Just do your best. The yellow dots on the POTA map can be a little non-specific, and some of them are non-bikeable (TR Memorial). President’s Park covers all of Lafayette Square and the Ellipse area.
Scoring is all via Strava, and there’s no limit on daily points. If you hit multiple parks, stop and save your ride. Then include the hashtag #parks on each ride posted to Strava.
Hi @arlcxrider. I have a question about parks. Today, I was at the parking lot near Great Falls on Maryland side. And the yellow dot on the map for this park is on Virginia side. In this case, can I hashtag my ride or not? No offense if I can’t.
I think–technically–Great Falls on the Maryland side is a sub-unit of the C&O Canal NHP, but I could be mistaken. The opportunities for pedantry are limitless when it comes to Pointless Prizes. 😐