Please check that you are on the list!

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Please check that you are on the list!

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    If you have either registered for a team or elected to be a Friend of BAFS, you should appear on this list.  If you do not, you forgot to do one of two things:

    Please check the list, and do these things ASAP if you are not on it.  Once we get to team assignments at the happy hour tonight, we’re going to have enough confusion without a whole bunch of people needing to figure out how to get onto that list.


    Hello @cvcalhoun.  I did all of the things in December.  Someone at the happy hour promised me that I’d get on a team.  Let me know if I have to do anything more.  Thanks in advance!

    Jesse K

    Hello – I don’t see myself on the list but I’ve done both of the things.  Let me know what else I need to do.



    @adrian :  I suspect it was @CBGAnimal who promised you’d be on a team.  If so, you will be as soon as things shake down a little bit.  She adds people to teams once it is clear who registered but then failed to actually show up.


    @jessie-k , you will be on the list again as soon as you join your team.  (See @merlin ‘s link, above.)

    Everyone else, now that teams have been assigned, people who have not joined their team’s Strava club have been moved from the People list over to the Friends list.  As soon as you join your team’s Strava club, you will be back on the People list.

    You can find out which team you are on at this link.  If you then click on your team’s name on this page, you will get to the Strava club for your team, which you’ll need to join.


    Is it possible that the names of the teams could be standardized a bit so that the team list doesn’t appear like gibberish? Something like “BAFS2024 Team NN Team Name” where NN has a leading zero where necessary?


    @antibozo, which team list are you talking about?  The one at this link is already organized by name.  The leaderboard is organized by standings, not names.


    @cvcalhoun Any team list, including the leaderboard. Yes, it’s organized by standing, but finding a particular team on the list is difficult because the team numbers appear all over the place instead of in a consistent position. Being on team 24 it’s even worse, since every team has “24” in it from the year.

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