Phoenix Bikes Saturday Rides

Our Community Forums Events Phoenix Bikes Saturday Rides

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    I am going to start helping Phoenix Bikes with saturday youth rides. You can help in two big ways:

    (1) You can volunteer to be a ride marshal. Come along the ride as we explore the hidden treasures of Arlington and other neighborhoods. If you would like to volunteer, the first thing to do is to register with Phoenix as a volunteer.

    Ride ideas. Starting at Phoenix Bikes and with a range of say 2 ta 20 miles, what would be your favorite rides or favorite destinations. For example, we start with the treasure of Arlington: The Arlington Loop. Next of course would be a journey down the WOD. And then there is Holmes Run Loop (currently obstructed as demonstrated by DIRT’s nasty photographs). There are interesting rides like to the corner of Arlington where the original boundary marker is. There are fun rides like riding to the Falls Church saturday farmers market. Any ideas like that which you think kids might like?



    When are you thinking about getting this off the ground? And, I think this is a terrific idea.


    @acc 75656 wrote:

    When are you thinking about getting this off the ground? And, I think this is a terrific idea.

    It’s ongoing, but Henry Dunbar is trying to improve the effort a little bit.

    We did a 2.2 mile ride this past Saturday to Buchanan Apartments. Phoenix is going to start a thursday after school program there. So a bunch of Phoenix kids biked to Buchanan to tell the Buchanan kids what they liked about the program. Well, they liked the pizza they got a Buchanan! They also all said that one of their favorite things is the Saturday bike rides.

    Time to go home. We had biked 1.1 miles west on the WOD. In one direction, going home to Phoenix was 1.1 miles. In the other direction, home was 16 miles. A most excellent day, so…. we went the long way! 17 miles, one flat, and two broken chains later, six Phoenix kids had completed the Arlington loop for their first time!! Pics are on the Phoenix Bikes facebook page.

    We are going to go every Saturday. There is a Phoenix Bikes Google Group for the volunteers, announcing next rides and other volunteer opportunities. And I have a signupgenius page going so people can schedule their volunteer times. Some trips will be shorter, others longer. Some will be to destinations (in May we are biking to a Makers Faire), others will be for the joy of the ride.

    Phoenix needs volunteers. You can register as a volunteer here. And yes, since we are working with kids, we have to fill out background check info.

    It was really fun this weekend. At the end of the ride, all of the kids wanted to make sure I was coming back next Saturday. And I think Henry is building a good team of volunteers who helping out.


    I am thinking this saturday we will ride from Phoenix to Falls Church ~ like Lazy Sundae. That’s about 12 miles round trip all on trail. Volunteers always welcome.


    They predicted a blizzard. Fearful cyclists across the city scampered out in the wee hours of the morning to avoid the white out. But a brave band of Phoenix brothers sojourned out onto the trails, fighting off the perhaps three snow flakes that we saw. Confused by the regular emergence of the sun, we traversed the Potomac Yards bike path down to Buzz coffee on Slaters Lane. 5 Phoenix kids did 11 miles today!

    You coming out next week?


    Hey Bob, saw you and the troop on the way home from work today, sorry I couldn’t join today’s ride. Will try next weekend.


    Today we road to Falls Church because…. what one needs on a good winter ride is ICE CREAM!




    21 mile ride to Yards Park on a beautiful Saturday


    flat #2 at the Titanic Memorial

    Yards Park bridge


    Vincent was the ubber-ride-leader of the mostest!! 😎


    Hey. You. Yeah, you. Come’ear. You, ah, interested in a little riding on Saturdays? You know, with a pack of kids who ~ like ~ built da bikes they is riding themselves. Showing them new and strange lands ~ like trollsivania, and the land of the Ninja ~ and take them to meet yer good friend Crazy Ivan?

    Dis Tuesday Night is Volunteer Orientation at the Shop. 6.30. You know da place. You can learn all about where we go and what our favorite destinations are for pizza, ice cream, or hot chocolate ~ as the season may dictate. This weekend, we ride to the Reston Makers Faire. April 5, we ride the mountains of Wakefield Park. You’ve never spent a better Saturday, I can promise you that.


    That Saturday we went on a Sunday ride…. the NOVA Mini Makers Faire in Reston at a high school. Sunny when we left, snowing when we returned!


    How many different things can you make out of a used bicycle tire?


    Food trucks were excellent.

    Funny thing was I got to be volunteer bike valet. The amount of “temporary parking” we set up was about the same that already exists permanently in front of any Arlington High School. Safe routes to school + bike parking = good.


    Every time we finish a saturday ride, the kids always say “more, more.” This weekend, we gave them “more.” Inspired by DIRT’s century ride “KILL BILL,” we headed to North Arlington. Hills. Lots of them. Crossed Chain Bridge, and did some more Hills. Lots of them. Got lost and asked someone the way to the CCT. She said, “oh, just go up that hill.” The boys audibly winced! Made it over to the CCT and got a good nice long hill down to el rio. Crashed the VASA Ride party, and cycled over to Crystal City. 24 miles in total. And… the volunteer ride leaders… WE WON!!! At the end of this ride, the kids looked like worn out puppies!



    Volunteer Registration.


    4/5/14 Wakefield / Accotink ride

    Bikenetic Bikes loans their bus to Phoenix Bikes, how awesome is that?

    RCannon100 riding a titanium singlespeed mountain bike, how awesome is that? (borrowed from Jeff)







    Vincent totally getting it done in Wakefield Park


    Ride Marshalls with the Mostest Jeff and Vincent


    Phoenix kid totally getting it done over the jump


    Vincent totally NOT getting it done over the jump, taking the weanie way around


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