Phoenix Bikes Saturday Rides

Our Community Forums Events Phoenix Bikes Saturday Rides

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    This weekend we biked to the Teen Summer Fair at Washington & Lee.

    Which brings up an important thought. As you ponder what to do with the young’ns this summer besides leaving them to goof off on WasteBook – think about the Phoenix Earn-a-Bike program. 25 hours of volunteer time at the shop and the kids earn a bike. And what do they get out of this experience?

    * Tear bikes all the way down, and build them all the way back up again. Learn solid bike mechanic skills.
    * Small business skills, learning to work with customers, respond to orders, and general on the job training. A good nugget to put on the resume.
    * They get to pick a bike, build it, and earn it!

    And ~ of course ~ they get to go wandering through the trails of northern virginia.

    It is a drop-in program. It can be done any time, started any time, completed in any length. Could be a good program to fill in some empty spots in the schedule.

    There might be a camping trip this summer (but I am not sure and that is tentative). There may also be a Phoenix Century in August.


    In this edition of “As the Phoenix Saturday Ride Turns,” we explored the ancient conundrum: “is it art?” The ride took us to Penrose Square where some zebra blocks were suppose to be echo chambers. Than we journeyed to the Arlington Arts Center where Apple Computer had an art installation on the front lawn. We wandered down east to Ross’s Land, and explored whether it was the Death Star or the Dark Star installation. Our quest for finding true art was proving futile, so finally Henry posed for a glam shot with visiting Philly shop mechanic Taylor:


    Volunteers Welcome!

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