Sleaze Riding

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    I may never think of the term “Sleaze Ride” in quite the same way again, now that I found this YouTube video.

    On a related and totally semantic note, how do we define sleaze ride? Is it a sleaze ride if I ride 1 or 2 miles around the office grabbing lunch and running errands on my break if I’m already putting in 15 miles commuting that day, or does the shortness of such a ride make it a sleaze ride regardless of whatever other miles I might be logging that day? IOW, is a ride that takes your FS points for the day from 25 points to 26 points a sleaze ride, or is it only a sleaze ride if it’s your only ride of the day and it’s a mile long, netting you eleven FS points for the day? Just curious.

    Discuss amongst yourselves.


    My take:

    Sleaze ride (not a pejorative term) is a ride made simply to get daily ride points. Meaning, it serves no functional, fitness, or recreational purpose. A sleaze ride will, in almost every circumstance, be the rider’s sole ride for that day and will be not significantly more than 1 mile.


    @cyclingfool 74263 wrote:

    …is it only a sleaze ride if it’s your only ride of the day and it’s a mile long, netting you eleven FS points for the day? Just curious.

    That is, in fact, a sleaze ride. :D


    cyclingfool, hozn (who is doing back end stuff for this) said, “Ok, well we can adjust the definition to be a 1-2-mile ride when that is the only ride of the day.” So in your example, the second ride would not be a sleaze ride.

    Of course, I’m personally Queen of the Sleaze Rides, so I’m happy to see a change that makes my title secure. ;)



    * Any ride >1 mile gets you a 10 point bonus.
    * The software is measuring total rides for a day – and if those total rides are > 1 and < 2, the software will count it as a sleaze ride – for NO OTHER PURPOSE than to count “sleaze rides” so that some volunteer can award the sleaze ride award. It can be one ride. It can be 100 rides. But it equals 1 to 2 miles / points getting the cyclist the 10 point luck prize.
    * It is called a “Sleaze Ride” bc the cyclist is taking a ride for the sole purpose and intent of bogarting 10 points.
    * It. Does. Not. Matter.


    Thank you all for clarifying the definition for this FS rookie.

    And may everyone’s thoughts about sleaze rides not be polluted by death metal imagery of knives penetrating lungs, etc.

    Rod Smith

    Is that band “Les Trois Amibes”?


    Point of order: Is it a sleaze ride if you ride 10 miles while screaming the lyrics to the song from the video above?

    Note that I am not a participant of BAFS, so I am not asking on my own behalf.


    Is it a sleaze ride if I got on my bike fully intending to bike to work, took a (very low speed) tumble a few blocks from my house, making me rethink my decision, turned around and biked home, and happen to have biked a total of 1 mile when turned off the Strava app at home?


    The Sleaze Ride Algorithm cares not for ice or your personal safety.


    This is my favorite sleaze course. It takes me seven loops to get above the non-sleaze threshold.



    It just so happens that a roundtrip to the grocery store from my apartment is basically 1 mile. I’m getting my mile minimum in by doing this ride pretty much every day for the purpose of getting those groceries that we always seem to forget. Although the ride serves a functional purpose, I still feel a little sleazy and counteract this feeling by extending my ride into a pointless 2 mile loop around Sligo Creek Trail. This makes me feel like i’m not completely cheating the system 😎


    @ebubar 74380 wrote:

    It just so happens that a roundtrip to the grocery store from my apartment is basically 1 mile. I’m getting my mile minimum in by doing this ride pretty much every day for the purpose of getting those groceries that we always seem to forget. Although the ride serves a functional purpose, I still feel a little sleazy and counteract this feeling by extending my ride into a pointless 2 mile loop around Sligo Creek Trail. This makes me feel like i’m not completely cheating the system 😎

    The grocery store was my sleaze ride last year. Then they tore the grocery store down :(


    @ebubar 74380 wrote:

    It just so happens that a roundtrip to the grocery store from my apartment is basically 1 mile. I’m getting my mile minimum in by doing this ride pretty much every day for the purpose of getting those groceries that we always seem to forget. Although the ride serves a functional purpose, I still feel a little sleazy and counteract this feeling by extending my ride into a pointless 2 mile loop around Sligo Creek Trail. This makes me feel like i’m not completely cheating the system 😎

    It’s not cheating, its the rules. Also, its not sleazy, its smart.


    @KelOnWheels 74395 wrote:

    The grocery store was my sleaze ride last year. Then they tore the grocery store down :(

    Did they pave paradise and put up a parking lot?

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