Pointless: Kid leaderboard

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Pointless: Kid leaderboard

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    @Indiana 227273 wrote:

    One key part of taking a kid somewhere and dropping them off is remembering to stop the Strava to tag them on their part of the ride and then *restart* it again to capture the rest of your ride. Nothing like riding a bunch of miles and realizing that you forgot to hit start again.

    Note you can also split a ride (Click the ride at strava.com, then the 3 dot menu at the left has “split”). Then you can tag the kid in just the relevant part


    Got it, thanks! I will start tracking this with tags shortly.


    hey there!

    I have two kids and a kidztandem. I put one in the stoker seat and the other in the child seat.  I drop off the stoker at elementary school first and maybe, if we are amenable, I plan take the other to daycare.


    If not, we head home and drive or maybe switch to the tented cargo bike.


    How should I tag these rides? #kidical? #withkid? #tamdemkid?


    thank you for your insight,





    #withkid is for riding with kids who are on their own bikes, so wouldn’t apply in those scenarios.  #kidical works for both of those scenarios since you have the kid on your bike (one way or another)


    For when you have a kid on the stoker seat you can also use the hashtag #tandemchild, which is a special offshoot of the tandem rides leaderboard.  https://freezingsaddles.org/pointless/hashtag/tandem


    Thanks jrenaut! I didn’t know about the “split” option so just manually stopped and started. Less of a big deal now that I don’t have a daily “withkid” commute.

    Just took a peek at the app. I see crop but not split. I just have the free version of Strava. Could split be one of the paid features?


    @Indiana – might be a website vs. mobile app thing.  It looks like for me (caveat: paid subscription) the Android app only has a “crop” option while the website gives options to crop or split (along with various export options, which can come in handy).


    Hi! If I start tagging my Strava kid rides would they have to be public or does it work if I keep them to “followers” only? I’m new to tagging rides.


    @AprilD – that shouldn’t matter.  So long as the Freezing Saddles website can read the ride (which you’d need to allow private rides for you to show up on leaderboard, I believe), it’ll process the hashtags.

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