2024 Team List Sticky

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  • #1128879

    Find your Forum name here, then contact your captain (first name in each list) with any questions.

    1: Steve O, jlevine, SamScruggs, peremaya, BlackBikeDC, ademp, Annaheim, Muku.tbd, melancholera, arlcxrider
    2: cvcalhoun, KLSchwartz, 13_Baby, LuisFilipe, QuinceytheQ, Graham, Nomnomnom, bikesnick, dapostol, Switch
    3: Nadine, Fast Friendly Guy, Julie K, nmraabe1, consularrider, attaboy, ImaCynic, swatzman, Henry, OlgaVsElsa
    4: veleau_monica, bikingjenn , asetzer, Laura, GP_Slowride, La Piedra, sktrMarti, MJPoo, asloan7, Jash264
    5: Leafant, willjadkowski, efarry, Lauren Maunus, ahano, jrenaut, bsheehy8, sideshowal, ilanamika, pkuelbs
    6: Thor, pat, cuadranoe, colleenrose, AprilD, SJMinArlington, Amcebbers, danlesh, James Boudo, Overtone
    7: Serdar, T_Pain, obscurerichard, schnurjm, Cabel, CBGanimal, Eunjuish, roro.lu, andyo, Apm
    8: ChristinaSwartz, chill-dad, Blackmasterson , evergreene627, Robbie Rob, dewwey, steve.bouchard, SellanraaCycling, The Mayor, pedrocz
    9: ramborambo5555, Cline B, marcykelley, DCAKen, aproudseagull , tbronder, additionmagic, TheresaTurtle, tomacsh, barkfiets
    10: MJTheis, soupcampbell51, rvandenbrink, AliasXIII, gspatter, LeslyJ, Sirsly, elenaakers, sandy, Hmanin
    11: Boomer2U, tarowell, HokieBeth, Bumnah, Judd, Steph<3bikes, yourfriendra, menofwesternesse, ab6891, Joan
    12: Drbullet, Tomeds , Kwarkentien , whyamiclumsy, Nogoodlana, jennyg , PBS, A-aron, KaMi, mishayaya
    13: Brünø Moore, mtansill, anaf97, JoM, rumpuscat, ceustis, Rollpin, JeffBell, Jesse K, Anotherwizkid
    14: chibiaerin, LucyGirl, vicious_cycle, Mgholley, Vieshnavi, JuniorA40, LhasaCM, clchamplin, jctonett, drevil
    15: Godzilla, wanderinggnome, srfrjulie, Seth, merlin, Epilsk, murphyjmh, jen_stoly, Porrick, mlyttle
    16: Atemoche, CCRider50, Vezzaford, shirag, gswim18, WadeSheppard, varsil, SocPsychExplainer, NancyT, bigredboiler
    17: Dachs6, Diane H, Vblack, izzie, elizabeth14, matteblack, Laurie E., FinSize, pcraley, Quentin
    18: Rod Smith, Marcove3, junko, shaynanita, Slawrence22, indiana, Rebecca C, agroves, etbubs, OliveA
    19: Thomas Crockett, misunderstoodtonyaharding, donald, Jebski1956, TimmyD, Loose Bones, shwong5, Ltierstein, Jason B, 4BlueEyes
    20: Greenbelt, sambrummitt, Kurt, Docthedog, rumipumi, mikeyhailstorm, artpongs, mmolino54, dbehrend, Amyrglover
    21: Red, El swift, Fondzie, benlindorf, Sullyvsn, Sunyata, camiller, tooslowcrowe, NoVaNoobGA, canadiengal
    22: Lefty Laura, ToddHull, karenbikes2, kbikeva, TSDVA, Joe Twinem, Kristen_H, toao_motu, FFX_Hinterlands, sarah bayldon
    23: gifford, SusanG1693, MCMayes, Shawnofthedread , Jb3, jlamb, TEQUILA, klschwartz60, caseykane50, jinomas
    24: AlanA, kevneh, bmillah, kafeman, Steel920, tds.mtb, DCmessenger, Sophie CW, antibozo, wabeck


    Officially, your captain (first in the list) will reach out.


    Team 18 for the win! Thanks for posting this Henry!


    If you’re on a team and haven’t heard from your captain, you can also go to https://freezingsaddles.org/leaderboard/team_text.  If you click on the team name on that page, you will get to the Strava club you need to join.


    Hi, I am listed in team 18 here but in the leaderboard I don’t see my name. Both individual and team leaderboards don’t list me anymore.


    EDIT: I sorted this out. Thanks


    Henry can Team 22 be named “The Wheelie Good Team”? Thx


    @LeftyLaura Did this get resolved?


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