"Stop" Sign

Our Community Forums General Discussion "Stop" Sign

  • This topic has 43 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by btj.
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    Henderson and 2nd St N heading south toward Route 50. More people run it than stop from my observations. I had to brake quite a bit to avoid a collision with the last driver (who was staring down at her phone while going through the intersection).

    Anyone know the proper person or channel at Arlington PD to get some enforcement here?

    Anything the county could do to get people to stop? I’m thinking maybe making this area local traffic only during rush hour like they do on Key Blvd to keep people from cutting through. Does that really deter anyone?

    Tim Kelley

    Arlington Police Non-emergency: 703-558-2222

    Twitter: ArlingtonVaPD

    Please report back what you hear!


    I’ve also had luck contacting the captain of the appropriate district. The district map and contact info are online.


    @btj 122476 wrote:

    I’m thinking maybe making this area local traffic only during rush hour like they do on Key Blvd to keep people from cutting through. Does that really deter anyone?

    I ride Key Blvd with regularity and no, a timed Do Not Enter sign does relatively little to deter cars from entering. Fancy that…


    @run/bike 122489 wrote:

    I ride Key Blvd with regularity and no, a timed Do Not Enter sign does relatively little to deter cars from entering. Fancy that…

    Yeah, that’s what I assume too. Wonder what else could be done there as a more permanent solution. I’m guessing police enforcement would only have short term improvements.


    I tweeted @ArlingtonVaPD yesterday and emailed Captain Donahue (the first district commander) this morning. I quickly received replies from both and am very pleased with the responses.

    From Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArlingtonVaPD/status/634362914825224193

    staff will deploy a sign board in this area followed by periodic assignment of an officer. Expect PD presence in near future.

    From Captain Donahue via email:

    I was forwarded your traffic complaint from the person who manages our Twitter account yesterday afternoon and I have reviewed the video. We will assign an officer to do enforcement there over the next thirty days and I will have Sergeant Tabibi from my First District team reach out to you with the results. I will also forward the issue to our Traffic Engineering Section to see if any sign improvements can be made there. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

    Tim Kelley

    Yesss. Good good.


    That’s my civic association, Arlington Forest. The neighbors there are very sensitive to cut through traffic to 50. They’d be on board with increased enforcement on stop sign and speed limit violations.


    I’d love to see more bike boulevards like this with stop signs for cross traffic and roundabouts for bikes like Key Blvd


    @btj 122527 wrote:

    I tweeted @ArlingtonVaPD yesterday and emailed Captain Donahue (the first district commander) this morning. I quickly received replies from both and am very pleased with the responses.

    From Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArlingtonVaPD/status/634362914825224193

    From Captain Donahue via email:

    Good stuff… I live in AF close to this circle, and I’ve seen this time and time again on bike, as well as car. Looking forward to seeing the enforcement.


    When I was riding through there around 5 p.m. today, I saw an Arlington police car sitting on 2nd St N facing east toward the circle. Hopefully that forced people to be a little more honest about the stop signs.


    @bobco85 122590 wrote:

    When I was riding through there around 5 p.m. today, I saw an Arlington police car sitting on 2nd St N facing east toward the circle. Hopefully that forced people to be a little more honest about the stop signs.

    I saw an officer had someone pulled over around 6pm on Henderson. I bet that intersection will keep them busy.


    This has convinced me to set up cameras on my bikes


    Btw, Kidical Mass Arlington will ride through there this Sunday.


    @dasgeh 122622 wrote:

    Btw, Kidical Mass Arlington will ride through there this Sunday.

    We’re planning to be there, looking forward to it!

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