Upcoming Forum Captcha Change

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  • #962230

    Ooh ohh, can I try?


    @GuyContinental 42329 wrote:

    The answer will always be: Pete, Pink or ELITE

    Actually I’m probably the one they should have answer questions every time I click to post. I’m obviously a spammer and I’m probably incapable of answering the simplest of questions in an intelligent way. ;)


    I’ve never had to verify being a human before posting – is that changing?


    Testing the “Reply” link.


    I’ll test, too. I like testing.

    Joe Chapline

    Bilsko alerted us to a problem. Apparently, for most forum members, there was a “quick reply” link (link text: “reply”) under each post, that allowed the user to reply to the thread without human verification. That link was supposed to be disabled when human verification was required to post (which it was). Apparently it was only disabled for admins, not everyone else. That might be how someone was able to post all that spam last night. (Or maybe they just found a way to defeat the captcha.)

    I suspect that the “quick reply” link has always been there, but it may have only appeared when we changed verification methods today. Can anyone confirm?

    I’ve disabled Quick Reply for all users. Now you’ll have to use one of the “Reply to Thread” buttons at the top and bottom of each thread, or use the “Reply with Quote” link after each post. Let us know how big a problem this is. I don’t know if leaving Quick Reply open is really an option — the spam has been getting worse and worse.

    Joe Chapline

    Testing Tapatalk reply

    Joe Chapline

    @Joe Chapline 42377 wrote:

    Testing Tapatalk reply

    Tapatalk didn’t require human verification to reply.


    @Joe Chapline 42376 wrote:

    Bilsko alerted us to a problem. Apparently, for most forum members, there was a “quick reply” link (link text: “reply”) under each post, that allowed the user to reply to the thread without human verification. That link was supposed to be disabled when human verification was required to post (which it was). Apparently it was only disabled for admins, not everyone else. That might be how someone was able to post all that spam last night. (Or maybe they just found a way to defeat the captcha.)

    I suspect that the “quick reply” link has always been there, but it may have only appeared when we changed verification methods today. Can anyone confirm?

    I’ve disabled Quick Reply for all users. Now you’ll have to use one of the “Reply to Thread” buttons at the top and bottom of each thread, or use the “Reply with Quote” link after each post. Let us know how big a problem this is. I don’t know if leaving Quick Reply open is really an option — the spam has been getting worse and worse.

    I’ve been using the “quick reply” and never had a verification request. Same with this “reply with quote.”


    @Joe Chapline 42376 wrote:

    Bilsko alerted us to a problem. Apparently, for most forum members, there was a “quick reply” link (link text: “reply”) under each post, that allowed the user to reply to the thread without human verification. That link was supposed to be disabled when human verification was required to post (which it was). Apparently it was only disabled for admins, not everyone else. That might be how someone was able to post all that spam last night. (Or maybe they just found a way to defeat the captcha.)

    I suspect that the “quick reply” link has always been there, but it may have only appeared when we changed verification methods today. Can anyone confirm?

    I’ve disabled Quick Reply for all users. Now you’ll have to use one of the “Reply to Thread” buttons at the top and bottom of each thread, or use the “Reply with Quote” link after each post. Let us know how big a problem this is. I don’t know if leaving Quick Reply open is really an option — the spam has been getting worse and worse.

    Quick reply was always there. I never really grokked what it was for.


    Testing. Still no verification required.


    I’ve never had to verify I was human to post, including when starting a new thread. I don’t remember for sure when if I did when I joined the forum, so maybe then, but definitely not ever since then.


    …but only after a cuppa joe or 3. Am on #2 right now.

    No test for me. Clicked reply and blathered away. Suspect the test is not active right now.

    There is a world of funny just thinking up questions with the answers in them. :)


    Members are reporting different results. Now, when I log in as a test user, the “reply” link under each post is gone. “Reply With Quote” requires me to answer a question. The “+ Reply to Thread” button at top and bottom don’t require me to answer a question.

    Joe Chapline

    When I log in as myself, the “Reply with Quote” link and “Reply to Thread” button both ask me a question, which is how it’s supposed to work. I don’t know. Maybe this would be a good time to have the latest version of the software installed, and see what’s fixed and what’s broken after that.

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