.


    @Subby 147560 wrote:

    Here is the news article about it. Make sure you read and take seriously every single article comment.

    “im sure tachsama gets plenty of gestures that are hard to misinterpret while driving”



    @Subby 147560 wrote:

    Here is the news article about it. Make sure you read and take seriously every single article comment.

    Having read this, I am now sufficiently prepared for the level of thoughtfulness I will encounter watching tonight’s debate.

    Steve O

    What I have been asking for (and hoping for) ever since I heard about this project is allowing bikes to proceed on red at Pierce St. It’s a T-intersection, so there is no conflict with turning cars, similar to how people on the sidewalk can walk past without regard to the light.
    I have asked to consider placing signs: “Bikes may proceed on red after yielding to pedestrians” I think this is a sensible idea and it is currently being discussed in the BAC listserve.

    When they get farther up the street they should do the same thing at Courthouse.


    So many lines it’s hard to keep track of them.


    @Steve O 147579 wrote:

    What I have been asking for (and hoping for) ever since I heard about this project is allowing bikes to proceed on red at Pierce St. It’s a T-intersection, so there is no conflict with turning cars, similar to how people on the sidewalk can walk past without regard to the light.
    I have asked to consider placing signs: “Bikes may proceed on red after yielding to pedestrians” I think this is a sensible idea and it is currently being discussed in the BAC listserve.

    When they get farther up the street they should do the same thing at Courthouse.

    It’s possible if they make the bike lane protected through the intersection and place signage like “Stop for Peds” which is what is done on the 15th Street NW protected bike lanes next to the Treasury Department (at F St NW and G St NW).

    However, it might be difficult to incorporate because such a set up could be considered at odds with pedestrian safety. It’s easy to imagine an impatient cyclist passing through the intersection and ignoring the right of way of the pedestrians legally crossing in front of them, and I predict it would be a conflict point.


    Sunday morning, no cars parked in the available spaces, just this entitled you-know-what parked in the bike lane just before the start of the right turn lane to Quinn St. 😡



    @consularrider 147752 wrote:

    Sunday morning, no cars parked in the available spaces, just this entitled you-know-what parked in the bike lane just before the start of the right turn lane to Quinn St. 😡

    What a surprise, it’s that War of 1812 Maryland license plate that I’ve learned to hate and fear. You’ve further fueled my confirmation bias.

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