Pointless Prize: 2022 Photo Scavenger Hunt

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Pointless Prize: 2022 Photo Scavenger Hunt

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    @Catedrew 218592 wrote:

    3-19-22 – bonus!

    Aw man, I read the directions wrong – I thought it said to post to EITHER Strava or Forum, so technically, I’m a day late. DARN! But here is the text copied from my Strava list for your enjoyment:

    “#scavhunt BONUS! OK, you have to stretch the creative imagination here, but I’ve got SIX items here. First, the easy ones. 1) bike. 2) wine (in Sam’s hand). 3) crosswalk – Nadine is standing in it. The other three are harder. 4) moon – you can barely see the moon in the photo, and the clouds were covering part of it, and of course, the photo doesn’t do it justice, but it’s just above Nadine’s head through the tree branches. 5) flowering trees. You’ll just have to take my word for it because the spot where we were on Hains Point was surrounded by flowering trees and they ARE in the background. 6) Ovate spheroid. Nadine generously volunteered to squash her ‘middle-aged’ boob for that one. Thank you Nadine! Oh wait – could there even be a bit of INDIGO? Would that make SEVEN???”

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    Cate, I think you are not late. The final submission can be done today. Here is a quote, “Good news: You will have until the end of 20 MARCH to submit your final photo in the forum.”


    3/19/2022 – Beauty Prize
    I hope that for a second you thought you were looking through a Ferris wheel


    @Serdar 218600 wrote:

    3/19/2022 – Beauty Prize
    I hope that for a second you thought you were looking through a Ferris wheel

    Very nice, Serdar! You achieved your objective with me [emoji6]

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    @Serdar 218599 wrote:

    Cate, I think you are not late. The final submission can be done today. Here is a quote, “Good news: You will have until the end of 20 MARCH to submit your final photo in the forum.”

    Oh goody! Thanks!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Sophie CW

    3/19/2022 – Daily Participation


    3/19/22 participation prize

    This ended up being kinda last minute and silly…. I’d been tired during the day and then so caught up in the wonderful FFSHPP that I thought I’d hafta give up on a submission. But we ended up ending the HP party at 11, and on our ride home Jenn pulled out her can-do attitude* & helped me with this silly submission. (*Omg I had NO IDEA what she’d put together for her own! [emoji38])

    Ok so here we have

    1) a bike
    2) on a crosswalk
    3) the moon – over Jenn’s head, a li’l clouded but you can see it. (Sorry – when it was clear there was a car coming, and then after it had gone I couldn’t wait any longer for the cloud to move cuz it was 11:59 [emoji16])
    4) oblate spheroid – if you zoom in on Jenn’s left boob, which she’s holding up for me … I know mine is the 3rd submission presenting a middle aged boob as an oblate spheroid, but in my defense it was my idea… which is why the first 2 submissions feature my boob [emoji38]
    5) flowering tree – those are cherry blossoms behind me. It’s dark so it’s hard to see them, but you were out there last night too – you know they’re all over the place there.


    Thanks for hosting the scavenger hunt contest this year, Rumi & Millie. I had a li’l trouble keeping up sometimes, but mostly I had fun trying, which is the point, right?



    @Serdar 218502 wrote:

    3/18/2022 – Cool house
    A cool house I found on my ride today was this one with stained window glasses.

    Hate to burst your bubble, Serdar, but that’s a film you can buy at Home Depot to make your windows look like stained glass. I chuckle, because it’s the same pattern that I used to solve a problem with my bathroom window being too easy to see through with curtains alone. Lol. :)


    @Mtansill 218637 wrote:

    Hate to burst your bubble, Serdar, but that’s a film you can buy at Home Depot to make your windows look like stained glass. I chuckle, because it’s the same pattern that I used to solve a problem with my bathroom window being too easy to see through with curtains alone. Lol. :)

    Ah! So, that was a fake stained window. Thanks for telling, Mtansil.


    @Sophie CW 218608 wrote:

    3/19/2022 – Daily Participation

    I looked up your Strava ride and see that this is crosswalk plus bicycle for two points

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    OK folks I have a challenge here in trying to score the bonus points – – the participation leaderboard is done with your Strava name which doesn’t always connect with your forum name. If you are doing the bonus day participation prize can you please reply with your Strava name ASAP

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    Specifically can the following folks please tell me your strava name, or alternatively tag me into your bonus ride (follow me on strava if you aren’t already) so I can connect the dots?

    Help me please

    I think these are correct
    CaseKane50 = Casey Kane
    sszibler = Steve S
    bikesnick = glenn ☀️ √glenn
    bigredboiler = Kris Stein
    bikingjenn = Jennifer Weiss
    cvcalhoun = Carol ✊
    Nadine = Nadine Beck


    OK I think I figured it out

    CaseKane50 = Casey Kane
    sszibler = Steve S
    bikesnick = glenn ☀️ √glenn
    bigredboiler = Kris Stein
    bikingjenn = Jennifer Weiss
    cvcalhoun = Carol ✊
    Nadine = Nadine Beck
    Indiana = Janet L
    bikedavid = David Jiang
    Sophie CW = Sophie CW
    rumipumi = Rumi Matsuyama
    Catedrew = Catie D
    cbganimal=Chris Watson


    @rumipumi 218641 wrote:

    Specifically can the following folks please tell me your strava name, or alternatively tag me into your bonus ride (follow me on strava if you aren’t already) so I can connect the dots?

    Help me please

    I think these are correct
    CaseKane50 = Casey Kane
    sszibler = Steve S
    bikesnick = glenn ☀️ √glenn
    bigredboiler = Kris Stein
    bikingjenn = Jennifer Weiss
    cvcalhoun = Carol ✊
    Nadine = Nadine Beck


    Caseykane50 and Casey Kane are one and the same.



    Check out the winners here:
    (Tab: Participation Prize Winners)

    If you are a winner, I will send you a direct message in the Bike Arlington forum with directions for how to claim your prize which you have until 11:59pm ET Sunday 3/27 to complete. But the winners are all folks who are very good at following directions, so I’m not worried!

    How will you find this direct message in this damn forum?

    * On the website, go to Private Messages on the menu bar at the top.
    * On tapatalk go to your inbox.

    If by any chance you believe you won and did NOT get a message from me, please post here! thx.

    Rumi & Millie


    Scavenger Hunt was so much fun!!! Thank you Rumi and Millie.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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