Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Our Community Forums General Discussion Oh What a Beautiful Morning

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    @Bilsko 23475 wrote:

    The Tapatalk app is pretty good, huh? I just d/l’ed it the other day. Only wish you could “Like” posts directly from it.

    It works great, especially if you have multiple forums you visit. The “like” functionality is probably supplied by a plug-in. It can get pretty difficult to try and support all the features that plug-ins can offer :/ You can, however, “open post in browser” and like it that way, though it is a lot more cumbersome. The only thing I hate is my phone, the Galazy nexus is a piece of crap!

    I was perfectly comfortable with the temperatures this morning, but I don’t start my ride until about 7am. I just had on a jersey (oh, and shorts of course).


    It was a tad chilly but I left late and had a backpack on so I warmed up fast.


    Wunderground dc is showing a high of 102 degrees F both Friday and Saturday and heat indices of 113 degrees. Enjoy today and hope that forecast is wrong! Other reports show 98 or 100 degrees F.


    @Arlingtonrider 23651 wrote:

    Wunderground dc is showing a high of 102 degrees F both Friday and Saturday and heat indices of 113 degrees. Enjoy today and hope that forecast is wrong! Other reports show 98 or 100 degrees F.

    Good, for the first time in the 14 months I’ve been commuting on my own bike, the 6 cages at work were full when I arrived (admittedly a tad late). All these fair-weather cyclists are taking my spot! Bring on the heat!


    @Terpfan 23438 wrote:

    But on the plus side, I will have the wind at my back en route home.

    You just jinxed yourself and me for that matter, expect “the cyclist law of wind shift” to take effect right about 4:00pm. Must admit it seems to have been a windier season then normal so far!

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