Pointless Prize: 2023 Photo Scavenger Hunt

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Pointless Prize: 2023 Photo Scavenger Hunt

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  • #922805

    Hi Freezing Saddlers,

    This year, Janet and I will lead Daily Photo Scavenger Hunt. We are happy to announce the topics for the first week.


    Like in the previous, we have two competitions this year: the main competition and participation prizes! You can compete in both simultaneously or just one.

    To compete for a participation prize, you must (1) upload one or more photos of the item to your Strava ride for that day. (2) title your Strava ride with the hashtag #scavhunt. Please only hashtag ONE ride per day with #scavhunt. This hashtag will ensure you automatically show up and get ranked on our scavhunt leaderboard (https://freezingsaddles.org/pointless/hashtag/scavhunt).
    To compete in the main competition (with one or more points awarded daily based on photo creativity, beauty, and/or the capricious whims of Serdar and Janet) your entries must be posted HERE on the Forum in this thread.

    Detailed rules are below (with huge thanks to Rumi and Millie for spelling this all out last year and allowing us to mostly repeat their detailed instructions!):

    1. Obvs, you should be a participant in Freezing Saddles ’23
    2. It has to be on a bike ride on the day it was requested
    3. For the main competition, it has to be posted in the Forum on the day for which it was requested, i.e., 12:01 AM EST to 11:59 PM EST for the day it was requested. Sorry, we won’t count the ones that aren’t posted for the day it was requested. That’s part of the challenge.
    4. The reason we say “for the day it is requested” is because we will release a weekly list of scavenger hunt items ahead of time, with one item for each day — but don’t take and/or post the pic until that day comes.
    5. We will update the Scavenger Hunt theme weekly on this thread and Strava. We will try to update it in advance of the week ahead so you have time to make plans!
    6. Your Forum post must be titled with the date and the found object/theme. Example: IF the item for January 1st were “borscht,” you would title your Forum post: 1/1/2023 borscht
    7. Description, short backstory, or location are optional (but nice). That said, if your pic is abstract or not relatable to my request, please explain (e.g., I ask for “happiness,” and you post a pic of a tennis ball you found on a ride, please explain how that tennis ball = happiness)
    8. It has to be a picture you took. You don’t need to be in the photo, but if you are in it, it either has to be a selfie or done with a self-timer
    9. Only one pic/day should be posted in the Forum. Please only pad by adding one pic/day. (You can include as many photos as possible on your Strava ride.)
    10. It has to be a picture, not a video.
    11. Let’s stick to things you find out there during your ride, not things you bring or make yourself (unless otherwise specified). Example 1: Don’t scratch it into the dirt if I say find “2023”. Example 2: if I say find a flower, don’t bring a flower with you on your ride and take a pic of that. This takes the fun out of looking for things, which is the whole point.
    12. Unless specified otherwise, your bike does not have to be in the photo.
    13. Found item needs to be clear and discernible (or legible if text) in the picture. If you are using Tapatalk and are having trouble posting pics that are large enough, let us know, and I/we can help you with it.
    14. Filters are OK, but no obvious/blatant photoshopping… not that we would know anything about such things.


    Scoring will be similar to FS22, and there are two different prizes you are competing for simultaneously:

    • Main Competition: To compete in this prize you must post in this thread complying with the rules above. Scoring will be arbitrary and capricious, and only one person per day is guaranteed to get the point each day. How will you be the lucky point winner for the day? Impress us with your creativity. Since we are publishing an entire week at a time, it should give you some time to come up with a creative idea. The rider with the most Main Competition points at the end of the competition is the… winner of the Main Competition.
    • Participation Winner: There will also be one or more participation award(s) for the top daily participant(s). Tag one ride each day with #scavhunt, add your photo(s) of the item and watch this leaderboard https://freezingsaddles.org/pointless/hashtag/scavhunt . The leaderboard will score this automatically (one point per daily #scavhunt ride) and is honor-based. Please do not tag more than one ride per day with the hashtag. The top rider(s) (based on the number of rides, not mileage!!) will get a special prize at the end of Freezing Saddles!

    Good Luck!
    Janet and Serdar

    Please, check the daily topics below. We will be editing/updating this post regularly.

    1/1/23 Sunday — Fire
    1/2/23 Monday — Ice
    1/3/23 Tuesday — Lantern
    1/4/23 Wednesday — Snow
    1/5/23 Thursday — Lava
    1/6/23 Friday — Ice Cream

    1/7/23 Saturday ’90s
    1/8/23 Sunday ’70s
    1/9/23 Monday ’60s
    1/10/23 Tuesday ’50s
    1/11/23 Wednesday ’40s
    1/12/23 Thursday ’30s
    1/13/23 Friday ’20s

    1/14/23 Saturday National Dress Up Your Pet Day
    1/15/23 Sunday National Hat Day
    1/16/23 Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    1/17/23 Tuesday Prohibition Begins, 1920-1933
    1/18/23 Wednesday National Winnie the Pooh Day
    1/19/23 Thursday National Popcorn Day
    1/20/23 Friday National Cheese Lovers Day

    1/21/23 Saturday – Waterfall
    1/22/23 Sunday – DC Music
    1/23/23 Monday – World Cup 2022
    1/24/23 Tuesday – selfie with the maximum number of your FS teammates
    1/25/23 Wednesday – Opposite Day
    1/26/23 Thursday – Vietnam War ended
    1/27/23 Friday – National Chocolate Cake Day

    1/28/23 Saturday – Data Privacy Day
    1/29/23 Sunday – National Puzzle Day
    1/30/23 Monday – Franklin D. Roosevelt? He was born on this day.
    1/31/23 Tuesday – National Backward Day
    2/1/23 Wednesday – National Texas Day
    2/2/23 Thursday – Groundhog Day
    2/3/23 Friday – Feed the Birds Day

    2/4/23 Saturday – Barbie Doll
    2/5/23 Sunday – Apollo 14 mission
    2/6/23 Monday – The Battle of Fort Henry
    2/7/23 Tuesday – The Beatles
    2/8/23 Wednesday – composer/conductor John Williams
    2/9/23 Thursday – “The Simpsons”
    2/10/23 Friday – Wild Card!

    2/11/23 Saturday “Pointless” Kids
    2/12/23 Sunday Superb Owl
    2/13/23 Monday Architecture
    2/14/23 Tuesday Errandeering
    2/15/23 Wednesday Little Free Library
    2/16/23 Thursday License Plates
    2/17/23 Friday Calvinball

    2/18/23 Saturday *Service Saturday*
    2/19/23 Sunday *Sustainable Sunday*
    2/20/23 Monday *Manic Monday*
    2/21/23 Tuesday *Timeless Tuesday*
    2/22/23 Wednesday *Wordplay Wednesday*
    2/23/23 Thursday *Thankful Thursday*
    2/24/23 Friday *Foodie Friday*

    2/25/23 Saturday Wicked Witch
    2/26/23 Sunday Silver or Ruby Slippers
    2/27/23 Monday Yellow Brick Road
    2/28/23 Tuesday Scarecrow
    3/1/23 Wednesday Tin Man
    3/2/23 Thursday Cowardly Lion
    3/3/23 Friday “There is no place like home…”

    3/4/23 Saturday Lines
    3/5/23 Sunday Squares
    3/6/23 Monday Donut
    3/7/23 Tuesday Hole
    3/8/23 Wednesday Sparrow
    3/9/23 Thursday Rainbow
    3/10/23 Friday Philosophy

    Week 11 Scavenger Hunt: Reindeer Games! They call these Pointless Prizes “Reindeer Games,” so for this last full week of Freezing Saddles, play along and illustrate the name of these famous reindeer in a photo.

    3/11/23 Saturday Dasher (No hyphens, please!)
    3/12/23 Sunday Dancer & Prancer
    3/13/23 Monday Vixen
    3/14/23 Tuesday Comet
    3/15/23 Wednesday Cupid
    3/16/23 Thursday Donner &/or Blitzen
    3/17/23 Friday Rudolph

    3/18/23 Saturday Wild Card with action, emotion, and engagement
    3/19/23 Sunday Action, emotion, and engagement, but with a bike in the photo see page 174

    Jessica Hirschhorn

    What’s tomorrow’s ScavHunt subject? Is there a calendar of some sort? Regards, Jessica


    Robert Frost wrote:
    “Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice….” (Read the rest of the poem here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44263/fire-and-ice)
    However, now is the start of a New Year—a time for new beginnings—and neither fire nor ice will end the world, nor will they stop Freezing Saddlers from competing their mission.

    This week’s Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is Fire and Ice! You can take these photo targets as literally or as abstractly as you would like. Everyone who posts a relevant photo from their ride will earn a participation point. Photos that surprise, amuse, or amaze will get bonus points! Don’t forget to tag your Strava ride and post your best photo here. Good luck!

    1/1/23 Sunday — Fire
    1/2/23 Monday — Ice
    1/3/23 Tuesday — Lantern
    1/4/23 Wednesday — Snow
    1/5/23 Thursday — Lava
    1/6/23 Friday — Ice Cream

    Jessica Hirschhorn

    Brimming with enthusiasm.


    OOOOHHH!!!! Can’t Wait!


    @Serdar 221270 wrote:

    1. Obvs, you should be a participant in Freezing Saddles ’23

    Are “Friends of BAFS” eligible to participate?


    I swear i have nothing to do with the scav hunt topics. But for lava on Thursday, i’ll mention that a certain meadery in marlyland serves a delicious concoction called lava lamp. And they are open later than usual that night for great music (4-10pm, music at 7pm): https://facebook.com/events/s/11-pipers-piping/5769535143127263/?mibextid=RQdjqZ


    @rumipumi 221291 wrote:

    I swear i have nothing to do with the scav hunt topics. But for lava on Thursday, i’ll mention that a certain meadery in marlyland serves a delicious concoction called lava lamp. And they are open later than usual that night for great music (4-10pm, music at 7pm): https://facebook.com/events/s/11-pipers-piping/5769535143127263/?mibextid=RQdjqZ

    Tempted to ride there, but going alone from Alexandria in the dark is sort of boring. I wonder if there is an interest in a small group ride.


    @accordioneur 221289 wrote:

    Are “Friends of BAFS” eligible to participate?

    Good question. I’m not sure how the behind the scenes Leaderboard programming works and if it would pick up Friends’ tagged Strava rides. Is that automatic?


    1/1/2023 fire



    1/1/2023 Fire


    Built in 1894, the Cairo was Washington DC’s highest building at 164 feet. At the time, none of the fire-fighting equipment in DC could not reach to the upper floors of the building. The concern about a fire in the skyscraper lead to Congress passing the Height of Buildings Act of 1899, limiting the maximum height of buildings in DC to 130 ft.


    1/1/2023 Fire


    Outside the entrance of Matchbox on E NW. (Ironically enough, there were about 5 fire trucks around the corner responding to something at an apartment building.)


    1/1/23 Fire

    So much symbolism in this mural – but the focus is on the fire of liberty’s torch, held by this woman. It’s on the side of the building housing Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center in El Paso. Notice that the torch crown looks like barbed wire. Notice the tools held by the arms below to the right, the constellation in the upper right, the two groups of people to the left, the Virgin Mary icon on the pocket, and the rolled up sleeve of a work shirt. Definitely one of my favorite murals in El Paso. Three sides of this building have murals. The one on the front is painted by local muralist, Jesus “Cimi” Alvarado, and this figure is also his style but I can’t confirm that he painted it.



    1/1/2023 – Fire

    The old Hyattstown VFD used to be next to this road. I tried, but I can’t confirm if they actually had a Fire tower up here. It certainly would be a great spot since it’s at the top of the hill.



    1/1/2023 Fire
    Outside of the Chevy Chase Fire Department where all is quiet 🙏🏽

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