Sign on W&OD in Sterling telling drivers not to stop for cyclists/pedestrians

Our Community Forums General Discussion Sign on W&OD in Sterling telling drivers not to stop for cyclists/pedestrians

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    This was posted on the Fairfax Women and Bicycles group and I think people here who bike through this intersection need to be aware of it…

    “Today started out like most Saturdays for me, heading out on the W&OD trail for a ride with (friends name here) . While approaching Sterling Blvd intersection today (recently improved by widening) we noticed a couple of people posting these signs “please do not stop for pedestrians and cyclists”. There has to be a better way to resolve a traffic problem than this. Pedestrians and cyclists already have a difficult enough time getting through this intersection. Signs like this make it dangerous for us to get our way through. A runner passing by even said the police were there earlier in the day and left, yet the signs and those who posted them remain sitting in the intersection defending their position. I’m not posting this to complain. I’m posting this because we need to do something about this. Even in the time I was there, motorists were honking and getting fired up about runners and cyclists trying to cross. Please share and post and include anyone that you know who can help put a stop to this. Crossings on this busy and popular trail need to be made safer for those of us who use them. Not more perilous by signs encouraging motorists to disregard those in the crosswalk.”


    From the discussion below it came out that the person posting the signs claimed to have an “in” with the local police, supervisor and parks, and he did this because a family member died in a bike crash and he’s witnessed some near-crashes. His friends have spoken to him, and he’s refusing to back down, which means he may be putting this, or similar signs out during future weekends. There’s also a news article here.

    Personally, I feel this is a TERRIBLE approach. He is encouraging drivers to hit cyclists and pedestrians. Last I checked, a bike should stop at that intersection, and proceed if it’s clear. But if a car comes up AFTER the cyclist or pedestrian is in the intersection, the car should wait. Similar to how most intersections work. You don’t just risk hitting someone because you feel like you deserve the right of way…

    Harry Meatmotor

    Crowd-sourced traffic signs; I like it.

    Next up: Alexandria-native posts signs demanding Maryland SUVs turn around and stay out of the Commonwealth.


    The guy apparently thinks that his sign is going to protect trail users. He’s obviously not very bright.


    If he really wants to combat the problem he says he does, wouldn’t a “Trail Crossing! Do not pass stopped cars!” sign be more effective and appropriate?


    Consider me triggered, but this type of s*** needs to be shut down IMMEDIATELY. The signs are telling drivers to break the law

    It’s this kind of thinking that led to the NPS Park Police ticketing drivers at Memorial Circle for stopping for pedestrians and cyclists.

    The W&OD/Sterling Blvd crossing shouldn’t have to be like this:

    As an aside, I had a conversation with my father (retired transportation engineer) a few months ago about the changes made to a dangerous intersection near his neighborhood where many crashes had occurred due to red-light runners. I asked him if they had tried to incorporate any traffic calming, signage, or other methods to slow traffic down. He responded by telling me that the only change made was to lengthen the light cycle because fewer red lights mean less red-light runners (I facepalmed).


    More examples of why peds and cyclists have to join forces and fight for policy changes instead of fighting each other.

    It’s all the more frustrating since technology and know-how is readily available; the blockages are due to funding and willpower. But that’s what happens when you continually cut government funding….


    @Emm 159687 wrote:


    Looks like he’s put the sign by a desire crossing, and not the actual crosswalk. But still, they’re 50 feet apart, and drivers are going to think it’s an official sign and that it’s talking about the crosswalk. I’d call the police and the state DOT.

    At least the guy’s not anonymous. That way when a driver kills a cyclist because of the sign he can go to prison like these people in Florida who went to prison for 15 years. They stole a stop sign. Which caused an accident that killed three people.

    Is it illegal to paint over an illegal sign?


    @Brendan von Buckingham 159697 wrote:

    Looks like he’s put the sign by a desire crossing, and not the actual crosswalk. But still, they’re 50 feet apart, and drivers are going to think it’s an official sign and that it’s talking about the crosswalk. I’d call the police and the state DOT.

    According to posters, people called the police ALOT. So the police came and looked everything over…and did nothing. It took hours for anyone to remove the sign. Which is just frustrating. An illegal sign should be removed immediately, or at least moved to a spot it’s not visible and causing unsafe conditions.


    It has been awfully windy around here lately, and that sign looks like it might easily be knocked over by the wind.

    Or people who ride like the wind, just sayin’.


    Why not Hindi? There are a lot Indians that live out in the Sterling area. I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass this guy was in the community meetings he got kicked out of. As if Sterling Blvd wasn’t terrible to cross already!


    What if we get together and make 5+ signs that say what the law is? An arms (sign) race seems like the only logical solution to this. :p


    @Emm 159698 wrote:

    According to posters, people called the police ALOT. So the police came and looked everything over…and did nothing. It took hours for anyone to remove the sign. Which is just frustrating. An illegal sign should be removed immediately, or at least moved to a spot it’s not visible and causing unsafe conditions.

    I am not in anyway condoning what the guy did, but what was he doing that was illegal/is there is a statute prohibiting what he did? His sign does not look like an official sign, and I presume the police decided he was acting within his First Amendment rights, however reprehensible his actions.


    @MFC 159706 wrote:

    I am not in anyway condoning what the guy did, but what was he doing that was illegal/is there is a statute prohibiting what he did? His sign does not look like an official sign, and I presume the police decided he was acting within his First Amendment rights, however reprehensible his actions.

    Via Twitter from a forum member whose handle I’ve forgotten: VA 46.2 831

    No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain on any highway any warning or direction sign, signal, or light in imitation of any official traffic control device erected as provided by law. No person shall erect or maintain on any highway any traffic control device bearing any commercial advertising.Nothing in this section shall prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs or signals bearing the name of an organization authorized to erect it by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the Department of Transportation, or local authorities of counties, cities, and towns as provided by law. Nor shall this section be construed to prohibit the erection by contractors or public utility companies of temporary signs approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation warning motorists that work is in progress on or adjacent to the highway.Any violation of this section shall constitute a Class 4 misdemeanor.


    @MFC 159706 wrote:

    however reprehensible his actions.

    Reprehensible is kinda harsh, I’d call them very (VERY) misguided.

    I had to read the linked article several times to figure out (a) what exactly was going on and (b) why he thought he was helping PROTECT cyclists. Basically, Sterling is four lanes, two in each direction with a center median. A ped/cyclist was waiting to cross and the driver of the car in the near lane stopped to wave them through. The car in the lane next to them (traveling in same direction) didn’t stop and ped/cyclist almost got smushed. At least according to the sign maker, maybe the ped/cyclist knew better and was going to peek around the stop car to see if another car was coming. I got t-boned in a car when I was 20 because I did NOT look when a driver waved me through. Hard lesson to learn but boy I learned it good.

    So after reading the linked article (repeatedly) and lots of head scratching, the sign maker seems to be asking cars not to stop and wave people through because the car next to them might not also stop and this puts trail crossers at risk. Points for effort I guess.

    (I think about getting t-boned by the car in the far lane every time I bike home via Memorial Bridge. I hate all of those crossings.)

    Editing to add this article that a friend found about drivers being TOO polite to pedestrians at crossing such as Sterling Blvd.


    @MFC 159706 wrote:

    I am not in anyway condoning what the guy did, but what was he doing that was illegal/is there is a statute prohibiting what he did? His sign does not look like an official sign, and I presume the police decided he was acting within his First Amendment rights, however reprehensible his actions.

    Good question. Someone on Twitter (@notthatdsk) pointed out this could be in violation of the following Virginia law which states:

    ยง 46.2-831. Unofficial traffic control devices prohibited; penalties.

    No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain on any highway any warning or direction sign, signal, or light in imitation of any official traffic control device erected as provided by law. No person shall erect or maintain on any highway any traffic control device bearing any commercial advertising.

    Nothing in this section shall prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs or signals bearing the name of an organization authorized to erect it by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the Department of Transportation, or local authorities of counties, cities, and towns as provided by law. Nor shall this section be construed to prohibit the erection by contractors or public utility companies of temporary signs approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation warning motorists that work is in progress on or adjacent to the highway.

    Any violation of this section shall constitute a Class 4 misdemeanor.

    (Edit: ninja’d by jrenaut)

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